
Caliban was once a small docking station for one of the two floating cities of the time before the War of Arcanum. Cal'tan'toras was the flying city that fell from the sky many years ago, leaving Caliban to fend for itself. With the help of Plane of Air, they built a magnificent refuge and home to the refugees of both sides of the War of Arcanum, and the following War of Wrath. It was here that many an invasion repelled, and when the elves eventually rose to power, the local empire peacefully absorbed the locality of Caliban, welcoming their culture and their own ways.    The relationship between Caliban and Dol Metulu was of respect and trust, and long have they stood allies to one another. They still remain in a partnership, and still maintain their age old traditions that came from the plane of air. It is indeed allowed here as well, that a temple to Ra, Titan of the Plane of Air has been established, and is regularly operated still.
Large city
Location under