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Bethany Khanna

Archangel Titanmaster, and sniper for Theta lance. Daughter to Anthony Khanna, and beloved to Christopher Moore, and one of the few survivors of Operation Rapture.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Both of her parents were Archangels. As a child, she knew about the corps than any other her age. She fell in love with the Archangels, and would often come to the hanger to see the titans. Not long after her eighteenth birthday, her mother, Maria was diagnosed with cancer, late stage. It was too late to stop it. Her father was not present for these times, and she was forced to face this stage of her life alone.   After she said her final farewells to her mother, she would go against her father's wishes, and joined the Archangels Mechanized Infantry Corps. Her reasoning was so she could remain as close to her father as she was to her mother. Eventually, her father would accept the fact, and the two became closer than Bethany had hoped. The fact that she was assigned to her father's lance helped in this.   Recently, she met a fellow Archangel by the name of Christopher Moore. Their similar stories, and numerous missions performed together led the two to form a bond much stronger, and much closer than that of just two fellow soldiers. It took some time, but after seeing how well they work together, and seeing Christopher save Bethany's life multiple times, her father came to accept Bethany's new relationship.   Like the rest of Theta lance, she was involved in the first known offensive op, the first espionage, and was involved in the assessment of Safe Zone 2. Come the final attack on Safe Zone 1, She, her father, and Christopher were all that remained of Theta lance. While she volunteered to stay the front, and attempt to keep the enemy at bay, her father forced her to retreat, and took her place. That was the last time she saw him. However, she had no time to grieve. She was among the one hundred Archangels assigned to Operation Rapture. She, Christopher, and Sierra lance were the only survivors.

Gender Identity

She knows the form God made her in, and refuses to change it.


Like most Archangels, she has spent her entire adult life as such.

Mental Trauma

"How could father just push me to the side like that? It should have been me on the front of Safe Zone 1. It should have been me that fell at the hands of the aliens. I'm not sure if he made peace with his absence with mother, but God, I hope he did."
Current Status
Aiding in rebuilding what was lost during the Mechrion War.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2620 A.D. 27 Years old
Safe Zone 1
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 lbs.
Christian (Protestant)


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