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Destroying the Cult


After arriving in Aedelstown, the party begin seeking passage across the Central Sea to reach Urogalan. They find only one captain willing to transport them across those pirate-infested waters, Captain Reddeck the Reckless. However, the group cannot afford his rates and seek out the help of The Lord's Alliance through their connection with Sildar Hallwinter. Sildar introduces the group to his sister, Blademother Lin, and she agrees to help fund the party's journey as long as they can deal with a cultist group that has taken residence in the docks. Realising that the cultists in question are likely members of the Church of Myrkul, the party agrees and sets out to investigate. In the city's docks, the party encounter High Priest Damus and his overseer and quickly defeat them. Among his posessions was a sanctified human ribcage necessary in the cult's upcoming ritual. The party destroy the ribcage and return to Lin to recieve payment.   Now well off, the party secure passage across the central sea with Reddeck's crew. They are also joined by a mysterious half-orc named Galahan that claims to have family business across the sea. Only a few days out from Aedelstown, the crew encounter pirates working for Kesephys, an old enemy of Moleculas. Upon seeing Mo on the ship, the pirates immediately open fire with intent to sink Reddeck's ship. Reddeck and most of his crew are quickly killed. Eventually, the party overcomes the pirate attack, taking 2 prisoners and claiming the new ship for themselves. During the fight, Galahan proved his combat proficiency, raising even more questions about his origin and motive aboard the ship.   After arriving in Urogalan, the crew sets free one of their prisoners and begin searching for information on Mo's old crewmates, Greplo and Cragnier. They find no information but, hearing their plight, a nomad named Tanta approaches Mo. She tells him that he may find more information in Ithmus, a town to the west. Apparently the town has had dealings with the pirates. Before heading to Ithmus, the party partakes in an auction for an ancient and magical shield called the Sunlight Targe. The shield is bought by an eccentric old Dwarf called Lord Ibik Gildstone who owns a large estate and several vineyards outside the city. He promises to lend the party his new shield if they can eliminate the highwaymen on the road west and allow his caravans to do business safely again. It doesn't take the party long to encounter the bandits and they make short work of them, though Levaria senses a disturbing evil aura coming from Tanta after the fight and believes she is responsible for the death of a bandit they were ready to interrogate. Keeping a close eye on the Tabaxi traveller, they continue towards Ithmus.  

The Menagerie

On the south side of the town, a new settlement has cropped up within the ruins of old Ithmus. This so-called 'Managerie' is a druidic paradise wherein people become bonded with animals and the natural land around them. Leading this detatchment is Ardo Lome, a halfling astride a friendly bear. He runs the Menagerie as a spiritual leader and psuedo-mayor with his influence stretching as far as the other nearby towns. Ardo asks the party to help him secure a Griffon that has taken nest nearby, worried for its safety. He wants the creature alive, along with its cubs. The party agrees and returns with the retrained Griffon within the same day. Pleased, Ardo provides what information he can about Greplo and Cragnier, claiming that they did travel through the Managerie some weeks ago, but seem to have encountered the Kesephys pirates. Dismayed by the news, Mo begins to lose hope about being reuinited with his old crew. Cheremie, Kry, and Levaria begin snooping inside of the shrine in the center of town to try and find more information about the town's enigmatic leader. In Ardo's private quarters, they find correspondence with Bagrum, the leader of the Church of Myrkul, confirming that Ardo is a High Priest of the order. Kry manages to snag an enchanted knife and the party make it out of the shrine just in time to avoid detection.   That night, the party is spying on a gathering at the center of town as Ardo brings in the sedated Griffon and begins monologuing about the importance of sacrifice. Disturbed that Ardo seems to be about to kill the Griffon, Cheremie and the others spring into action and set the creature free. A major fight ensues and the party manages to come out ahead. Levaria takes Ardo's weapon from his corpse, a uniquely crafted whip-sword. Some time after the fight has concluded, Tanta enters the town center, distraught at the chaos around her. The party begins interrogating her, certain that she was aware of the Menagerie's cult ties, but even under the effect of a zone of truth, she promises that she had no idea of Ardo's affiliation or evil intent. Convinced of Tanta's ignorance to the cult, the party allows her to join them as they travel back to Urogalan.  

The Fae Channel

After claiming the Sunlight Targe from Lord Gildston, the party are reunited with Galahan in his late mother's home on the east side of town. Galahan confesses that he is also after the cult, believing that they have kidnapped his father, Padan Validus, in order to use his royal blood for their ritual. The group agree to let Galahan join them as they sail across the Fae Channel towards Barrowhill. Knowing that the journey will be treacherous, the party interrogate their prisoner, Flam, in order to learn what may await them on the sea. Flam reveals that the Kesephys pirates use a series of flares to signal their intent to other ships. Formulating a plan to decieve the other ships on the channel and avoid conflict, the party sets sail from Urogalan.   Succesfully using the flare system, the crew make their way to the port of Barrowhill without conflict. As they approach the dock, they are passed by Kesephys himself. Recognising the flag that the crew has disguised themselves under, Kesephys asks why they have sailed back to Barrowhill against his orders. With clever deception and a disguise spell, Cherimie is able to convince Kesephys that they are pulling into port for some emergency repairs and will be sailing again soon. Satisfied, Kesephys sails on and the crew land safely in Barrowhill.  


Once in town, it's clear the influence that the cult has had. Most of the houses, inns, and shops lay abandoned. Much of the town's population is either dead or evacuated, leaving a shell of the town and a population of starving beggars. The crew wastes no time and begins the ascent towards the cathedral on the hill. Using disguises and cover stories they've patched together from their many encounters thus far with the cult, the crew is able to infiltrate the walled part of town below the cathedral. They scout the area and dispatch another priest and overseer before disguising themselves as that overseer and his entourage to make past guarded gates and up towards the cathedral.   In the street outside the cathedral, the crew encounters two more overseers whom they charm and quickly dispatch. Cheremie, Mo, and Levaria use invisibilty to enter the cathedral unseen, but the High Priests in attendance - Falhan and Eddia - see through the spell and call for the party to stop where they are. A fight ensues and Tanta is revealed as the High Priest Rakush, seemingly possessed against her will. After killing Falhan and Eddia, and overpowering Rakush, the fight seems to be over before an illusory wall at the back of the cathedral fades away and reveals Padan Validus and Grand Priest Bagrum. At their feet are several of the components of the ritual. Galahan is confused that his father seems to be here by his own will rather than the victim of kidnap but he isn't given much time to ponder the fact as Bagrum slits Padan's throat and bares his own bleached rib cage - starting the ritual.    A huge portal opens at one end of the chapel and a monstrous, partially skeletal creature emerges. The creature introduces itself as Yexys, the conqueror, and declares that it had tricked the cult into trying to summon it under the guise of the god Myrkul. Thinking fast, Mo pulls out the dragon's favour, a one-use item given to them by Barrogath to summon him during a moment of dire need. Barrogath appears above them and assists the party in taking down Yexys, whom is revealed to have been summoned in a weakened state due to the party meddling in the cult's effort to gather materials for the ritual. With Yexys, Bagrum, and each of the cult's High Priests dead or missing, the party close the chapter on the Church of Myrkul.    During the fight, Rakush slipped away, but a party of Gnomish knights that makes their way to the cathedral shortly after claim that they encountered the Tabaxi, recounting the name Tanta, and claim that she told them to march here in order to help the party fight the fiend.
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