Caer Dunroch

Caer Dunroch is the head quarters of the Guild of the Claw. The fort itself is hundreds of years old, and nestled within a cliffside. It is both a training ground and a fortress for the hunters who reside there. It has the capability to house hundreds of hunters, but most days only contains a handful of hunters and their retainers.
  The interior of the fort contains a barracks, a feasting hall, training grounds, and a massive library. There are several teleportation circles allowing Hunters to travel to different schools, but these are only used in times of great emergencies.


Caer Dunroch is highly protected by both magical and non-magical means. Wards and protective glyphs cover the castle, and constructs roam the hallways. The fortress is also booby-trapped by non-magical means. Any force who would like to take Caer Dunroch would have to make incredibly sacrifices to do, and there is little reward for doing so.
Outpost / Base
Less than 500
Location under
Owning Organization

Articles under Caer Dunroch