Carnival Carnage in Kalaura

A Level 5 Adventure


I hate seeing this request but it's probably going to save quite a lot of lives. I am given word that there is a problem afoot with the Carnival of Kalaura. Specifically, there is rumor of sabotage on the Aerial Minstrels. The details suggest that it's going to happen while the show is going on. Who is requesting this? Someone I am still uncertain about.

I don't care what happens to that event. Stop the show from happening, get the locals away, whatever it takes. It is suggested that Maledict could be behind it and I would be asking a lot from you to undertake this.

— Remus Starner

The following adventure is designed for 5 level 5 characters.


Rosanna knows that some of the old Savvy Stray members are still wanted by Vicarion. In an effort to ensure their safety, her eyes are set on Emoru at the Carnival of Kalaura. She has tracked four fiends that seek to sabotage the circus in Kalaura and hope to eliminate Emoru and possibly more in the collateral.

Adventure Overview

Carnival of Kalaura

The trail takes our party to the crater within the Province of Kalaura. Even at the height of it can one see the entire carnival below before heading down the trail. A massive tent is surrounded by far smaller stands and shops. The local avians smile brightly as they go around with Haven cloud and grain snacks.

The entertainment ranges from avian acrobatics within the air, a singer atop a makeshift wooden stage, and more. Though, the main event everyone has come for are the Aerial Minstrels, the circus performers to be sabotaged. The question is, where could those saboteurs be hiding?

The party arrives at the Carnival of Kalaura. They can spend some time doing carnival games. Should they do two carnival games, the plot advances.

Suspicious Figures

Within the event are unlikely attendees, making them the suspects for sabotaging the performance event. Only those affiliated with Vicarion are truly guilty.

Gerzog. This orc provides the wolf for Emoru's animal act, in truth it is a vicious lycanthrope that changes based on his command.

Reaving. This infamous wight is attending to observe the carnage Vicarion's underlings plan to cause. He is assessing whether it is worthwhile to join him in his pursuit to being champion or to do so on his own.

Rotitch. This roden pack leader is supplying the Hellfire Rum to the flame spitter after a "mysterious" shortage to the regular supply occurred.

Setesk. This vician mystic is ensuring the roden and dark underlings (dhampirs, wights, etc,) are supplying the sabotaged materials and that things go as planned.

Aerial Minstrel Tent

The Aerial Minstrels are a band of entertainers, who had their start as tricky aerial performers. Now they have various other shows.

The Aerial Minstrel tent is comprised of the large stage tent to seat 300 people and the backstage tents where performers make quick preparations for transitioning onto the stage between performers. Clustered by it are the performers and their wagons.

Carnival Games

Bottle Tower The goal is to throw a hardy leather ball and knock down stacks of bottles. The character makes three DC 15 Strength checks. If it's mostly successful, they win a Kavalni plushie or a basket of candies.

Ring Toss. The goal is to throw three rings through metal rods on the ground. The character makes a DC 15 Dexterity check. On a partial success, they can win some caramel grains. On a full success, they can win a Kavalni plushie.

Strength Bell. The goal is to strike a platform as hard as possible, sending a metallic sphere to strike the bell atop. The character has three attempts, making DC 20 Strength checks to do so. On a partial success, they can win some Haven clouds (cotton candy). On a full success, they win a Kavalni plushie or a basket of candies.

Circus Preparations

Read once the plot advances

Atop a high platform, an avian with falcon features dressed in decorative makeup steps out, "Ladies and gentlemen! I am pleased to announce that the Aerial Minstrels show will be ready within one hour! So please, enjoy yourselves to more games, food, and fun!"

He then steps back inside to the major tent.

Fiendish Sabotage

The fiends know about the entertainers and they have a plan to sabotage their acts as to catch Emoru in the collateral. As for the host, they charm the host so that, "The show must go on," to ensure that the show never cancels. The chaos occurs specifically when Emoru is on stage or could be caught in the collateral. The fiends cannot afford to reveal themselves unless the mortals take notice, calling on cael guards to attack.

Morkral's Incendiary Explosion. Morkral likes to show off with his homemade fire-spewing brew. He especially likes trying various creative acts to it. One such trick is to see how far he can spew. Kastor measures out how far the distance is while Emoru provides him the bottles. They are sabotaged with more flammable ingredients and the hope is that Morkral will sneeze as Emoru provides a bottle, causing mass carnage. Pepper is the dead giveaway when clustered around his bottles.

Selena, the Werewolf Magnet. While in a wolf form, the beast is to be called on during her act. Emoru's job is to ensure that the animals are brought in by their cages. As the act nears its end and the animals are sent to their cages, the wolf attacks Emoru as if Selena had lost control. The wolf is the only predator among the other deer, sheep, and birds as a giveaway.

Eekrai’s Burning Assistant. Should other methods flop, the demons have one last sabotage attempt during Eekrai’s performance. Emoru is chosen as the assistant as Eekrai shows off his impressive accuracy. Wearing protective metallic armor, the demons see a chance to cast Heat Metal.


It comes to an end once all of the fiend’s attempts to kill Emoru are thwarted. They are keen to run off back to their lair.

Assuming Emoru survives, she has no interest in going back to Esterson Hall unless the new party is insistent. She is keen to keep her distance from the Savvy Strays after their fallout. She is at least thankful that the party saved her, though she is unsure how the party found out about her.

Performers and their Acts

  • Cuehari, Aerial acrobat
  • Eekrai, Crossbow Expert
  • Morkral, Beer Pyromancer
  • Selena, Animal Tamer
  • Yeethu, Aerial acrobat
Stage Assistants
  • Emoru, Aarakocra (Former Savvy Stray)
  • Kastor, Tiefling (often put in danger)
Plot type
Related Session Reports


Emoru’s Memories

Should the party inquire about Emoru’s time with the Savvy Strays, read:

Her eyes alight at the thought, then starts thinking a moment before piping up with restrained glee.

Those were the golden days I will miss the most. We were such a tight family after all. Coming back from a long adventurous day to Remus and Welma, was perhaps one of the best parts. To see their faces when we told them a job well done! Not to forget the rest of the Strays, I loved them all as well. All four of the others, actually! Bremigan, Sen, Rosanna, and… Evantil…”

It’s at the mention of that last name does her expression begin to sink. She folds her arms, keeping them close to her.

Read should the party wonder why the Savvy Strays split apart:

Evantil’s death. That’s what stirred all of this. He was taken from us by Vicarion, our greatest foe we have come across. It was in the Mountains of Kalgarim that we tracked him down. A fight broke out in those misty mountains. We all saw him get struck by a bolt of hellfire before he fell off the cliff side. I tried jumping to save Evantil but the wind and fog made it difficult to find him. That’s the only hope I have that he could be alive and if he’s still out there.

The rest of the Strays believe he died; insistent that he didn’t know any spells to save himself. No one could survive a fall like that. Remains or not, we have never seen him since.

That’s when the arguing began. Without Evantil, we had no mediator so we barely functioned as a guild. Fingers pointed all around on what could have been done to save him. Bremigan could have blocked it with his shield, Rosanna could have pulled him aside, Sen could have taken Vicarion’s attention instead, and I should have been at his side like I always would be. I tried getting them optimistic that Evantil could still be alive but Sen got furious and screamed, “Shut up, fledgling!”

The room fell silent. Sen had only just realized what he said. I swallowed everything in me to just say, “I’m going back to Kalaura.” I started packing my things and the rest followed suit. One by one, we all left Esterson Hall to be abandoned. I went back to the circus, hoping Evantil would find me there again as he did before.


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