
Tormhold is argued to be the birthplace of not only divine religion, but also the landing point of the once infamous Eternals. Since this inception, Tormhold has been the center of religion and a beacon of light to those who worship the approved gods in Au Lac. The population is humble and shows of opulent wealth is only shown by the several extravagant temples around the city.    The home of the Au Lac senate is rigid and structured in many ways, but their dedication to the gods is unmatched. Statues, standing multiple stories tall show the gods in all their glory, and most walls are covered in murals depicting the most influential battles during the War of Arcanum. Massive cathedrals and temples are scattered around Tormhold.    Each of the city's neighborhoods are divided by dedication to a particular god, and the The Au Lac Senate works in conjunction with these neighborhoods to enforce the law. All of the varying districts also contribute a certain amount to the Senate, bartering favor for additional resources.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization