Mordrid, the whispered one

(a.k.a. Baba Yaga)

Mordrid is often a tale that old mothers will tell their children to keep them out of trouble. However, very few actually believe the whispered one truly existed, and is much worse than any old wives tale implies. Mordrid's origin is shrouded in mystery. Some believe she was a creation of Torog, The Maiden of Pain as an enforcer of her will. Others believe Mordrid was a beast tamer, and brought both Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent and Cryus-Thal, the Crawling King to heel. Most believe she is the mother of all hags, and a former queen of the fey court corrupted by her need to ascend to godhood.   Istarnai was betrayed by Mordrid in her pursuit of ascension, and caused her own ultimate downfall. She was banished by Istarnai and his champion back to the Feywild, and is chained to that realm through powerfully crafted magic. Mordrid chafes at these chains, sending all manner of creature loyal to her cause scouring the planes in search for ways to free her from the feywild prison. However, Istarnai isn't the only one who wishes to keep Mordrid locked away forever, and many work against the Whispered one from achieving her final goal.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil