Melora Island

Melora Island is covered in lush grass, and dotted with copses of trees. Melora Island is supposedly touched by the beauty and magic of the Feywild, and is home to the most prominent group of satyrs that call the material plane their home. Satyrs roam the comfortable island with no need for permanent settlements, all their needs provided for by the island’s magic.   The satyrs of Melora Island are wild and free. They have taboos, but not laws, influence fluctuates constantly, and all are free to make merry in any way they please, so long as it doesn’t impede on others’ ability to do the same. Disagreements are typically turned into opportunities for public competition. Irreconcilable issues are usually solved by a strict application of “you go over there, and you go over there.” True intentional crimes, however, are violations known deep in the satyr soul. If needs be, revelry can halt in an instant to help someone who’s been hurt, and true criminals are exiled from Melora Island for life. Satyrs quickly bury negative thoughts, though, and the loss of one friend merely leads them to redouble efforts to make more.   They maintain a loose connection with Seiko, but realistically it is purely for protection purposes.
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