The Phantom in Kalgarim

We all have monsters that follow us. Some real, some personal. Johan’s, however, is one where a tragedy had turned a person into a monster. I have coordinated with our secret informant and they have informed me that the Phantom is blessed by Alkaran in this personal quest for revenge.

Johan cannot do this alone. Never trust a Maledian to fight fair and I can only expect that this Phantom will fight viciously to get what he wants. Get to the southern parts in the Town of Halmenfield. I dread thinking this will only end where it all started.

— Welma Reedacre


Denzel’s Vengeance

Denzel Burklen, now the Phantom of Kalgarim, heads to Halmenfield to await Johan’s arrival at the ruins of the apothecary. Though, getting impatient and restless, he reflects on his pain and realizes the following:

Before life, Denzel was an optimistic and cheery recruit of the Civil Guard. He was always eager to help those in need with a few of his fellow guardsmen. An old dwarven couple he assisted with, the Braksteds, were one of his favorites to work with. He even fell in love with a halfling girl named Emmaline who he’d visit between missions if he could.

Though, when he was assigned with a few other Civil Guards to arrest Johan, he thought little of it and figured it would be a simple go in and out arrest of the individual. He thought wrong. When the trap went off, and the chemicals flew in the air, Denzel was the only survivor as he vividly recalls hearing their screams and agony as they died.

Desperate, he crawled to the Braksteds for help and they screamed in terror. Emmaline ran in fright. The caels were nowhere to be seen to give help. The only person who reached him back was Alkaran. This fallen cael understood his rejection and grievances. With his blessing, Denzel sought revenge and grew far more bitter the longer he stayed around. He wanted his old life back and intends to instill that same pain onto those he believes has wronged him.

Factors at Play

Arnsley’s Assistance

After the brief chat they had, Arnsley is on his way to help provide assistance, knowing that Denzel is a threat.

Johan’s Family

Matilde has sought out the Reverie for solace from all this chaos. Because her devotion has grown over the years, a lesser cael, Gallan, has vowed to keep them safe knowing that the mysterious Phantom could possibly hurt them. He is skeptical of Johan for his lack of upholding Revered standards.

Rosanna has kept watch over the family to ensure that they have stayed safe as well ever since she looked into the Phantom. She has researched and found that it was Denzel Burklen who survived since no other victim had a burial.

Phantom’s Plans

The Phantom has put the Civil Guard on alert for Johan’s presence, stirring their unease. The captain of the town’s guard keeps the town secure and ignores him, believing it to be fear-mongering. Orwin Tiebrooke, though, catches the Phantom’s interest. He sees a reflection and hopes to use him as a means of showing Johan what he had taken away from him.

Adventure at Hand

Party Movements

Johan Seeking his Family

Rosanna, seeking out Johan, lets him know that his family is safe and is under the care of a Cael named Gallan. She informs him that the guard is Denzel Burklen. He is the only guard to have a ceremony but no burial. The town believes he is dead with an uncertain fate.

She joins him to see his family.

Esterson Reinforcement

When the party reaches the town of Halmenfield, the lowlifes from Glimmer Coast find the party within the town. They guide the party toward the southern part of town to find the apothecary ruins.

Reaching the Apothecary

It's exactly as the building stood for some time now last it was left. Wretched, broken, and struggling to stay standing. All is quiet in these parts. You can't help the feeling of being watched as you approach the broken down apothecary further.

A raven's cawing draws your attention for a moment, watching it flutter on by. When you look back, you see a figure in the far distance. Not one shrouded in a mantle and mask but rather a uniform and spear in hand as the halfling steps forward.

Orwin Tiebrooke approaches forward, keen to help and "assist" Johan in being lost. He was instructed by the Phantom to show him around town and especially his favorite parts of town.

Stat Blocks

Florenic Worlds

Denzel Burklen

Small Humanoid (Halfling, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 17 (Mage Armor)
Hit Points 154 ( 28d6+56 )
Speed: 40 ft


( +1 )


( +4 )


( +2 )


( +2 )


( +3 )


( +4 )

Saving Throws DEX +7 , WIS +6 , CHA +7
Skills Acrobatics +7 , Deception +7 , Insight +6 , Intimidation +7 , Perception +6 , Persuasion +7
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Infernal, Stout, Undercommon
Challenge Rating 9 (5,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Cunning Action. The Phantom can take a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the imp's darkvision.

Infernal Blessing. The Phantom’s weapon attacks deal an additional 2 ( 1d4 ) fire damage. On a successful weapon or spell attack that deals fire damage, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or receive an Infernal wound. The Phantom can inflict only one Infernal wound per turn.

Indomitable (3/Day). The Phantom can reroll a saving throw he fails. He must use the new roll.

Spellcasting. The Phantom casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks):

At will: detect magic, disguise self, mage armor, mage hand, silent image

3/day each: dispel magic, invisibility, mislead, misty step

1/day each: teleport


Multiattack. The Phantom can make two Flame Bolt or two attacks with his rapiers.

Flame Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ( 1d10+4 ) fire damage.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ( 1d8+4 ) piercing damage plus 2 ( 1d4 ) fire damage.

Biting Words. The Phantom utters harsh phrases, targeting one creature it can see within 60 feet of him. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 18 ( 4d8 ) psychic damage and have disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of the creature’s next turn. On a success, the creature instead takes half damage and no other effects.


Misty Escape (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). In response to taking damage, the Phantom turns invisible and teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space he can see. The Phantom remains invisible until the start of his next turn or until he attacks, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell.

Riposte. When a creature that the Phantom can see misses him with a melee attack, he can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

Legendary Actions

The Phantom can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Phantom regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack. The Phantom makes a Flame Bolt or Rapier attack.

Detect. The Phantom makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.

Whirlwind Strike (Costs 3 Actions). The Phantom strikes with supernatural speed against targets of his choice. Creatures within 15 feet of the Phantom must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 ( 1d8+6 ) piercing damage. The Phantom then lands on a space within that 30 feet.

Enforcement Ranks
Rank Hierarchy
Recruit 1, Local
Sergeant 2, Local
Captain 3, Town
Judge 3, Town
Magistrate 4, Provincial
Plot type
Related Session Reports
Magistrate News

Kramer Settendorf, the former magistrate of the province, was dismissed by cael intervention after it came to light of how he planned on reforming parts of the Civil Guard into soldiers that would target and remove unscrupulous people, namely Darkway Thieves. He planned on using the higher taxes in order to ensure they had further funding to better their training and equipment.

He lives in exile to get far away from the stouts who hate him most.


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