Astraea Karasu

Astraea Karasu (a.k.a. Maverick)

Astraea is a tan skinned Satyr with white hair where 2 curvy black horns can be seen, her lower body is covered by white fur with a fluffy tail been visable ad the back.   She prefer traveling in the green attire a Yuan-ti named Issashu gifted her as parting gift, she does however keep the Coatl tribe symbol hidden. A green quiver can be seen on her back containing arrows and her beloved shortbow (Taetheras).  
She is often seen playing her favorite music instrument, a pan flute adorned with a white lotus, which identify her as a follower of Saraswati.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

A tattoo on her back, that's depicting a white lotus with a blue dragon in the background.
A tattoo on her left arm depicting a dragon flying with 2 roses flying toward the moon.

Mental characteristics




Medic in Daichi Tatsuo army

Accomplishments & Achievements

Made sure Kit wasn't hurt under the zombie outbreak in Toto.
Keep everyone safe during the Elder brain fight.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to convince the Daimyo (Daichi Tatsuo) son to parley, which lead to his death ad hands of Aien .
  Watched Kit Mak crumble to dust and couldn't do anything.
  Watched unable to save Sakura Sasaki or Moto from the Mindflayers.   Watched Kaiya sacrifice herself to bring back Sakura Sasaki and been unable to offer alterative.

Mental Trauma

Fear she won't be able to restore what she destroyed.
Fear of being trapped by tentacles.

Morality & Philosophy

Anyone can find redemption, except Lori (presumed name of the half masked monk) and killing should therefor always be the last option.
A person isn't define by their Rank, but their actions.

Personality Characteristics


Find a way to bring Kit Mak back
Find out what happen to her father.
Reaserch a way to cast The Magnificent Mansion as a Ritual

Likes & Dislikes

Like Corkashthar + Kannis, Fury, Kit Mak, Zhi and The Elven Library.   Neutral Kitsumi Kigako   Dislike Bane, The Betrayer (Lori), Enemy of life, Mindflayers

Virtues & Personality perks

Astraea are saddened over the loss of life, due to all the knowledge lost.
So she prefers talking things out rather than resorting to violence.

Vices & Personality flaws

Astraea would rather travel through dangerous area's by foot, instead of taking a boat.


Keep her travel attire in perfect condition and won't go longer than 3 days without a bath (Prestidigitation can in emergency be used)


Contacts & Relations

Issashu in Smot, Corkashthar in Stomer, Lady Fury in Dhulko, Vicxyra Naïlo in the Arenian Empire,
Melina in Nix and Kit and Zhi in Kiga.
  Aien , Jerry , Jun, Kaiya, Mary and Sakura Sasaki

Family Ties

Religious Views

Discovered Saraswati during her stay in the Arenian Empire and Astraea love for music lead her to worshiping Saraswati.   Astraea struck a pact with Lulu in order to protect her friends.


Astraea Karasu

Lover (Vital)

Towards Kit Mak



Kit Mak


Towards Astraea Karasu


Relationship Reasoning

Kit offered Astraea advise after watching her struggle with the Yumi and Astraea being grateful toward Kit listen to her request and hopes to one day grant it.

Legal Status


Astraea Karasu

Lover (Important)

Towards Corkashthar




Lover (Important)

Towards Astraea Karasu




Began with Corkashthar kissing an injured Astraea after her retreat from Dhulko.

Shared Secrets

They are considered married by Fey law, due to once accepting a flower crown with 2 roses in the front.   Note: Astraea Karasu had forgotten about this law ad the time the exchange happened.

Astraea Karasu


Towards Melina von Bismarck


Melina von Bismarck


Towards Astraea Karasu



They meet each other during Astraea journey around the world to find her father

Wealth & Financial state

The Royal signet of Nix, which Astraea hides in a chest protected by a complex cipher and magic.

Cheerful, Curious, Playful

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Second Princess
Date of Birth
29 of Indra 489
Year of Birth
489 EC 43 Years old
Kit Mak (Lover)
Corkashthar (Lover)
Melina von Bismarck (Half-sister)
Icy Blue / Golden Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown (Tan)
110 LB
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Goblin, Primordial, Sylvan

The Kunasa bathhouse
28th of Cizek 532

So the recent meteor shower did not only kill Krakekira the Dragonturtle and this Kraken, but also bring another faction of Mindflayers to Arenia. One can only hope that, the Mindflayers from the meteor and the Mindflayers in this "Underdark" kill each other or weakened each other, that eradicating them will be easy. Better inform Jezek about this Mindflayer infestation.   Let's hope Zhongshe diversion didn't lead to his death.   Regardless we are finally back on track towards obtaining the two remaining rings.

A bigger fish
28th of Cizek 532

It feels good receiving thanks for having someone back, especially from a son of Daichi. May be not all children of Daichi suffer from a inflated ego/arrogance.   I'm starting to wonder if, Sakura death was divine punishment for impersonating a god, yet that raises the question: Will Jun and I face punishment for our part? The scam prevent further bloodshed and ensured those less fortune would receive part of the spoil.   Did the Dragon turtle and Kraken kill each other? What business does the dragonborn have with kid Elias was looking for, and what business does Grovad have in the Shira bathhouse?

