Eye of Terror

The Eye of Terror is a swirling tempest of pure chaos and magic. It is the ground zero of the great magical event that created the Divine Gate, forever separating the deities from the material plane. It also helped widen the gap between the material plane and the elemental chaos that created it. There are still scattered portals, but the ebbs and flows of the elemental planes have much less impact on the material plane. Powerful creatures attempting to gain access to the material plane are partially held at bay by the magic at work here.   Great arcane waystones are organized around the center of the Eye of Terror, powering the great magic behind it. Anyone trying to get onto the island must first pass the great Obsidian Ships patrolling the waters around it. A powerful and mysterious organization, those piloting these ships only seek to maintain the balance of the great Eye of Terror, and challenge any threat to it that might come close. They operate out of the Gate of Mystra  If one were to slip by these black ships, the chaotic energy of the waters around the island where the eye is are just as likely to destroy them. Churned by the powers of both arcane and divine magic, the waters around the Eye are wracked by superstorms unlike anywhere else on the material plane, and are notoriously unable to be controlled. On top of all this, the area around it is filled with chaotic magics, and those using spells or other magical abilities are liable to have them backfire.    If one were to actually make it on the island, wayward magic and terrifying creatures from every plane of existence will be the end of those who adventure towards the Eye of Terror itself.
Geographic Feature
Parent Location