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The Mana-Scarred Reaches

The Mana-Scarred Reaches is what the Westwind Plains are now called. After the The Sundering of the Westwind Plains the wild magic storm left a permanent mark on the land. It left a warped beauty that corrupted the valley, it evokes a shimmering, unnatural glow of mutated plants and creatures.    Nothing has been left untouched, everything is either dead, corrupted, mutated, or transformed in other ways. The ghosts of the many dead still wander the land. The mutants also roam the reaches searching for prey for it to tear apart, they are cannibals and will even eat each other. They have a voracious appetite for flesh. These mutants can come in various forms; animals, people, elementals, and even plants.   Many corrupted elementals roam the land, causing destruction wherever they go. There are many elementals large and small of every type. The main elementals are:
  • whispering blizzard (air) a swirling vortex of snow and ice, with a purple hue. The howling wind screams with a thousand voices, whispering that drives all who hear it mad. Those caught in the blizzard must succeed on a Will save or become confused for 1d4 rounds.
  • cinderscar inferno (fire) is a pillar of swirling fire that dances across the wasteland, leaving scorched earth in its wake. Its crackling flames of unnatural energy leap out to lash at unwary travelers with bolts of chaotic energy. Those struck by the inferno take 2d6 fire damage and must succeed on a Reflex save or be dazed for 1 round.
  • earthscar (earth) the ground itself rises in a pulsating wave of warped stone and earth. It causes tremors and full-on earthquakes wherever it goes. These include open cracks, volcanic vents spewing toxic fumes, or churning chaotic energy. Those caught in a tremor must succeed on a Reflex save or be knocked prone and take 1d6 acid damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws for 1d4 rounds.
  • stormwrack (water) this storm is a torrential downpour of warped rainwater, tinged with an oily sheen. The water can warp flesh and metal alike causing mutations and malfunctions. Creatures caught in the rainstorm take 1d6 acid damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws for 1d4 rounds.


The geography of the valley is in constant flux. It is rarely the same from week to week.
Location under

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