More friends?
28th of Cizek 532

Can these strangers be trusted? The son of Daichi most likely doesn't pose a problem, yet I'm not so sure about the male human seeking the boy and the female riding a dragon.   Should give them a chance as they helped us dispatch the lizard eating the dragon turtle eggs and the forces from the sea.   Now, what to do with the dragon turtle kids and the dead dragon turtle.

A new friend
28th of Cizek 532

Seems I misunderstood miss Rena intensions as, she never intended to kill me, but merely was feasting a little before servicing me. Luckily we was able to clear up this little misunderstanding and I was even able to make a new friend :). Sadly doesn't seem like Zhi enjoy her stay in the Geisha house. We should really getting back to getting the last 2 rings, now that Sakura birthday gift is secured, especially since we also need to drop Lady Sumihime off in Taton. Instead we off on another "pointless" side quest involving a death Dragon turtle... hopefully we won't lose a lot of time here.

Her name was Rena
28th of Cizek 532

What secrets does this silk cloak hold and was it wrong to use Sumehime name to get a discount? Also what is Jun planning to use that broomstick to?   We should most likely have look for an tavern instead of going to the Geisha house for information, yet I wouldn't have meet miss Rena. Hopefully I can convince her to stand down since, it would be a waste to kill her.   What else does Kunsas have in store for me?

Meteor shower
28th of Cizek 532

Who/what destroyed the Liu?, did they cause the meteor shower? and if so, did they target us specific or was it by chance that a meteor almost impacted with the observatory? Luckily Sakura managed to almost destroy the meteor and my tiny hut offered shelter for the little one.   Does all meteor spawn those creatures? or was this meteor tampered with? or maybe those creatures serves a defense system, who was triggered by Sakura present as she previously attack the meteor. Potentially the crazy guy? could have done something to spawn them.   Also who is this master that crazy guy spoke off?

The new leader
27th of Cizek 532

I don't understand why the tiger (Taira Tsuneo) want Seto weapon, and I doubt we will see them again after Jun push them off the mountain. Then again Loriphax show up after we already killed her?   I can see the merits and flaws in Chess, as the game is great to display people control over the battlefield, and yet it fails to take diplomacy or a leader willingness to sacrifice themselves to bring down an enemy leader into account. Yet knowing when to admit defeat is also important, as dragging out a war benefits no one.   Sakura may think herself clever by manipulating time for her piece, and yet forgetting about the enemy Pawn could have exposed her.   What will we encounter, if any, on our way to the Water ring? And how difficult will the water ring be to obtain? Maybe taking over the leader role was wrong of me, yet only the future will tell.

Trial of Air
27th of Cizek 532

What a relief that everyone is onboard with the Dragon Queen, now we just have to obtain the blood.   All the trials so far points towards the architect been a Fey. Fey loves riddles, messing with people mind and eating food of the Fey can be risky, Do I'm not sure where the elemental trial fit in and personally would have prefer they didn't include Necromancy in it.   Good thing I prepared for situations where Fey mess with us, yet Zhi really should learn to use her Mask.

Is Eternity the only way?
27th of Cizek 532

It's a shame that I wasn't able to keep the promise of buying the survivors a drink, as some of those survivors died in the recent attack on the city. Hopefully those 3 Koku will help those less fortune through this hard times.   We can finally set off towards the Air as everyone except Jun have obtained the Void Ring (unless Vol'jin was her in disguise) and Sakura have ensured communication to her grandfather. Hopefully the materials will ensure no more people will be lost in the party, sadly it's too late to save the Kitsune :(

What's behind the mask
26th of Cizek 532

Was it necessary to kill those two Tabaxi or did the lose of Seto push Jerry over the edge? Does Jun and Sakura understand what accepting those Red Dragon masks means? and is either of them even surprised to learn the identity of the Red Princess?   We should really have keep one of the Orcs alive to learn if, there culture is "evil" or if those I encounter are "exiled". Sadly we didn't, so I can only hope my idea to thread the wound will work and not make it worse.   Also what happened to the small once parents? and was keeping the dog a mistake? Hopefully the Elk Sakura turned to dust wasn't one of them.

Your princess took the castle
26th of Cizek 532

Mota either felt threaten by someone on the airship, or Wizards just can't be trusted.   I really hope the Orcs didn't ship off the small ones parents yet, as that would make dealing with Orcs pointless, and we potentially place Zhi and the small ones in danger.

The First Ring
26th of Cizek 532

The Earth ring test was very intresting and Jun plan to float down was smart, do bring another person with her would have made it easier for the rest of us. But let's not get mad over this as, I finally my first ring and managed to convince the monk to give Zhi hers.   We should most like do something about Sakura exhaustion and placing the kids somewhere safe, as bring them (kids) to the Orcs would be bad, unless this Orcs is more civilized than the last.

Rage of a Mouse
26th of Cizek 532

Jerry rage towards Tabaxi's seems justified and we did ultimately save the little Tabaxi, yet I don't understand how killing yourself is more honorable than working towards the betterment of oneself.   Sakura use of "her" fox form to bring happiness to the kids is a good thing and yet that form also serves as a reminder of what was lost during the journey. Yet one closing one's eyes to worlds suffering also means missing out on the worlds beauty.   For now let's focus on getting our first ring.

