
The Dawnkeep is something that has long lived in lore for those who worship Tyr, the Watcher. Some believe it was here that Tyr first stepped onto the material plane, and raised the large bastion at the center of the town serving as a headquarters to his Guardians. The Guardians serve as a loyal cadre of warriors, priests and scribes, all dedicated to the defense of Au Lac from the creatures of the Abyss, and of those coming from the Nine Hells. They are mostly left to their own devices, and the Au Lac Senate mostly leaves them to their own devices. They are viewed sometimes as overzealous by the Senate, which is saying something, but they serve their purpose.   Around the Citadel of the Eye lies the actual town, of Dawnkeep. The populace of the Dawnkeep is rugged and simplistic. While the ruling class of warriors and religious figures is a small minority, they rule over the feudal peasants and serfs who serve their holy masters. They toil growing the food and crafting the goods that support the opulent Citadel of the Eye, and take only a small portion of the fruits for themselves.     The town is built along the banks of Lake Sacre. To the West lies the outskirts of the Bonecrusher Hills, and they often face goblin, orc, and hill people raids in the rural outskirts. Significant logging operations lie to the south, along the outskirts of the Goldenwood. To the north lies the mystical Aven Glade, which has been determined as off limits to those within the Dawnkeep due to the reprisals caused by the wood elves who call the forest their home.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location