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Lazaros "Warbringer" Inulethai

Lazaros Warbringer Inulathai was a goliath of unmatched might. Originally cast out as a child for being a "runt" by the Inulethai clan of Goliaths, Lazaros did what everyone assumed was impossible: He survived his exile. Lazaros had managed to survive for nearly a month in the wilderness before being picked up by a wandering druidic circle. While Lazaros had little affinity for spellcasting himself, he quickly latched onto the druids' mantra of oneness with nature.   As he grew, it became clear that Lazaros was no runt, merely a late bloomer. He became huge, even by goliath standards. It also quickly became clear that his natural affinity for battle was nearly unmatched. As he matured, his wanderlust increased. One day, he left the druid circle to see the world for himself.   He didn’t like what he saw.    Civilized society shocked and abhorred him. He witnessed how the poor and down-trodden were kept in their place; how the systems set in place were designed to keep them destitute. He saw how greed and corruption stymied growth and that those with power did nothing to help those without it.   This did not sit right with Lazaros, and it was easy enough to find those of a similar mind. He found it almost trivially easy to sway people to his side. In very short order, he had a loyal warband at his command.   And so he waged war against civilization: razing lord's manors, pillaging wealthy hamlets, and killing those that exploited those beneath them. He even returned to his old tribe and killed the goliath chief in single combat; pressing the rest of the clan into his warband.    Lazaros was so successful that even death could not hold him for long. Lauded as a paragon of strength and iron-will, the druids that raised him saw fit to bring him back, reincarnating him through the generations. And so the Warbringer became something of a bogeyman throughout eastern Archaios; fighting for the weak and downtrodden.   However, he never had the strength of numbers to exact real change. He was always limited to waging war against independent cities and kingdoms, never having the ability to go against nations. Until he found a particular totem. Lazaros had always kept an ear out for artifacts of power. One day he stumbled across an abandoned Antecean stronghold built within a mountainous island in the southern Agate Sea off the coast of Horizon. It was teaming with magical defenses and monsters, but these were ultimately no match for Lazaros, whose deathless nature and perseverance allowed him to eventually surpass every obstacle. In the center of the stronghold was a dark idol depicting a serpentine creature, which Lazaros took.   Unbeknownst to him, this idol was the prison Shepherd  had used to contain the Fundamental Avatar, Cataclysm. And so Cataclysm began whispering in Lazaros' ear, slowly twisting and corrupting him. Lazaros found that he could not part with the idol, keeping it on his person at all times. He also began seeing visions of destruction and chaos. He saw society choking on its own corruption. It became clear to him that if civilization continued, it would result in the destruction of all life and magic.   Cataclysm subtly pointed Lazaros towards powerful allies that could assist in his new goal of destroying civilization, namely the Giants. During this time, Rulan Snowthorne was coronated as King of Crucible. Lazaros saw Snowthorne as the embodiment of everything wrong with society and could not let his coronation stand. And so on the day of the ceremony, backed by his new army of giants, Lazaros staged a daring assault on Crucible, catching the cities army almost completely unawares. This event quickly came to be known as The Day of Long Shadows.   Ultimately, Lazaros was stopped by Dorian Havik, at the time a simple mercenary who seemingly killed Lazaros and destroyed his idol pendant. However, unbeknownst to all involved, this is what finally released Cataclysm back into the world.   Cataclysm secretly retrieved Lazaros' body and brought him back to the druids to be reincarnated and left him a gift: a marvelous battle-axe forged from the shards of the idol. Harvester : an axe infused with the beguiling influence of Cataclysm.   Through it, Cataclysm further twisted Lazaros and told him of the Seven Seals in Requiem that held back the Tarrasque. With the beast under his command, Lazaros could finally bring down the high and mighty of the land and restore a natural law to the world. And so he went, seeking out the Seals and compelling more and more powerful allies into his service, culminating in the war band known as The Reckoning in The Province of Requiem.   Thanks to the aid of The Heralds of Aevilok and the manipulations of Cataclysm himself, Lazaros ultimately succeeded in his goal to awaken the Tarrasque and marched on the city of Sigil. His victory was short-lived, however, as he and the Tarrasque were slain before they could breach the city's gates by an intrepid adventuring party that had taken up the mantle of leading the city's defense.    And this time, Lazaros would stay dead, as that same party had confronted his old druidic tribe and convinced them that he had lost his way; that it was time for him to be fully laid to rest.    Despite his ultimate demise, Lazaros plaid his part in Cataclysm's long-form plan beautifully. His stirring up of an existential crisis in the east meant no one would be looking as Cataclysm launched his existential crisis from The Mithral Spire in The Province of Kentro; a crisis that would prove to be far more far-reaching and damaging in what would come to be known as The Extinction War...
799 1218 419 years old
The Oran Mountains of central Kentro
Place of Death


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