The new leader
26th of Cizek 532

Seto and Sakura seemed very close and the lose of Seto will most likely impact Sakura hard emotionally, yet her hope is closer than mine.   Hopefully Kinji decision to appoint Jun our new leader won't be a mistake. Him insulting General Mak is a slight I won't soon forget.   Hopefully nothing important will be lost during the journey towards acquiring the rings.

The hard choice
26th of Cizek 532

Hopefully the mercy Jun was shown by Saraswati won't be misplaced.   I really hope leaving Anaki body with Daichi wasn't a mistake and that Kinji won't make dark barging like our previous leader.   I should really have warned Zhi about the danger the Mimic's posed, and I decided to prioritize the hope of the children first. Happy I was strong enough to keep her alive, else I may never have been able to meet Kit again.

What was lost and what was found
26th of Cizek 532

So Anaki was piloting the huge creature and most likely killed a lot of people, but did she really deserve to die for that?   How is Mota still alive? I saw her die together with Sakura, and yet she still lives.   Will Daichi keep silent about the Titan?

The cycle
26th of Cizek 532

Seems the cycle continue with another creature attempting to petrify me, yet didn't succeed unlike last time. I don't understand the creature reasoning for attacking Toto, since all they does is feeding the cycle of loss and hatred by killing innocent people.   How must more will have to be sacrificed in order to break the cycle?

26th of Cizek, 532

I already lost so must to reach this point and yet I fear more will be take more from me in the future.   Is Sakura losing her mind over been in the Kitsune body? or does she derive pleasure over reducing people, even her own allies to dust? Then again maybe not the smartest move to created an illusion of a tentacle rod in front of someone who die by Mind flayers.   I better get back quickly to Toto to ensure general Mak are ok. I'm not gonna fail Kit twice by letting her father die.

The life a fox
25th of Cizek, 532

So must have been sacrificed, and yet I know the future will require more sacrifice, so maybe it's time for me to step off the stage, and yet I can't do that as who will remember those who was lost.   I didn't want to lose the Kitsune who name no one asked her, yet she's willing offered up her life to bring back a total stranger. I could have interacted if only an alternative have existed.

Crashing down
24th of Cizek, 532

I'm glad Loriphax wasn't able to another important from me, and yet the crash may have killed some Gith or villagers. Hopefully there won't be more distractions, and we can focus on bring back Sakura.   But where do I start? The infested room in Library?, Contacting Alleren? Maybe Anaki? or could this old villager know something?

Jun <The Doom One> and he who shall be cast into the "void"
23rd of Cizek 532

Why doesn't Jun or the Kitsune not listen to my warning about stealing from the death? Does neither have any respect for the death or does they consider momentarily power worth dooming them self to death? Could the curse inflected by stealing from the death be so painful that, Jun lash out towards the Kitsune in order relief a bit of pain or is Jun merely a cruel person?   Do how will Yezek God(s) look upon him taking his commanders weapon, maybe they doesn't care or maybe it's a custom to bring fallen Gith weapon back to there family.   Guess I ask him after we have removed Loriphex from the cycle of rebirth and cast him/her? into the "void".

Not the same girl anymore
22th of Cizek, 532

I'm not the same girl who was unable to save her friends anymore.   I really didn't want to kill the Elder brain, but leaving it alive would only created more victims like Mota and Sakura and I just couldn't forgive those Mindflayer for destroying knowledge.   It's gonna be good getting home to Arenia and begin looking for way to bring back Mota and Sakura, maybe the infested library room hold a clue.

Still alive
22th of Cizek, 532

It's truly a shame that the Gith commander didn't live long enough to see the Elder brain destroyed. Hopefully Gaby will live long enough to witness it.   How did the insect girl end up serving the mind flayer and what her race?   Did Jun have a mental break during our fight against those mind flayer and their Brain pet? I can understand why, as I personally would love nothing more than relaxing while reading a book in the library in Toto and not have to worry.

Is this real or have I lost my mind?
22th of Cizek, 532

Did everything after we left the Feywild really happen or have I lost my mind?   Just look ad Gith been ad war with Mind Flayers. Why is there no records of float squid people that eats brains and from what I understand is connected to each other via a Elder brain. Pretty sure someone would have wrote about a huge brain resting in a vat, who have the ability to speak directly into a person mind and yet I have never seen any records about them.   Also the Nautiloid (Think that's what the Gith called the ship) is crazy. The doors only opens for Mind Flayer or thralls, healing pods with tentacles that heals and consoles that transforms people into Mind flayers for a few second, unless Jun true form is a Mind flayer.   I'm not even surprised by a nine-tailed Kitsune showing up and Seto demonstrating the ability to both understand and speak the Gith language.   I need a drink.

The choice
22th of Cizek, 532

I finally understand why Jun is so afraid of this Mindflayers, as they killed Sakura and Moto by extracting and eating their brains, leaving me unable to save either. At less I was able to save Jun and not add them to list of people I have killed.

