Sylanur Freeport

Sylanur was once ruled by an oppressive emperyan hundreds of years ago. With the help of Nor Ldewan and the elves in power there, they found the ability to overthrow the emperyan and free the city. It created a robust underground network of spies and saboteurs that the city now exports in great droves. Since then as well, the city has been staunchly democratic. Elections are held regularly and are a city-wide holiday. Campaigns run by politicians are a lively affair, and last for a whole week. There is usually heavy drinking and public forums held so that citizens can see their politicians in action. They are booed, jeered at, and pelted with rotten fruit if they do not please the people, and beware the wrath of the people should a politician not hold to their campaign promises.     The city itself lies on the coast of the Strait of Waukeen, and trade between Alton, the Three Sisters, and the nations of the Southern Continent is incredibly important. The city exports finely crafted clothing and wares, having built up an economy of luxuries in the past 150 years. They are also known for exporting skilled spies and political agents, having honed their skills against rival campaigns.   The Freeport is situated on a series of hills, and is sectioned off into three main neighborhoods. Each neighborhood has strong community built within, and often showcases their pride during the festivals of the year. It also has a series of interconnected canals that separate these neighborhoods, each dying the canals during different times of the year.
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