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2023-07-25 World Beneath the Waves


Player Characters

  • Atalanta
  • Essa
  • Remly
  • Quasar
  • Laucian



  • Wade (sea elf civilian)



  • The PCs convened at Port Flizna, then set sail back to Crescent Island.
  • Upon arriving, they met Wade again, who gave waterbreathing conches to anyone who didn't already have one.
  • Captain Cinderbeard sent a cartography crew to survey Crescent Island, pursuing his own goals while the PCs traveled into the water.
  • The party followed Wade and his sister Cordelia into the sea. Wade seemed careful and paranoid as they traveled. He mentioned that monsters were present in the ocean, and that they must be careful. They entered the Pelagium Forest, a grand forest of seaweed.
  • The party arrived at Pimthone after a full night of travel. There, Wade welcomed them into his large family's home. The building was made of bright stone and was surrounded by a magical bubble that held breathable air inside. Wade introduced the party to the family matriarch, who he affectionately called Gran Gran.
  • As the party slept over, they had nightmares caused by Essa's presence. She awoke screaming the next day.
  • The party awoke and spoke to Gran Gran. The elderly sea elf performed a 10 minute ritual that granted the party waterbreathing and a swim speed equal to their walk speed for 48 hours.
  • Wade showed the party a map of the South Ocean from beneath the surface. He told them about Rainbow Reef where their society was centered, the frightening Forbidden Abyss, the religious triton sentinels of Tritonia, and the allied storm giants in their castle of Whirlstrom. He told of the looming sahuagin threat, and how the shark monsters had become more aggressive recently.
  • Essa read the surface thoughts of the elf family. Wade wanted to be a hero. Gran Gran felt bad about dragging the surface dwellers into their war against the sahuagin. Cordelia was scared.
  • Gran told of the history of the sea elves. 200 years ago, they were spawned in the water. They used potent divine magic from the spirits to survive. Rainbow Reef and the Pelagium had a strong spiritual connection. The sea elves had always been enemies of the sahuagin, and the sea elves had succesfully claimed the forest as their own, driving the sahuagin back to the Selachi Rifts.
  • Quasar studied the stone runes that spawned the bubbles around the village's houses. It might be possible, with the right aquatic components and a repeated divine ritual, to create more bubbles like this.
  • The PCs asked to visit Ommond, the halfling who had joined the sea elves decades ago according to the Crescent Island Journal. Wade led them to Ommond, who was happily married to a sea elf woman named Nilly.
  • Ommond was happy to meet the party, and wanted his story told on the lands above. He had no interest in leaving his life in Pimthone. He mentioned that his party never found the treasure on Crescent Island.
  • The PCs set out to Rainbow Reef, led by Wade.
  • Quasar talked about going to the Forbidden Abyss later.
  • Atalanta played with some dolphins she met in the Pelagium.
  • Sahuagin ambushed the party. The PCs took them down and questioned two priestesses. The sahuagin exclaimed that Slarkethrel willed them to take the Pelagium. They complained that the Selachi Rifts were contaminated by poison, and that they were being forced to find a new home. The sahuagin refused to allow the PCs to visit the rifts.
  • The party rested for the night in a cave.
  • The PCs came upon Rainbow Reef, an aquatic menagerie that lived up to its name.
  • Near the center of the reef, gargantuan seashells appeared with surrounding bubbles: the sea elf capital city. In the center, they saw an enormous pearlescent spiral shell: the Queen's Palace. Beneath it was a barracks, where the PCs turned in the two captive sahuagin.
  • Guards led the party into the entry chambers of the Queen's Palace. They were introduced to Chief Wilvin, a Pelagian Knight and guardian of the queen.
  • The party discussed strategy with Chief Wilvin. The sea elves would likely be outnumbered in a sahuagin attack, so they needed allies. The Chief asked the party to petition the tritons for help, and to contact the storm giants, who they had lost communication with. He promised magic items as rewards for their efforts.
  • The party decided they would travel to Whirlstrom first.
  • Chief Wilvin gave the party a special pearl seal as proof of their alliance and intentions to show to the storm giants. They also recieved rings of swimming and breathing to aid with the journey.
  • Priests in the Rainbow Reef repeated a stronger version of Gran Gran's ritual, granting the swimming benefits for 72 hours.
  • The party traveled out of Rainbow Reef. They rode the powerful currents throughout the South Ocean, which acted like a highway for ocean life.
  • They swam out of the current when they saw the swirling currents of Whirlstrom in the distance. On the way there, they spotted a sunken ship, which Remly rushed toward.
  • A gargantuan shadow appeared nearby, heading toward the party. The group rushed toward the ship for cover, frantically swimming and teleporting to avoid its reach. They caught a glimpse of the colossal tentacled beast: a deadly kraken!
  • The PCs were able to take cover in the sunken ship. The kraken loomed above for a moment, then passed by.
  • They found gold and a magic item within the sunken ship, then continued onward to Whirlstrom. The story would continue in another mission.

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