A wild world
22th of Cizek, 532

Today have been great so far since, not only did I find myself in demiplane with a door connected to Feywild, I also found the bow from the Treasury ad my side.   I don't understand why Anaki thinks we are going to destroy the world, since I love the world and seeing the Feywild wild once again makes me happy, I especially am happy about playing with this cute faerie dragon.   I hope one of the Gith will teach me their languages and explain why they attacked the Mindflayers.

The great escape
21th of Cizek, 532

Was the items acquired in the "prison" and treasury really worth it? Such a shame I didn't get the bow.   Why didn't that girl choose to surrendered as I suggested? She could have escape the prison with us and maybe even the airship and yet she choose to throw away her life.   Hopefully the assistance can sheet light over Anaki actions.

Mother of betrayal
21th of Cizek, 532

This airship have a lots of intresting things, I'm especially interested to see what secrets the library holds and if that device really can send people to the past. Do Sakura's mother should really considering locking up books about necromancy, else a poor soul may stumble upon them and gets corrupted by this foul magic.   I don't understand why Anaki knocked us out and why put us in this place, since it sound on Sakura like the orb Jun picked up is pretty dangerous.

The Great Library
21th of Cizek, 532

So the accursed place cointains a portal leading to a great library, where they hopefully have a book about bringing people who have been reduce to ash back.   Why was the lady so afraid? Is this Jun dangerous or could the others have done something horriable while I was away?   Is the lady Sakura spoke alone with the master of the library and why did she want to speak with Sakura alone?

Still the same
20th of Cizek 532

So I have been petrified for seven days and the fight against the mimics in the library shows that, I'm still the same weak girl who couldn't even protect her friend. Guess I should count myself lucky being able to read up on the great clans after that failure.   I guess Seto opinion about bringing people back from the death have changed, as it sounds like he allowed Yuki and himself to be brought back to life, and he even managed to convince Daichi of the benefit of letting us leave with our head attached. Seto may yet escape the vision in the mirror.   It feels so good to finally take a bath again, and yet I sounded like the other rather wanted to bathe in the Accursed bathhouse. Nothing good can ever come from that place and seems you can't even sleep ad the place.

Hitting Rock bottom
14th of Cizek, 532

I would never have expected entering this factory would leave me a statue. Now I just hope there is a way to reverse the petrified effect, else I'm gonna have lots of time to ponder Zen and pray to Saraswati. Also, Jerry please don't plunder my... corpse??? You already got that useless armor and one pair of gloves and please Mary do not use those tools on my statue.   Hopefully Aien and Sakura are doing well.

Void - Everything and nothing
13th of Cizek 532

I'm starting to wonder if, the answer the monk wanted was: I'm everything and yet am nothing, as too me I'm everything, yet in your eyes I may as well be nothing. When he asked: Who are you.   Could the answer to his question why the guy with a bucket was scolded, while the one with a basket was praised be: They were asked to catch the water, not the stop it flows.   And finally could the answer to Budha being the flag be: Both as it's a question of perspective. If that's correct then Zen can seem complicated yet simple, which could explain how Jerry and Mary was able to pass while Me and Sakura did not.   Regardless Jerry vision gives me a sense of peace, knowing Kit soul is "safe", yet it's also worrisome as, I don't know who Ekron or the dragonborn with an undead hand (could it be the Daimyo son?) Charon would be the ferry man and presumably Lori is the name of the Half-masked monk, who apparently brings people back from the death wearing maskes.   Could Aien be one of the people Lori brought back from the death? He and Onon both wears Death Masks, and what's with marking on Aien's skin? Could those be the reason why Aien is sentient while his other clan members brought back via... Blood Magic? Isn't. Would explain why Aien doesn't match any Elf race I know, maybe I should try asking Sakura.   What secret could Jerry be seeking in an ancient dwarf forged? Will the forged contain a suitable body for Brian? Which now that I think about, we never assked him about.

Goodbye... for now beloved.
13th of Cizek 532

It sounds like Sakura specializing in the same type of magic as my shishou, and yet she doesn't seem as fascinated by time. Still it's nice to knowing my shishou is alone in her craft, unlike me who seems the only person interested in bring back Kit.   I'm kinda glad Aien uncle escape his prison cell, since that means Aien won't have to kill his own family and who knows maybe Onon finds redemption somehow. I would how Onon escape the prison cell, and maybe I should lecture the guards in countering Misty Step, do such a thing could backfire in case I ever get unlucky enough to end up in a cell.   I'm happy your father like the urn to house your ashes, even if it's only temporary, since I will find a way to bring you back to life my love. I don't care if Seto thinks it's wrong to bring you back, why should I suffer while he gets "rewarded" with the bathhouse where I lost you? Hopefully you won't take offense to me using your Yumi, since I only does to honor your memory and remember my promise to your father beloved.   I should most likely ask the party if, they rather would stay dead even if it was in my power to bring them back to life. That way I can start cutting the emotinal ties to those who wishes to stay dead and that way avoid suffering as must as I did with Kit, do I really hope neither Sakura or Zhi wanted to stay dead as I couldn't bear killing Kit again or taking away one of her friends.   I really hope Kit receiving a new name won't complicate bring her back and I wonder what her mother's real name actually was.

