
On the Island of Shieldwyk lies the larger town known as Oakmont. The greater town is known as such because its access to the one and only forest in the Helspire Islands. It is here where the great boat builders call their home, and site of the holy Lodge of Talos is located. The temple is where every Kraken Lord must make his pilgrimage before ascending to the throne.    The town itself is nestled in a cove hidden away from the most tumultuous of the elements that constantly weather the Helspire Islands. It is nestled up against the outskirts of the Bloodgrove, and most of its economy revolves around the careful logging of the woods. The loggers here have long gave reverence to the forest, for each tree felled, they plant two more. This keeps their economy stable, and those who break these laws are made to pay with their lives.    There is nearly always an overcast on the town, and wet cobblestones pave the streets. Small hovels and taverns line the streets, the only real extravagant buildings being the Lodge of Talos, and the seat of the Helspire Lord, a modest castle perched on the hill in the center of the town. While the Lodge of Talos is the largest, there are also scattered temples dedicated to Akadi, Silvanus, and Malar around the city. The ancient druidic circles have also flocked towards the outskirts of the town, finding close connection to the Bloodgrove.
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