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The Home Village

Salmund is the home village for this campaign, where all missions begin. Since all player characters live in or nearby the town, its shops and services provide consistent options for characters to purchase and interact with. Characters can dedicate resources to grow the village, expanding these options or providing other adventuring benefits.  

Notable Locations

This is not an exhaustive list of all buildings in Salmund; it is simply a summary of the most relevant ones for players. In addition to the list below, the town contains typical village stops such as farms, homes, a school, a bakery, a tailor, etc.
  • The Explorer's Shack: General store.
    • Allows characters to purchase equipment packs (PHB pg 151), tools & instruments (PHB pg 154), trade goods (PHB pg 157), and general items (PHB pg 150) except for drinks, which are purchased at the apothecary.
  • Grillev's Spiritworks: Spirit Forge run by Grillev Thaunvar and Malivette.
    • Allows characters to purchase and craft armor & shields (PHB pg 145), weapons (PHB pg 149), and barding (PHB pg 157).
    • Allows characters to purchase and craft +1/+2 magic items (weapons, shields, armor, spellcasting foci) at their standard prices.
    • Allows characters to reforge magic items into the same item of a different valid type at the cost of 50gp. Some items can become invalid types, but DM approval is required. Upgrading armor this way also costs the difference in the armor types. A dragonslayer rapier can become a dragonslayer greatsword, for instance. Turning it into a non-sword, like a dragonslayer warhammer, will most likely be approved but still requires DM consult. A +1 weapon can change into a different +1 weapon.
  • Potions of Wealing: Apothecary run by Vist Thermil.
    • Allows characters to purchase acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, holy water, basic poison, and potions of healing (see PHB).
    • Allows characters to purchase certain potions (see DMG pg 187 for details). See the Consumables tab of the Magic Item Values sheet for available potions and their prices.
  • Ye Olde Hoovenshoppe: Stables.
    • Allows characters to purchase certain mounts (PHB pg 157):
      • Donkey / Mule
      • Horse (draft, riding, war)
      • Mastiff
      • Pony
    • Allows characters to purchase mount-related items such as saddles (PHB pg 157).
  • The Enchantry: Magic item shop run by Al-Zabuj Mihadi.
    • Sells various magic items (during gameplay only, not downtime).
    • Sells arcane spell scrolls (artificer, bard, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spell lists) for up to 5th level spells. See the Consumables tab of the Magic Item Values sheet for available potions and their prices. If a spell has a material cost to cast, that cost is added to the scroll's cost.
  • Balasar's Magical Emporium: A shop providing numerous magical services, run by Balasar. See the shop link for full details of the services provided.
    • Provides arcane spellcasting services:
      • Identify: 10gp
      • Comprehend languages: 10gp
      • Detect magic: 10gp
      • Gentle repose: 50gp
      • Knock: 50gp
      • Locate object: 50gp
      • Dispel magic: 90gp (150gp for higher level cast, up to level 7)
      • Remove curse: 90gp
      • Water breathing: 100gp
      • Fabricate: 150gp
      • Teleport: 250gp for up to 10 people, or 500gp for a large object
    • Spellbook users may copy spells from Balasar's spellbook for a cost.
  • Vayla Temple of Life: Spirit shrine and refuge that tends to the sick and injured.
    • Provides divine spellcasting services:
      • Cure wounds: 10g
      • Lesser restoration: 40g
      • Greater restoration: 450g
      • Raise dead: 1250g
    • Sells divine spell scrolls (cleric, druid, paladin, and ranger spell lists) for up to 5th level spells. See the Consumables tab of the Magic Item Values sheet for available potions and their prices. If a spell has a material cost to cast, that cost is added to the scroll's cost.
  • Temple of Hahalua's Twilight: A temple shrouded in twilight that provides numerous divine services, run by Callisto and Atalanta. See the shop link for full details of the services provided.
    • Provides divine spellcasting services:
      • General healing - free, but it is suggested you give a tithe to support the church
      • Ceremony - 50gp
      • Augury - 50gp
      • Lesser Restoration - 50gp
      • Clairvoyance - 100gp
      • Feign Death - 75gp
      • Glyph of Warding - 400gp (+50gp/upcast level)
      • Sending - 75gp
      • Speak With Dead - 75gp
      • Divination - 150gp
      • Commune - 200gp
      • Greater Restoration - 400gp
      • Legend Lore - 700gp
      • Raise Dead - 1000gp
      • Scrying - 1000gp (subject to morality of its use)
      • Hallow - 1500gp
  • Celestial Study: A study for magical research managed by Quasar.
    • Characters can visit Quasar before an adventure for info & advice on people and politics relevant to their upcoming mission.
    • Provides arcane spellcasting services:
      • Identify: 10g
      • Comprehend languages: 10g (free for ancient items donated to the museum)
      • Dispel magic: 90g
      • Remove curse: 90g
    • Spellbook users may copy spells from Quasar's spellbook at no additional cost (see Quasar).
  • Museum of Ancient History: A place to collect and display documents and artifacts from ancient civilizations, curated by Jaida.
    • Characters can visit Jaida before an adventure for info & advice about ancient ruins relevant to their upcoming mission.
    • Jaida is happy to purchase ancient artifacts recovered from ruins.
  • Melevar's Carpentry: A carpentry workshop managed by wainwright Melevar Idurel.
  • Reader's Haven: Library and bookstore.
    • Characters can look up information about locations, creatures, or characters they might encounter on their current mission.
  • The sheriff's office: Office, jail, and town guard barracks, managed by Sheriff Navlar Karock.
    • Characters can check the bulletin for recent news, job postings, and bounties. Mission suggestions are frequently added to Current Events from here.
    • Contains three jail cells for lawbreakers and troublemakers.
  • Dawnrise Orphanage: An orphanage on the edge of town, managed by Terena Goldenstrand.
  • The Crossroads: A lively inn & tavern managed by Gregor Finch.
    • This fittingly-named inn is a popular meeting point for wanderers traveling throughout southern Archestria. Characters can stop by to chat with random NPCs, which can provide all kinds of rumors, stories, and news (of varying accuracy).
    • Characters can reserve a room at the inn for a night for 5 sp.
    • Members of the Murids can often find Nora here. Nora offers information, jobs, and a special thieves' shop (available during missions).
  • The Ark: A creature sanctuary managed by Val and Soonie.
    • Characters can rent or adopt the creatures here during missions. Many of them can function as special mounts.
  • Safety for Hire: A contracting office where characters can pay an NPC hireling to accompany them on a mission. Run by Neskas Stoutblock.
    • Available hirelings:
      • Tordek, level 2 human barbarian (tank): 50g / week
      • Oasis, level 2 water genasi druid (healer): 50g / week
      • Cherzedek, level 5 drow ranger (striker): 200g / week
      • Melpomene, level 6 sea elf druid (healer): 250g / week
  • Granny's fortune telling
    • Granny Myrna lives in the nearby forest. Characters can visit her for guidance, spellcasting services, and temporary boons.
    • Provides a fortune telling service to help characters chase their personal objectives; see Downtime Between Adventures.
    • Provides arcane spellcasting services:
      • Augury: cheap
      • Divination: somewhat expensive
      • Scrying: expensive
  • Port Flizna Shipyard

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