A girl and her dragon
12th of Cizek 532

It sounds like you need to own property if, you wish to advance beyond the rank of Hohei. Seto's promotion to Nikutai is most likely due Daichi way of telling Seto that his mad ad him for letting the monk corpse get away and to add spite to insult gave him ownership of that accursed bathhouse to remind him of his failure.   Granted it could be karma punishing Seto for his hurtful comment about me replacing Kit with Sakura, especially since we don't know Sakura feelings on this subject. Which makes me wonder what karma have in store for Jerry.   Speaking of Sakura. I really hope she won't suffer the same fate as Kit since explaining to Daichi that, another of his recruits have been reduced to ash or killed by Aien over Sake dispute could be complicated. It would also deprive me of a potential Shishou for Kiga culture and I would love if she taught me how to summon a Dragon Familiar, even if it can't help with brewing tea. Also is their a deeper meaning behind Sakura white tiger tattoo?   Speaking of Tattoo's What sorta power does Sakura and Zhi tattoo hold? Also finds it funny that I picked a dragon design for the tattoo on my left arm, despite having the option to choose any design I wish, who knows maybe there is a deeper meaning behind it :).   I'm suprised to learn Aien's presumed uncle being alive, consider the well deserved fate of the Herbalist, do maybe Aien pledge for his uncle life? This works perfect since I wanted him to suffer for killing Kit, even if his part was only indirectly.   It's a shame they held Kit's funeral so quickly, else I would have had time preparing the urn that I intended as Kit temporary resting place. Nevertheless, I hope the General will understand the reason for my delayed return of his Kit's ashes... hard to believe she actually is gone.   Also does Mary not have any respect for the dead? I mean did she really have to challenge a necromancer to a hand race during a funeral? Guess I ask Zhi or Sakura later about this subject.   Now I think about what did the Daimyo mean about something funny in my blood and want to know my birthplace?

I don't fell so good Astraea
12th of Cizek 532

It's still hard to believe Kit really is Death and I couldn't do anything to prevent it :( I don't even know if I ever will see her again :(   At less we avenge Kit death by killing that half-masked monk, it's just too bad Seto wasn't able to hold onto his corpse. Now what are we to do with Aien's uncle? I personally would prefer his punishment being similiar to the Herbalist, do It sounded like he rather die than being a prisoner of Daichi.   Guess I will never know who Kit's mother was, as I'm not going to ask poor General Mak about his wife (in case she is dead). Maybe Zhi will know something.

The Bathhouse
11th of Cizek 532

I had expected a woman being behind Aien delay and not him talking with his shishou, granted the shishou could be a woman but let's give Aien the benefit of the doubt, especially since his present seem to make Zhi more pleasant to be around. Talking about Zhi, I wonder how must of a Dryleaf she can take.   It's a shame that wet Seto will only exist in my memories since having the moment he made Zhi wet immortalize would be pretty funny.   Do why did the Monk? hide a temple behind a waterfall? And why is there a Feywild portal? Also is the Herbalist the puppet of Onon? And what role does he/she have in all of this?   Hopefully I can convince Onon to surrender and cooperate with us before my allies decides to kill them.

Kit's heritage
11th of Cizek 532

Zhi knowledge about the Herbalist place is very suspicious, and I'm not 100 % sure those herbs are medical in nature but, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt since, she is one of Kit friends.   I really enjoy the time toghter with Kit in the Bath, do I hope being able to present a proper Kiga style bathhouse next time and who knows maybe I learn more Kit family. I was genuinely surprised to learn that, Kit father is General Mak himself. (Not that such a thing as family would impact how I feel about Kit).   I'm feeling sorry for those peasant who lost their livelyhood and hopes the Bathhouse will hold some clues to help them or at less relieve the guards. Also you gotta be pretty evil to defile the sancecity of a bath house.

Brian the brain
11th of Cizek 532

So becoming a Hohei apparently means that I have to pick a role in the Daimyo army, guess the role of Medic and/or Tactician would suit me, do I wonder what role Kit would fill.   I'm starting to wonder if, I should consider learning how to open locks using "alternative" keys?. Considering the noise generated by breaking a lock could alter enemies to our present.   I'm happy that Seto found himself a friend in Brian, but finding and installing him in a new body could be troublesome since, we don't know what type of body he will accept, and we don't know the proceder to installing a brain in a new body. I also would like to know the nature of that green liquid.   I should most likely also ask Brian about the elven prophecy that Zhi scuffed about. Else I may have to try my luck and ask Alleren or the Red Demon about it.   I should most likely research those "medical" herbs Seto and Zhi was so keen about, to ensure they are safe and most likely find someone able to detect magic.   Why did the Astrolabium show 3 moons? I mean Arenia only have Solinari and Lunitari to my knowledge and can Zhi be trusted? Since she apparently had knowledge of a hidden room while eligible never been down here before.

