Abaddon's Rest

There are scant few places in all of Ardicil that are as vile and disturbing than that of Abaddon's Rest. A blight on the face of the material plane, this place was put to ruin by Abaddon  , who sought to bring about a demonic incursion in service to the dark gods. It was here that the Destroyer brought his followers and made a sacrifice so strong that it tore a hole into reality itself, bringing about an incursion so massive it warranted the response of not only the nations of Varda but also Olorin and Rohvanar. Only by a combined force of the mightiest hero's were they able to contain the incursion and finally slay Abaddon.     However, the sight of the Demon Lord's resting sight has remained a place where the veil between the abyss and the material plane is thin. Much to the disappointment of holy servants of the light, they have been unable to scrub this blight from the continent of Varda.