Missing Parents in the Western Wastes

Decided to brave the Western Wastes, have you? I can only deter you so much from going to that wretched place. An effort to find the parents of Antharine and Anthell is respectable but I fear what has become of them as indentured servants to one of the few inferiin households. Not to mention that this insight was bestowed by a vician, nonetheless.

My best guess is that House Palran are the ones who have our Candescents’ parents. They are the newest and weakest of the households. Schemes and dirty tricks are what they use to accumulate enough power in order to “better match in strength” as inferiin put it. I hope you are ready for a whole new repugnant world because you will see why I left it.

— Elema Sarter


Anthell and Antharine’s parents, the Erelor and Theeda Melori, were refugees from a flooding disaster down south near Kalgarim. Hoping to set a new life for themselves, they sought what aid their community could but didn’t find the time for them. Desperate to keep alive and sheltered, they reluctantly made a deal with House Palran to have some form of shelter. However, by not meeting a deadline for payment, they were doomed to be indentured servants. They were quick to drop off their two kids at the Luminous Monastery so they would be spared for a better fate.

Gavaln heads for the Luminous Monastery to confer news to Sullus about his findings involving one of the Candescent’s apprentices about their parents. He brings this news hoping to thwart what influence his master could have over the situation. Curious about the matter, Sullus sends word for Anthell and Antharine about whether this vician could be trusted, as well as the party to confer his sincerity.

Appointment with Sullus

Luminous Monastery

Entering the Monastery, you enter into a massive courtyard where you see many robed individuals roaming around the grounds, training or tending to the lush gardens within. One of the disciples steps over to you, “May I be of assistance to you?”

Should the party go and see Sullus, read:

Into the monastery, you enter into a vast chamber. Here, you head up a few stairs and see a vast shimmering cael floating above a grand orb of light that it oversees. He then turns his head to you all as he slowly descends down to the ground. At the flanks of the stairs, six other humanoids step forward and stand at balconies overseeing the chamber.

“Welcome,” Sullus greets, “I have been anticipating to have this meeting for quite some time. I am Sullus and these other six to my side are my grandmasters. We all welcome you to the Luminous Monastery.”

Sullus asks the party if they know about Anthell and Antharine’s parents and how they came across knowing what their fate was. He is concerned knowing that a vician predicted their fate. He then asks if Gavaln could be trusted, which, Sullus warns that Gavaln is like any other vician: they often serve selfish deeds. In Gavaln’s case, it’s to thwart his master’s agenda at the moment and cautions that, once Setesk is truly defeated, that Gavaln will seek a new pursuit.

Sullus wishes to know if the Candescent should be involved with gaining the Melori parents considering that the inferiin are involved. They have caused the Candescent trouble, after all.

Dakarran City

Within the City Streets

Along a riverside, you finally find a town in the distance. You see from outside alone a set of four small fortresses in the town that are high up in the region. Different unfamiliar banners drape down beneath the windows and battlements of each of the four structures.

Two armored guards stand outside the city gates watching as people come in and out.

The guards allow the party through.

Meeting with Akert Palran

Akert Palran meets with the party about indentured servants within the household. He dodges that the household has many indentured servants and that to say two aetheriin are under his care is to barely help whittle down who the servants are.

Akert is also is attended by Reaving, both hoping to aspire to power. Reaving offers House Palran a Bloated Tree, a source for great Fell power from those who endure great sorrow, perfect for undeath and invoking dark magic. Such an unorthodox strategy would allow Palran a new upper hand to better compete with the other houses.


Akert will try dodging questions about the Meloris and move things on. The party can press further on and eventually reveal that Akert pushed the Meloris into signing the housing agreement. The party can pressure Akert into releasing the Maloris, though he insists they still have yet to work out their remaining 400 sums remaining in their service.



Western Wastes

Due to the subtle influence of Inferna that vicians have spread, the Western Wastes feels like an arid desert but foliage still grows as if reluctant to bloom.

Dakarra City

Here, inferiin households loyal to Verita are the dominant faction here. Because of their loyalty to the Betrayed, betrayal is one of their most hated vices. An act of betrayal to make a standard out of it, is to commit to an act that would knowingly cause harm or detriment to the wellbeing of another who you are aligned with.

As a result, inferiin households “compete” with each other through matches of court intrigues. Harm is a taboo method while murder is an act of betrayal.

Celestial Name Elven Name
Antharine Avelise
Anthell Aelen
Household Power Rank
Anhastelle 1
Palran 4
Sarter 3
Felress 2
Completion Date
Plot type
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