The Pact
11th of Cizek 532

I would never have left Kit behind in the first place, had I know the meaning behind the blue dragon in the sky. I'm just happy that nothing bad happened ad the Sake den since, I would have crushed me knowing I left Kit/the other people their to died and didn't even warn them.   Hopefully the deal with Lulu won't cause shishou to get mad over breaking my promise with her, especially if Lulu turns out be lying about knowing my father.   Guess I should clear my debt and ask people in Toto if, they know anything about Lulu or the Minotaur in my dream, who apperently have a grudge against my father. Maybe also ask Kit about her family since, I hardly know anything about her.   I should properly ask General Mak or the Daimyo about the Necromancer in their rank, what the Hohei rank entail and potentially show them Ide Kayo Diamond and my Signet Ring.

10th of Cizek 532

I finally understand why shishou wanted nothing with spice trader/users. How can anyone sleep well ad night knowing they sold another person something that makes them willing to assault a castle wall with explosions strap to their back, just to get more?   We manage to dispatched the attackers, including those who turned into zombies. Sadly 2 human survivors and a guard had died, when the wall collapsed from the damage it had taken.   I suggested after the battle that, we went and arrested Shi since, General Mak had called another Spice trader who turned into a Zombie one of Shi dolls. Sadly this suggestion was shot down by the others and we ended up splitting up since, I wanted to make sure Kit was safe and Jerry wanted to visit the Armor Smith.   I found Kit safe and sound in the Sake den, where she and a woman named Zhi was busy drinking. I left Kit ad the sake den after explaining the situation and for good measure wrote a rune of protection on her forehead.   I quickly meet up with Jerry and Seto ad the armor smith and manage to convince him to part with 2 smoking barrels, of which Seto grab one and quickly headed for the Castle. I grab the other barrel and began moving towards the exit, when I heard Jerry being offer armor on Credit and decided to take the armor smith up on his generous offer. Which both I and Jerry don before meeting up with Seto ad the castle.   Their I shot a single spice trader in the neck, out of the panic, but this sadly didn't stop it.

10th of Cizek 532

What kinda city is Toto to not having a single bathhouse or similar facility inside its gates? I mean having the Blacksmiths and Schools inside the gates are logical and love that there is a music shop inside the gates also but, I'm pretty sure that other would appreciate a place to sock after a hard day of work.   At less I can only call the time spend ad the Archery school today productive since, I obtained a Daikyu and learned how to shot it, and let's not forget my new friend Kit. Hopefully I can repay her kindness one of this day's and get her an audience with Princess Kitsumi Kigako.   I feel a little bad about convincing that boy, that could be as buffed as Jerry if he work hard enough on cleaning up the writing on the wall. Yet I wouldn't have notice Aien and therefor not extended a helping hand to him, so he could impress his master, had it not been for this deiced.   Could there be any truth about a healer poisoning the people of Toto and that's why Seto wanted me to contact General Mak? Also, what's the meaning behind the blue flare General Mak asked me to fire?   Hopefully Kit are safe...

The Sister
10th of Cizek 532

I originally enter the blacksmith to find a Tanto, but knew I had to own this Flute knife and hopefully one day I can effort one of Tane Kahi Tessen.   It's lucky the spice trader didn't inflict a mortal wound on the guard, so I didn't have to convince general Mak about our innocence and yet now I wonder who Shi is and why Rei suddenly call herself Douji (Same name as the 2 Oni sisters).   I enjoyed showing the masters my skill but I wonder if, the Halfing would have surrender had I appear out of thin air behind him and placed my Tanto ad each side of his neck. Granted such an act would most likely have displeased the masters and I wouldn't have felt right about it. Sadly seems neither Aien or Jerry worries about such concerns, as they from my PoV almost killed their opponent, or could it be that Jerry actually tried to kill the Rat so his girl would belong to him?   Still this Ziri Apocrypha books is pretty enjoyable.

The Spicy Trader?
9th of Cizek 532

I'm beginning to wonder if there are more to Rei than meet the eye since, she arrived with the Princess and was taken to another room. Could Rei be the sister, the Princess talked about?   This tattoo is very lovely with its white lotus, do it's a shame the process of applying one is so painful.   I didn't locate a bow tonight and sadly didn't get to look inside the Blacksmith, due to the Guard and now the Spice Trader guy...

Meeting the Daimyo
9th of Cizek 532

I better build up some resistance against Aien lovely face, so I doesn't blindly follow his plan.   Today's meeting with the Daimyo went better than I expected, especially after learning that Aien had killed the Daimyo son (Blue Dragonborn Samurai). Do I'm sad about being separate from my belongings, especially my pan flute, but I gotta be careful and stay in the Daimyo good graces, so he doesn't order me to Sudoku.   Still I should be able to get a Bath in the House, continue my investigation about father in the Liberiere and keeping my Archer skill sharp. Guess I should also pay the Women school a visit and see what extra stuff they learn.   I hope they have a Tattoo design with a white lotus, since it feels so wrong to be without a symbol of Saraswati.

