Avery Diviante Character in Ararim | World Anvil

Avery Diviante

4th Pit lord of Hell Avery Danteros Diviante, Grand Gentleman of Greed

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A very muscular demon, Avery works out often at Devinox.

Body Features

A small tuft of chest hair protrudes through his shirt.

Facial Features

Nicely trimmed facial hair.

Identifying Characteristics

His skin is flawless.

Apparel & Accessories

Black neatly pressed spider silk shirt.
Pressed and tailored Infierno Parini mohair trousers with bronze lining.
He has a french navy jacket and a black leather travel wallet which holds his access cards to his soul accounts.
Finely woven black leather leisure shoes complete his look.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avery has always been a hard-working and analytical fiend, finding the motivations and drivers of those around him and always spurring them on.
This gives him an infectiously warm atmosphere, which allows him to do his best work. His notable talents allowed him to ascend to Pit Lord of the Forth Layer of hell after Yung Graw announced his shock resignation as a Pit Lord many years ago.
Yung saw in Avery his aspirations as well as his control, allowing him to be the perfect Pit Lord in his absence.
In Avery's personal life, he found love in the form of a mortal named Eleanore, it was an expensive first date, but what price can you truly put on eternity? They are now eternally married and ever in love. While eternity and morality can clash, she is continuously re-incarnated to stay by his side once one mortal form meets its end.
He raised two beautiful children Kenan & Opulencia - some may say he has spoiled them, but he wishes only that they strive to be the best versions of themselves and acquire what is fairly or unfairly possible.


Alumni of Pertubatus majoring in the study of desires and manipulation and a second degree in Hellish Relations and Soulenomics.

Personality Characteristics


To aid souls in achieving their greedy desires, he always strives for people to achieve their absolute best... or become eternally grateful for his assistance.

Likes & Dislikes

Ambition is the quarter stone of progress in Avery's eyes.
Family and spending time with his family.
Business and opportunity.
Laziness and complacency.
Also not a big fan of vegetables.

Vices & Personality flaws

Loves the detail of a deal, especially the fine print - this is where the best loop holes and pit falls can be placed. But can also bury his nose in work for hours.


Family Ties

He loves his family dearly and while incredibly nepotistic, will do what he can to ensure that his children get the best in their lives.

Social Aptitude

He didn't get to become the ruler of the forth layer without knowing how to wine, dine, wheel, and deal with the best of them. He is incredibly charismatic and infectiously likable, he is a people pleaser but always beware the fine print....

Hobbies & Pets


Avery Diviante

spouse (Vital)

Towards Eleanor Divitiae


Eleanor Divitiae

spouse (Vital)

Towards Avery Diviante


Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

An incredibly affluent man and family name within the fourth layer, a layer renowned to house the greatest of gluttonous and greedy souls. This leaves Avery with no shortage of soul coins of damned gamblers and degenerates.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Pit lord of the Fourth Layer of Hell
Lord of Gluttonous Greed
Binder of Burdening Fates
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
783 3245 Years old
Eleanor Divitiae (spouse)
Very very dark orange almost black
Long wavey black hair with twin set horns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale red
136kg - Muscular
Ruled Locations


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