Nor Ldewan

The Gem of the Glittering Peninsula is a stunning place of sweeping curves, soaring towers, and structures built into the living trees. To many elves, the city is a reminder of the ancient elven cities of old; some call it the Myth of the South, even nowadays after the restoration and subsequent fall of that fabled city. Even where stone is employed in construction, ivy and other living plants grow through, over, or around most structural elements, giving most of the city a green cast.   Despite its arboreal architecture, Nor Ldewan is very much civilized, boasting schools of music and magic, a great library, bardic instruction, and temples or shrines to many in the pantheon. Knowledge, both the acquisition of it and the wisdom that comes from diligent study, is the real treasure of Nor Ldewan, as much as magic or wealth could ever be.   Given its beauty, a visit to Nor Ldewan is among the most memorable experiences most non-locals might have. Even among those that regularly fight monsters or handle magic, Nor Ldewan is a place of quiet, contemplative beauty, splendid opportunities for learning, and respite from the harsher realities of the North.
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