Cehbris (Keh-bris)


  Son of Mehena and twin brother of Molotl. Seen as fair yet cold, Cehbris is the god of death and the dead. As god of the dead, he holds that death is something that is inevitable and should not be feared, but instead should be understood and respected as the end of a beautiful cycle. Along with Ordum and his son Jergal, they make up the triad of gods that control the path to the Celestial Staircase. His herald is the Steward of the Skein, a detatched and pale plate-clad psychopomp. She is sent in severe situations to restore the balance of fate, announce an mythically important death or birth, or deliver an important prophecy.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  His portfolio includes death, tombs, graveyards, dusk, and the afterlife. His worshippers were most involved tending to the last wishes of the dying and providing burial services to those who died alone. They also set out to cure diseases and defend people from monsters so that folk did not die before their time. Their final and arguably most important task was the destruction of undeath in all its various forms as it was an affront to Cehbris. Cehbris himself was tasked with judging souls, and either leading them past the Celestial Staircase or sending their souls into the Cradlerealms. Elite priests of Cehbris were known as Doomguides.

Divine Domains

Law, Death (Including Psychopomp), Repose (Including all subdomains)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Bastard Sword   Holy Animal - Raven   Holy Color - Black, White   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Upright skeletal arm holding the golden scales of justice

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Help people die at their appointed time and no sooner. Destroy the undead and chastise those who create them. Honor the dead and the gone.   Anathema - Create undead. Slaughter and kill those before their appointed time. Desecrate a grave.


Shieldmeet is of special spiritual significance to Cehbris's adherents, when clerics recount the Deeds of the Dead that they never be forgotten. Rarely, powerful clerics use these days to cast “true resurrection”, returning to life heroes of the distant past who are needed in the present day.  

Meta Information


Spend an hour in contemplative meditation, reflecting upon the natural cycle of life and death. During this time, you must quietly recite the names of those you have known who have passed on. If you are aware of souls that have been denied the afterlife due to undeath or other unnatural circumstances, you should particularly focus on them. At the end of the meditation, say a prayer to Cehbris, asking for his guidance in ensuring the proper passage of souls and for the strength to oppose the forces that would disrupt the natural order of death. In doing this, you gain a +4 sacred bonus on all saving throws against the spells, abilities, and effects of undead creatures.  

Divine Boon

1: Quietude (Sp) forced quiet 3/day, silence 2/day, or hold person 1/day
2: Strike the Unrestful (Su) As a free action, you can grant the ghost touch weapon special ability to a weapon that you hold. If that weapon is not magical, it is considered magical while under the effect of this ability. This ability affects only weapons held in your hand; if you drop the weapon or give it away, the effect ends on that weapon. You can affect a weapon in this way a number of rounds each day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.
3: Ally from the Tomb (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a pair of vanth psychopomps and gain telepathy with them to a range of 100 feet. The vanths follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to their home. The vanths don’t follow commands that would cause them to aid or permit the existence of undead, and they could attack you if the command is particularly egregious.  

Example Paladin Code

In the somber embrace of Cehbris, the Fair Arbiter of Death, I swear to honor the dusk of life, guiding souls with compassion and ensuring the sanctity of the inevitable end. His principles of respect, reverence, and responsibility will be mirrored in my actions:  
  • As Cehbris holds that death is a natural end to a beautiful journey, I too shall honor this truth. I will not hasten a soul's departure before its time, nor will I deny it the peace of rest when the hour has come.
  • Tombs, graveyards, and resting places are sacred grounds. I pledge to protect these sanctuaries, ensuring the departed remain undisturbed in their eternal slumber.
  • Undeath is a perversion of Cehbris's design. With unwavering determination, I will confront and eradicate the undead, restoring balance and dignity to the departed.
  • I am a beacon in the twilight, guiding souls to their rightful destinations. I assist in the judgment of souls, ensuring fairness and understanding.
  • While death is inevitable, life's sanctity must not be squandered. I shall cure diseases, defend the living, and ensure no life ends prematurely.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is depicted as a pale skinned man with long black hair wearing a set of chain armor, in his left hand he clutches a set of scales representing his role as Judge of the Damned, and in his right hand he often clutches a bastard sword.
Divine Classification
Rank 17 Greater Deity
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“Judge of the Damned'', “ The Great Guide”, or “Lord of the Dead''
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations