
What began as a small trading post and sleepy stop for merchants going around the south of Olorin, turned into a bustling town of diversity in the past few hundred years. Refugees from the wars between the city states in the east found their way to Idoneth, as the trading port had originally been founded by a Marquis from the Golden Coast two hundred years ago. It's culture does lean towards that of their eastern cousins, it also has a wide variety of residents both from Numidia in the south, and the elves coming from the west. Various merchants from more distant regions have also taken their funds and moved to the quiet town of Idoneth and brought their traditions with them. All of this, combined with the obvious elven influence over the region from Nor Ldewan have made Idoneth quiet the melting pot.   These days it still serves as a trading hub for the Neldor Conclave to continue trading around the south of the continent, as well as easy access to the Numidian cities. The city itself is located in a bay, and has some of the few sand beaches that are located on the Glittering Peninsula. It's spicy cuisine and love of seafood is of no doubt a result of its heritage from refugees hailing from the Golden Coast and the Lybaran Concord. It's orange wines and liquors hail from the southern region of Numidia, and the great tree growing in the center of the town is said to be a gift from the nobles of Averlorn.


The city is still ruled by the merchant family turned noble that first established the town. The current ruler is a reserved and quiet Marquis Zuhra el-Masri. She keeps to her families manse most of the time, and spends most of her time studying while her younger brother handles most of the day-to-day rulership of the city.    Overall, the city is still under the protection and rulership of the Neldor Conclave, though like the other city-states within the conclave, it is mostly left to its own devices.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location