Warden Seldor Mythrawndul

Seldor looks to be about average height, and wears the deep ebony and silver threaded robes of the Sphere of Mysteries. His face is covered by a metallic mask, with no visible eye holes. It is metallic and shiny, reflecting back the room like a mirror.   Underneath his mask you can see a handsome boyish looking figure, with pale skin and eyes that look golden. He has jet black hair that curls and hangs loosely at his shoulders. There are several tattoos on the right side of his face, just beside his eye. They look to be celestial in origin. He looks to be in his late 20s or early 30s, but his skin seems to gently glow with a warmth. You can swear his voice speaks with a reverb in it.   He moves with a certain cat-like grace, and every steps seems to be made with intent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Warden Seldor was the youngest of three siblings. He strived towards an life of academics, but instead was tapped by the Order of Mysteries, and his inner Sorcerer's abilities were revealed. He honed them in his skills as a collector for many years. Hunting down important artifacts for his mysterious organization honed Seldor as an adventurer. Seldor was then placed as a Warden, utilizing his investigative skills to root out mysteries and protect Straatos.


Seldor has been highly educated within the Dekatoria, he has also spent time at the Isle of Winds.

Personality Characteristics


Warden Seldor is attempting to use his position to leverage more power at the Sphere of Mysteries. He genuinely believes in their mission, and eagerly attempts to huntdown the one known as the The Ambassador. He opposes the cults of Zaridun, The Changer of Ways.
Current Location
Aligned Organization