Eleanor Divitiae Character in Ararim | World Anvil

Eleanor Divitiae

Lady Eleanor Divitiae, Lady of the forth layer of hell

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She keeps herself in great shape and has a personal trainer at Devinox

Body Features

She has flawless skin and has a 7 point daily facial ritual to ensure her skin is kept in peak condition even in the heat of Los Voron

Apparel & Accessories

She is always in beautifully tailored Burnberry turtlenecks with a pair of dress trousers by Infierno Parini.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eleanor is currently enjoying her ninth cycle of life, jokingly she suggests if she was a cat this would be the last one however she knows very well that she will be reborn just as she has the last seven times.
Eleanor lived her first life in a village outside of Steppes Gate, her then father was a degenerate gambler and would do all he could to "win back" the family fortune he continually looked to squander.
Eleanor was a quick study and a clever girl, learning the games of luck and chance - she was able to bluff most of the best at the table.
They started their life in a three-storey blue stone terrace in the center of town, gifted to them by her studious merchant trader grandfather, and gradually by her 22nd birthday they had downgraded to a thatched roof timber cottage four streets down from the docks. If the smell of dead fish and bilge water didn't scream get me out of here, the less-than-savory neighbors would do the trick.
One night at the local tavern, a night she'd seen many many times, her father "blessed by Tymora" was on a fool's roll. Clever to know how to prevent further embarrassment, she ordered her father the shrimp surprise. The surprise was it had often sat on the docks a few hours longer than it should and the results were rapid.
As predicted the rumbles began and her father quickly excused himself from the table, as she went to collect what little remained of the gold he bought in. A charming and charismatic "Tiefling" invited her to a game of liars' dice.
"That is a game for fools and men with silver tongues... and you don't strike me as a fool"
The sharp response was met with a gaze of wild intrigue.
As she turned to leave the mysterious figure stood quickly and said politely "What if I was to square away your father's debt?"
Eleanor stopped quickly in her tracks.
"Very well, you square away the debts of my father since the start of his gambling days and I'll agree to your game"
His eyes narrowed but with a quick kick of a smile, he accepted.
"and if I win I simply ask you to accompany me a dinner next week."
Eleanor pushed her glasses back up her nose, "Agreed, win or lose you take me to dinner, and if I win my father's debts are cleared"
In a game of liar's dice that lasted for four hours Eleanor learned much of this Tiefling stranger, they spoke much of her merchant grandfather and his in-depth knowledge of deal-making and clever handle on logistics, trade, and his ambitious nature. Avery as the gentleman was called, spoke fondly of his upbringing - he grew up in a riverside town and worked his way up to a management position. He too only has one parent but spoke fondly of his mother and her desire for him to find someone.
By 2am it was a landslide in Eleanor's favor taking the game with 7 of 6s.
As the gentleman that Avery is and to Eleanor's surprise, he squared the debt, buying their three-storey blue stone back and the accompanying furniture. It wasn't the money that attracted Eleanor as much as it was the way he carried himself. Dinner was at a dwarven mountainside restaurant, more and more of Avery's life came clearer and over the course of a few months and an account transferal of their families wealth from her father's name to hers. The duo decided to take a cruise down the river Styx together and build more of the Davis empire together and with it have two beautiful children whom they adore.
As for Eleanor's father? He remained in the village with a polite but firm fiendish "advisor" that aided with his gambling decisions.


She has undergone education at many schools across her years. But she is proudly an Alumni of Pertubatus


Eleanor runs most of the affairs of House Davis and has a small position in the trading and logistics arm of HSBC

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her two beautiful children.
Successfully shorting Trinity Holdings Company and earning 1,200% ROI
Building Opulencia Divitiae's first doll house from scratch without looking at the manual.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being able to prevent her father from gambling away their families fortune.

Personality Characteristics


To see her kids succeed and her husband happy, she is a true family woman.


Hobbies & Pets

Fur mother of Bruke


Avery Diviante

spouse (Vital)

Towards Eleanor Divitiae


Eleanor Divitiae

spouse (Vital)

Towards Avery Diviante


Legal Status


Eleanor Divitiae


Towards Opulencia Divitiae


Opulencia Divitiae


Towards Eleanor Divitiae


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of the forth layer of hell
Domira of the Slagfields
Matriarch of House Davis
Year of Birth
1492 970 Years old
Avery Diviante (spouse)
Emerald Green
Golden blonde with a short bob
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, soft and heavily moisturised
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