Covenant in Direson

The Inquisition has done a follow up about the Phantom’s mask that was given to them. They suspect that there’s a cult for Alkaran in Direson, a western town in Dulnmoor. What makes this all the more uneasy for both Esterson and the Inquisition is that a Maledian of Sidresk gave these details.

Arnsley Dorian is keen to be of assistance to root out any Maledict influence. Know this: Dealing with Alkaran’s following is probably the most heart-wrenching compared to the other Overlords. Because the light of the Reverie doesn’t help everyone and those in the dark often wind up in a Vician’s grasp.

— Remus Starner


Brewing Rivalry

Rivalries within the Cult of Maledict is not uncommon. Within the town of Direson, a cult there to Alkaran has formed under Overseer Tarister. This inexperienced leader sought to provide a home, blessing them with strength. Through here, a tyrant came by and blessed Denzel at the sight. The presence of this vician has attracted the attention of a Sidresk Overseer in the region, Reaving.

Keen to have these Alkaran nuisances removed, Reaving sent a shadow to direct the Inquisition to the cult and even suggest that it could be quite dangerous. All in an effort to ensure that Sidresk’s influence over the region stays intact.

To Direson

Nicodeme’s Joining

Arnsley wishes to bring along Nicodeme as an insider. Bringing him along allows it to be easier on discerning more intel involved with the operation.

Woe’s Warning

Varsil appears as the party makes camp for the night prior to reaching Direson. The party will hear Varsil’s guitar in the distance as he looks on to the town.

There is a fight in the town. No one shall win. For I saw a leader who cannot lead, commoners who are not so common, and peacekeepers that have kept the peace for themselves. Will they see the light of day or shall they be part of that blight?

The days glow gloomy, their eyes become slumberless, the shadows they live around grow numberless. Little white flowers are pale in comparison to the bloated tree which has claimed yet another son…

The people down low look to those up on high, just as the darkness begins to intensify. Soon there’ll be fires and people who are scared down there, let them not fight before it becomes too much to bear.

— Varsil

Town of Direson

Direson Town Leaders

Title Name Race
Governor Dower Human
Magistrate Barner Human
Guard Captain Bronheim Dwarf

Reaving’s followers have setup a downward spiral for Alkaran’s following to be broken down swiftly. A Reaving member awaits them and to direct them to baited out Alkaran cultists.

Dhampir Greeter

Read as the party goes through the town.

Once inside the town, a man rushes over to you and points far down the street to a chapel where a cluster of four punk-looking lowlifes are cackling with concerning orange bottles in hand, “Hurry! No time to explain! Those Alkaran thugs will burn down the chapel!”

You can’t really make out what the lowlifes are saying from here but it sounds bitter.

Characters can succeed on a DC 15 Perception check to see that this lowlife has two small fangs. Nicodeme, however, will request that the dhampir be held down and questioned immediately. He knows he is a member of Sidresk’s following and ought to be cut down for preying on people in the night. If intimidated, the dhampir is keen to insist that the party focuses on saving the chapel than worry about him. He tries to deceive with a DC 18 Insight check that he was a just a poor cursed soul like many others.

Lowlife Pursuit

Should the lowlifes see the party approaching, they are quick to throw an alchemist’s fire at the chapel and run off. The stray lowlifes are quick to run for their hideout. They hope to use their numbers in order to be a deterrent.

Name Race Personality
Lina Human Female Fighter
Ollinder Human Male Fighter
Gremshen Roden, Male Cowardly
Joffer Tiefling Male Cowardly

Caught Lowlifes

If any of the lowlifes are caught, they are quick to grovel and cower or get angry and fight back. They refuse to give up the location of their hideout unless tortured. They can be coaxed into giving the hideout away if the party sympathizes with them in a clever way.

Dent’s Hideout

The lowlifes are under the leadership of Overseer Dent. As lowlifes of the town, they hate the vicar, the governor, and Civil Guard captain. As impoverished trash, they often harass the guards, the governor’s children, and the vicar’s clergy.

Dent isn’t loyal to the teachings and ways of Maledict and joins namely to spite the system as is with the rest of the lowlifes.

For many of the lowlifes, their trouble is feeling stuck in the town. No one wants to listen or help them as the “filth” of Direson. Most of their stuck feelings stem from Reaving’s influence from afar as the Governor is rarely seen after a shade was sent to haunt him, which is why he doesn’t show himself. He has difficulty sleeping because of the shade, making him easily agitated and anxious.

Should the party attack and stomp out the Alkaran followers through violence, Reaving taunts them that only vicians crush their opponents through violence.

Reaving’s Lair

You do not find his lair, it finds you.

— Nicodeme

Reaving’s lair is sequestered far from Direson. Nicodeme suspects that it can only be approached when an Overseer of the Bleakwood wills it.

Plot type
Related Locations


Author's Notes

The plot at hand is that Reaving is hoping to remove the Alkaran coven so that he can have a monopoly over Direson. To make even more gains is to have the coven’s hopes destroyed and their members integrated into Bleakwood. Not only that but to potentially sour the purpose of the Reverie’s helpers.

The scheme is to direct Alkaran members into the open and thwarted by the coming Inquisition members before they have time to realize what is afoot. Their destruction all in a flash before Overseer Dent’s eyes.

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