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The fastest, and stealthiest of the Dark Titans. Made by Johnson Mechanized Warfare with the purpose of silence. Like all three of the Dark Titans, its hull consists of Refractium, allowing it to bend the light around it, making appear invisible. Only one exists, and is currently issued to Johnathan Moore.

Power Generation

Like most Dark Titans, two high-capacity batteries, mounded on the back, are required to power the suit.


An array of miniature hydraulics, and servomotors enable strength enhancement whilst maintaining a wide range of motion.

Weapons & Armament

Only one weapon can be mounted on this dark titan at a time, on its right hand. The two options are a light assault weapon, no different from an assault rifle, or a gauntlet that places claws instead of fingers. Each blade a foot long, with a mono-molecular edge.

Armor and defense

Its protective systems are next to none, relying on stealth, speed, and silence to survive. Only half an inch of refractium protects the wearer from the aliens' weapons fire.

Communication Tools & Systems

Like all the Archangels' piloted machines, the JMW-DT1B uses a standard radio to communicate with fellow Archangels.


The helmet contains a camera equipped with night vision, infra-red, sonar, radar, and radio tracking, enabling the wearer to pinpoint the exact location of allies, and enemies.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Like all Dark Titans, the JMW-DT1B's hull is made from solid refractium. When an electrical current is applied to anything made of, containing, or covered by refractium, it bends the light around it, and sending it past it, making it invisible, bends all sound around it, making it impossible to pick up on sonar, and conforms its temperature to that of its surroundings, making it invisible to infra-red vision.
LSU (Light Stealth Unit)
Creation Date
May, 2645
Current location
5,000,000 credits (~7,000,000 U.S. dollars)
Only one exists, and is in the possession of Johnathan Moore.
25 MPH
Complement / Crew
One titanmaster is required to pilot the suit.


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