Princess of Betrayal
8th of Cizek 532

I discovered a lot of interesting books in Ide Kayo magical shop during our groups investigations of the place and left in search of princess with the hopes of never seeing Ide Kayo accursed place ever again!   I decided to send the princess a message before we left to confirm that, she was alive and then pull 2 creatures (Ungobongo and Ken) from my Bag of Tricks. Ken was tied to the carriage and instructed to follow Seto, while I rested inside the carriage/repaired the mental damage Ide Kayo mental assault had caused.   I couldn't resist playing a little prank on Jerry (who seems to suffer from memory loss since, he doesn't recognize Rufus and even dismissed him) by convincing him that, Ungobongo is the Monkey King and had bestowed the cursed items upon him.   I wouldn't call the evening all bad despite waking up to discover an Oni have devoured Ungobongo (guess Karma is trying to tell us both something) and then have the same Oni kill my newly summon Axe Beak I named Chidori, since I got to spend quality time with Aien after we had avenge Chidori and Ungobongo and sleep next to Aien in Leira Tiny hut :).   Jerry summoned Rufus back the next morning and renamed him Spike, while I was busy pulling a black bear, which I named Akuma out of my Bag of Tricks. Akuma lead us to a tree with a death Yuan-ti below (maybe Saraswati have mercy on her soul), that had been left by an Ronin hoping to catch the Red Demon, but she sadly only show up to deliver a fireball ad the guy and then left.   So either Rei Fish friend have been able to produce Gold nuggets out of thin air all the time or he was graceful towards us bringing him back to the sea that, he pulled out his saving from a pocket dimension. Regardless an interesting experience.   Akuma manage afterwards to located the Princess, who had found herself an Samurai escort and I decided a little snak for me and Akuma was in order before talking with them. Rei sadly managed to get confused for a demon due to popping her wings in front of the Samurai and fight broke out, in which Aien confirmed they wasn't like Ide Kayo by throwing a Fireball. This sadly meant they wasn't willing to listen to reason and ended up getting majority of the party (including me) knock out, Akuma killed and Aien? Hope they don't kill him or I will never forgive Rei.

The Fire Force, One Eye and The Truth
7th of Cizek 532

Today have been very interesting since, I figure out the bags functionality while a floating hand was massaging my cramp up legs and then rode the wind down from the Pagoda (a shame Jerry and Rei rather would run down a rope).   It was very good thing that it suddenly began to rain else the Grung fire force effort to put out the temple would have been for nothing and a potentially important place would have been lost. Do I wonder if Rei prayer reach a Kami ears and they send the rain to save the temple.   We originally intended to camp ad Ide Kayo grave but decided to relocated to Alleren grove after a Cyclops showed up, which was lucky since apparently Rufus is a Blink Dog and decided this evening would be perfect to play hide and seek with us. Still I was pleasantly surprised later that evening when, I discovered the pond in Leira Tiny Hut was perfect for bathing and one of the books from the temple titled The Book of Gili was written in Giant, which I looking forward to continue reading despite written a bit archaic.   It's sad that creatures summoned using the Bag of Tricks only last a day ad most since, my giant weasel Chupiru would have been useful during the fight against Ide Kayo and potentially spared me from the tentacle prison and mental assaulted, but then I wouldn't have witness how passionen Aien was about me (guess I should reward him somehow).   What sorta creature was Ide Kayo since I don't recall any Tiefling being able to turn into Slim and mental assaulted people, maybe I should ask the princess if Kiga have a Library or ask either Alleren or Vicxyra.

The Monkey King in the Red Lotus Pagoda
6th of Cizek 532

Aien plan of using our cloak as camouflage was brillant, do I question his plan to swing across the casesum underneath the vine bridge to stay undetected. I would normally call this plan good but, Rufus doesn't have hands to grasp the vines and Aien doesn't seem the best with ropes like example hocking a grappling hook.   It would have been sad if this Pagoda had burned down after Aien started a fire by throwing one of his beads into the build.   Still today have left me with lots of questions like: Is their a connection between the Red Lotus clan and the Red Demon? - Could potentially have been answer if, Aien had invited them on Tea.   Why are some of the monkey's here undead and why are they stealing coins, gems and spell scrolls from the locals? - Did Seto potentially kill our only lead or could the golden monkey near the bridge potentially hold some answers?   What is this bag? It didn't seem to gain weight after I place the Drum or the tresure from the first level, also how must can this bag hold?   Why was this other bag put on display?   Yet I better get some sleep before the pain of summoning Leira Tiny Hut after moving very quickly sets in.

A dog, mouse and some monkey's
5th of Cizek 532

A dog suddenly appeared after our short break causing Seto to rushed up the nearest tree and look down ad the barking dog. I got curious about why the dog barked ad Seto and cast the spell allowing for communication with animal's for a short period that Melina though me and learned that the Mastiff was informing his master that a Tabaxi had been found. This made me more curious and I began looking for a Gnome or Halfing, yet what show up was a mouse who shouted ad Rufus (The Mastiff) to shut up and not run off without him even if, they caught the smell of a Tabaxi.   Jery is the name of the mouse and he have a vendetta against Tabaxi's for killing his people, but came to realize that Seto wasn't bad a Tabaxi after a little talk and offer his and Rufus assistance in tracking down the monkey's who stole Ide Kayo diamond.   We stop for the night near a watering hole since Jery and I couldn't see in the dark, but I hope a day will come when the both of us can see in the dark. I found a good place among the greenery to rest until my watch came up, during which I noticed movement coming from the south and quickly shock Seto awake, but he decided after a short look around to sleep again.   The movement turns out to be 1 huge gorilla with 6 arms coming to drink, follow by 2 other's who soon begins to fight among each other after a well place shot from Aien, which leaves one Gorilla that flies into a rage upon seeing Rei, either the Gorilla is ill tempered or something about Rei cause creatures to act aggressive. Sadly Rei sacred the poor Gorilla to death before I was able to ask which.

