Hector Park Character in Archemi | World Anvil
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Hector Park

“You were jumping Soma’s shit about HIS ego.” I slashed my hand toward the closed door to the room. “Well, what about yours, Arshak? I didn't travel all this way to hear an officer of your standing whine like a bitch. We go out and we recruit. We fix the morale. We repair the walls. We brew potions, heal or evacuate the wounded, and we go out into the damn swamp and drag Vash back by his asshole. There is no practical choice in war but to win, and winning starts with strong leadership. We WILL fight to win from now on. Do you understand me?” - Hector Park (Kingdom Come, Ch. 15)

Warning: This article contains spoilers.
Hector Park is the protagonist of the The Archemi Online Chronicles.


Born Jeong-Ho Park in Los Angeles in 2030 to first-generation Korean immigrant parents, Hector and his older brother Steven spent four years of their early lives in detention camps due to the aftermath of the Second American Civil War (2025-2028) and the events of the first Total War (2029-2034). After their parents were cleared for release, they moved to San Francisco, where Hector's father resumed his career as a dentist. His mother bought and sold produce on the local black market. The boys' paternal grandparents lived in South Korea, but his maternal grandparents lived in America in Los Angeles. Hector was close to both his grandfather and grandmother. His grandfather - himself an avid gamer - introduced both Hector and Steve to old videogames and consoles. Both of the brothers developed a love of antique games and played through many classic titles from the Super Nintendo through to the early Virtual Reality games of the 2010s.   Hector began showing symptoms of ADHD and severe dyslexia at an early age, but his father - a strict Korean Pentecostal with very strong ideas about learning disabilities, mental health and psychology - refused to acknowledge his younger son's difficulties as being anything other than personal and moral failures. As a result, Hector grew up in the shadow of his brilliant and ambitious brother, falling behind in school with every successive year. Driven to physical activities, Hector became a talented football player and an exceptional martial artist, winning local and state Tae Kwon Do and MMA grappling tournaments throughout his teens. Occupying a strange social space between nerd and jock, he was also a heavy gamer throughout school and regularly befriended - and protected - a number of vulnerable peers from bullies. His parents would not permit the boys to play videogames during the school year, so most of Hector's gaming experience was at friend's houses or at his grandparents'. In an act of rebellion, Hector began illegally riding and racing motorcycles when he was only 16.   Hector failed his last year of school, and the resulting argument with his father drove him to run away from home. His brother offered no support or assistance during this period in his life and passively sided with their parents. He attempted to manipulate Hector with guilt and obligation to get him to return home and go to school, which drove a wedge between the two men that persisted for over a decade.   After leaving San Francisco, Hector drifted south to L.A and found a job as a bouncer at the Full Stop, a seedy biker bar popular with veterans from the Civil War and Total War. He became a popular member of the crew and befriended some of the patrons, who mentored him in his motorcycle riding. He turned out to be a fearless stuntman, quick to pick up the acrobatic skills required to perform tricks on the back of a bike. Live-streamed street performances quickly became the opening to a new and exciting career in stuntriding - until the advent of the Second Total War in 2056. Like many other young men, Hector was forced to give up his career and was conscripted into the UNAC Army to fight the Pacific Alliance.   Due to his lack of schooling or special skills, he was assigned to the 79th Infantry Division. Hector hated army life, but as he progressed through training, was able to perceive some benefits. The Army was where he was finally diagnosed with dyslexia, and he was finally given the correct Augmented Reality devices to assist him with reading and learning. The difference these tools made to his ability to learn stunned Hector, who had grown up assuming that he was stupid and deficient due to his disabilities. For the first time in his life, he found that he felt competent - and when his regiment shipped out to the Crescent Front, he dutifully stepped up to his role and did the best job he could.   Hector served in the 79th for 5 years, surviving four active duty tours in the pressure cooker of the Second Total War. The War - a bloody spectacle as severe as the Second World War nearly a century before - hardened him in ways he never believed possible, broke him in ways he still doesn't understand, and forged an intense, ferocious core of steel that sustained him through numerous injuries and personal losses. While in the army, Hector lived a fairly monastic, focused existence: he abstained from sex and drugs (other than cigarettes and the occasional joint), and became renowned for his sense of humor and calmness under pressure. To stay sane, he joined a support network of other geeky military personnel who would get together to game in their off-duty time. Somehow, he survived battle after battle, theater after theater... until HEX.   Barely two months from the end of his term of service, Hector was shot in the shoulder and required surgery. He was sent back to the UNAC on medical leave, the effective end of his last tour, but caught HEX when it tore through Fort Richard - his regiment's home base in San Francisco. Through the use of PPE, Hector managed to avoid getting sick during the initial waves. One of the last on base to succumb, he was determined to die on his own terms and not let the military imprison him until his death. He formed a plan of escape, which drastically altered when he received an unexpected text message from his estranged brother - a message begging him to return to their childhood home one last time.
Character Profile
Real-Life Information:

Korean (American)


12th December 2030, 8:22 AM




Deceased: Died of HEX July 7th 2057





Archemi Information:




Path Tree

Warrior - Dark Lancer - Dark Dragoon


25 (As of Warsinger)

  • House Dragozin
  • Vlachia
General Information

Karalti, Suri, motorcycles, martial arts, parkour, antique videogames and consoles, anime, tabletop gaming, football.


Bullies, sitting still, being forcibly conscripted into major international conflicts, assassins interrupting Hector Jnr's no-no time.

Hector is an adventurous eater and will try anything at least once, but his favorites include lasagna, pizza, kimchi, fried chicken and bokkeum-bap (spicy fried rice). Within Archemi, he has developed a taste for Vlachian foods: kebab, goulash, and burek.

Sheets & Data
Major Characters List
  • Hector Park
  • Karalti
  • Suri Ba'Hadir
  • Baldr Hyland
  • Lucien Hart
  • Violetta DeVrys
  • Vash Dorha
  • Istvan Arshak
  • Ashur
  • Rutha of Vasteau
  • Ignas Corvinus II
  • Ebisa Ju'chi

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