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Restoring Phandelver

After discovering the spell forge and liberating the mine, the party is disappointed to learn that the magic here has wained over the hundreds of years that it has been abandoned. Sildar laments that his friend Iarno is no longer with them as he may have known how to bring the font's power back to full, however, he does suggest that Reiloth , a powerful and wise old druid, may also have answers. He explains that Reiloth was last seen operating around the ghost town of Thundertree, some way to the east. Much the same as Phandolin, Thundertree was once a thriving town along the most significant trade route in Diluvia. Now, it laid abandoned and in ruin. The last known inhabitants of the old town were Mirna and her family, though they fled some time ago. Now the town is home to a death cult and a young dragon. Reiloth has spent some time in the area investigating the motivations of the cult and what exactly brought the dragon down from the mountains.   The party run into some difficulty in the greatwoods around Thundertree, but eventually find their way to Reiloth's cabin. The wise old druid explains that there is evil afoot and asks that party to investigate the activities of the cult. The party agrees to help Reiloth so long as he joins them in Phandolin once they're done. Taking the druid's word, the party begins investigating the ruined town. They quietly infiltrate the cult, using disguises from members they picked off, and begin gathering information. They discover unrest among the group because of the work of Overseer Magarat with their leader Priest Argath. The party also uncovers the cult's plot to kill the dragon, Barrogath and take his skull for use in some kind of ritual happening in Barrowhill. The party share word of this plot with the dragon, hoping to win his favour, but Barrogath seems unimpressed. He tells the party that he would appreciate it if they could annihilate the cult, but claims that he will do it himself anyway should he need to.   Making their way to the appropriated church on the north side of town, the party confront and defeat the priest and the overseer. They learn that the overseer was sent by High Priest Rakush in order to make sure the group was on track, and use the knowledge of Magarat's operation to decieve the many cultists remaining. Under the guise of a new priest, Moleculas and Sestet host a series of makeshift masses, allowing the party to systematically execute the cult's remaining members. With the cult cleaned up, the party return to Barrogath and relay their story. Relieved, Barrogath reveals that his confidence was an act and that the corruption of the cult's dark magic had left him weakened and sickly. Without their help, he likely would have died. As a sign of gratitude, the dragon offers the party his favour - a green gem in the shape of a dragon's head that can be used to contact him in a time of great need. He also offers a prophecy: "You hold within your reach the power to bring great doom, beware the tiger's stripes, a greater treasure awaits."   Reiloth is pleased with the party's results and returns with them to Phandolin and to the Spellforge in the Wave Echo Cave. After some ruminations, he deduces that the magic of the forge can be returned, but it will take several months. In the meantime, the party decide they should follow up on leads they discovered in the cult's church in Thundertree. They set out for Aedelstown to secure passage across the central sea towards Barrowhill.


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