The Grave of Ide Kayo
4th of Cizek 532

Today began on a good note since I learned from Ide Kayo that my Alchemist Jug could produce Thylean wine, which I haven't had in 24 years (mother gonna be so happy also) and sounds like the Jug can also produce bath water, so now I can bath in wild :). I gonna have to thanks Ide Kayo once we gets back to his magic shop and ask into his and Allenren relationship.   I really wonder what purpose the magical circle near Ide Kayo Tomb serves, was it used to resurrect Ide Kayo (Alleren word makes me believe so) or is the purpose to keep evil spirit away from the grave? Maybe inside considering the ghosts we encountered. Gonna try asking Alleren next time I see her and maybe she know why Ide Kayo made that face after I mentioned Ekron (didn't even know it was person).   I am starting to wonder if Rei's fear of monsters steams from a curse afflicted by one or maybe Rei was never a Human to begin with. I have at less never seen a human sprout sekelton wings and exited a aura of fear, which despite being present pale in comparison to the one I felt in Dhulko. (Hope I never have to experience the same fear again).   Rei still fought her spirit honorable regardless if she are Human or not, as did Mary while Seto cheated in my opinion, since the agreement was: The first one to fall lose and Seto clearly did fall to ground for some moments. Despite that i'm still glad none of them was seriously injured since chance of marriage falls distressingly in some culture if, you are missing a eye, have a scar in the face or other injured that would label you as damage goods.   Seem the others doesn't fear getting cursed for graverobring or potentially inviting an evil spirit into their home! The coins wasn't part of the agreement with Ide Kayo, only Skybitter, the armor (Rei should really have let me check the armor before she dorn it) and the gem which was stolen by monkeys. So I will have none of those coins but leaving Skybitter behind would be a shame.

Yuan-ti Ambush and the Magic Shop
3rd of Cizek 532

Today been a really good day since I experience so many new things like Sushi and I manage to obtain a Alchemist Jug that I know can produce tea and Mayo... I wonder how that actually taste since Aien drank the entire lot in one go. I should have asked those Grung if they knew Snurl... I wonder how either of the princesses or Issashu are doing in Smot been 15 years after all.   I'm at less sure the Yuan-ti from today wasn't from the Coatl Tribe or maybe they didn't like my flute play. We will never know since the leader (I presume) and one of the prisoner was killed by the Red Demon from the rumor board and the other under oath was killed by Rei under order of princess Kitsumi. I wonder if neither the Red Demon or Rei fear attracting The Bound Wander or maybe neither have heard the legenden.   Pulling the wagon with Aien was fun, do I feel sorry for the ox who's only crime was pulling the wagon with princess Kitsumi in it, could potentially have saved with healing song, but felt bad about healing it and then having to hurt it again by pulling the arrow out.   I wonder if the guard only allow us passage through the gate due to princess Kitsumi present or maybe Aien charm the captain of guards :P Then again he also got us into the trouble, yet he is also the reason I learned a new game from that guard and won 20 gold... should really have given the guard 1 gold to drink away his sorrow :P.   Guess I should mention Ide Kayo who I can thank for the lovely Jug and this marvelous paint who hopefully can get us a new ox and more important a bath since I start to feel dirty.

Escort of Princess Kitsumi
2nd of Cizek 532

I was approached during breakfast today by Seto, a Tabaxi about join him in escorting the princess of Kiga, which fits perfectly into my plan since what better way to get an audience with the leader of a nation than through his children and who knows maybe the princess have interesting stories to tell about this land.   I wonder why the person selecting me, Aien (Person wearing a Death Mask) Mary, Rei and Seto to escort the princess said that I should keep my distance from the wagon caring the princess since my horns would give the princess nightmare and yet the princess was wearing a costume with horns or at less I presume she is wearing a costume and isn't in fact a Tiefling or Alu-fiend.   We decided to rest for the night outside a Grung village.

Arriving in Ashima
1st of Cizek 532

I finally arrived in Ashima where the Shogun lives, yet I don't know how to get an audience with him, but maybe someone in this tavren does.   I wonder if the trigger for the tavren brawl who broke out shortly after I enter was Mary the Pixie throwing up on the shell of Kameko or Mary sending a arrow Kameko way. Happy that human (Rei I think her name was) was able to speak Kameko down from destroying the place since I don't think I could have mended the entire place, do I wonder how Mary will fare against Kameko in the Arena.   I don't like that I have to pay 250G (Which I don't have) for damage cause by Mary but at less the person wearing a Death Mask was able to talk the innkeeper out of calling the guards which could have lower my chance of speaking with Shogun and they manage to negotiate free stay and lough in those 250 G, I better learn this individuelle name tomorrow.
This article has no secrets.