Stheiasnia al Coatl

Stheiasnia al Coatl (a.k.a. The Pale Princess)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her body is very slender.

Facial Features

She sports a pair of purple eyes, rose-red lips and brown hair donning red serpents at it's tips.

Identifying Characteristics

Her hair consists of Red Vipers

Apparel & Accessories

She is normally seen traveling wearing a green cloak with black leg wear and skull mask adorning her head.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Been unable to save her best friend and Daichi Yukimura


Harming Couatls or Snakes, betraying a friends trust or stealing from a grave.

Personality Characteristics


Hopes to one day prove herself worthy of a Nightmare, which she thinks is very cool horse.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Playing the Shamisen, Cold Coconut milk  
Dislikes: Bane and The Betrayer (Lori)


Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Religious Views

Keep the balance and never kill without a good cause.

Hobbies & Pets

A poisonous snake named: Nitla, normally resting around her neck

Wealth & Financial state

Royal signet of Nix

Arrogant, Narcissistic and Proud.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of the Coatl Tribe
Princess of Nix
The Pale Princess
Date of Birth
1 of Cizek 506
Year of Birth
506 EC 26 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her mother was amazed by The Stranger martial prowess and was sure an union would produce strong offspring(s)
Red Serpant
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen Grey
5.6 ft
120 lbs
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal and Theives' Cant

Return of Aunty
20th of Cizek 532

I can only surmise that Zhi either blames me for Yuki current condition or the hatred towards Yuan-ti (misplaced as it is) runs deep in the Blue Dragon tribe. Doesn't she understand that seeing Yuki like this hurts me and that I won't nothing more than seeing him restore to his former self, so I can present mother.   Could Kit death have been the cause of Aunty white hair? Even so that doesn't explain her brown tan and what relationship would Aunty and this Kit have to cause Aunty hair to go white?   Hopefully the other's won't think ill of me for staying behind in Toto to keep an eye on Yuki, unless Daichi exile me for falling his son.

Return of Yuki
19th of Cizek 532

So lava doesn't kill Seto, which means we don't have to worry the next Seto takes a swim in the lava, which hopefully will be keep to a minim thanks to items found in the mountain and Yuki finally be back amongst the living, do we should most likely do something about his sparking.   Hopefully the other things awoken isn't too bad, else it's a small price to pay to bring Yuki back and hopefully finally freeing Aunty from her stone prison.

The other exit
19th of Cizek 532

Good thing the forged had 2 "safe" room to sleep in, else this entire fight would have been pointless as, the forged is a dead end and was empty except for a hammer no one can lift.   I don't think setting another free unto the world is a good idea but, the alternative would have been for the group to dodge Lilon lightning and potentially having to leave the remaining items behind. So setting Lilon free is the best option and who knows may he isn't a bad dragon since, Yuki is blue, and he is bad.   I wonder why someone went through all this effort to hide these fancy gloves and if those people are friendly.

The wheel of hate
18th of Cizek 532

I understand Zhi reaction to Sakura wanting to feed the duergars, but she needs to understand that we already killed those people responsible for Yuki and those 2 duergars are innocent, else she will one day find herself standing on a mountain of corpse and only feeling regret.   Was Jerry trying to tell us that he wanted to die by breaking the gate holding the lava back? I can understand if he blame himself for Yuki death, but how would Yuki feel knowing one of his allies killed themselves to bring him back? Happy the other escape unharmed and took the duergars with them.   I can understand Sakura being curious about an item, but she also has to understand that very few items are worth dying over, especially after she walked into the lightning strike. We could always try killing the blue dragon hoping that would stop the lightning strike but, how would the Blue Dragon tribe Yuki belong to feel about that?   A shame we didn't get to either look ad the new items our potentially improve our current ad the forged, but hopefully no one dies.

The Shapeshifter
18th of Cizek 532

Who is this Primus that Yuki have a connection to? And will this connection really allow us to bring him back?   Is this Jun who help us in the fight against the giants trustworthy? They could impersonate any of us with only their smell giving them away.

End of a dream
18th of Cizek 532

I can't believe Yuki died without anyone trying to save him. Jerry could have healed him, Seto could have gotten Zhi back on her feet or at less attempted to stop his bleeding and yet once again I find myself unable to save those I care about. Guess finding forgiveness for "killing" Lorelei was nothing but a foolish dream, just like trusting others. Yet I must inform Daichi about his son's death and entrust Sasaki-sama with this diary before the dream fades completely and me with it.

Complex or badly designed bow
18th of Cizek, 532

I'm trouble by Sasaki-sama and Zhi dependency of light, as that leaves them venerable in darkness and using the light from Zhi hat both reveals their position and makes hiding near them problematic. It's good Seto was quick to redirect the blow intended for Sasaki-sama, granted Yuki still took a beaten and yet he better build to handle it than Sasaki-sama.   Guess I should have tried firing the different bows ad the Archer school, instead of going for a hunting bow. as this hunting bow seems very ill suited for wild life hunt or maybe it's the placement of grip that messes me up.   Happy no one suffered any serious injuries in this fight.

The quest for freedom begins
17th of Cizek, 532

We are finally working on what really matters, freeing Aunty and Mary (pretty sure Jerry refer to the fairy by that name) from their stone prisons. Hopefully our preparation for departing Toto will be enough to ensure everyone safety, granted the extra rations seems like a waste or is the trail leading to Ki-rin barren?   I wonder how knowledgeable Seto is about weapon crafting, since Sasaki-sama staff is very elegant and hopefully serves a purpose beyond that. That said, Jerry and Sasaki-sama did an impressive work on my armor.   It's very lucky the forged have a private bedroom, as sleeping in the same room as the other's could lead to a lack of sleep or potentially Nitla biting one of them. We should also consider replacing the child size beds with some in adult size.

An unexpected victor
16th of Cizek, 532

The final round of the fight club offers some unexpected/entertaining moments, like example the young Sasaki-sama display of magical talent. Which ability to manipulate time, surround herself in a protective aura and the questionable decision to summon a creature, makes her a lot more formidable than first presumed.   I will most likely also need to reevaluated Yuki after witnessing his lightning breath, as it's clearly a ranged weapon despite its limited range or did Yuki intentionally limited its range? And yet he still lost to Seto, who surprisingly lost to the fire punching monk? I still don't get why me, Seto and Yuki received an item, despite the fact that we lost and everyone who competed got a free health potion.   Seems like everyone except Jerry enjoyed themselves during the after-party, especially the young Sasaki-sama. Which love for singing could lead one to believe her a relative of Aunty or maybe even her daughter. Do guess I better get some sleep, so I can wake up tomorrow well rested, ready for whatever tomorrow may bring.

The Fight Club
16th of Cizek, 532

This fight club thingy was a very enriching experience as I learned that: While Jerry is a powerful opponent, his low mobility combine with lack of long ranged weapon, makes him an easy target for a sniper/anyone capable of staying out of his range while still dealing damage. I guess he relies on Spike to make up for his low mobility and either powers through the pain caused by the wounds or heals them.   I'm a bit confused about Sasaki-sama choice to fight using swords since, her swordplay leaves openings for a opponent to exploited, yet her account about Aien's death indicates potential and I personally looking forward to seeing how her sword skill will develop. Such a shame that, she had to face Seto in the second round.   Now that we speak about Seto. His keen awareness of his surroundings makes him a very difficult opponent, especially combined with his tendency to quickly lockdown his opponent and then following it up with a barrage of blows. Yet the Fire ring fight and his first match clearly hints ad over confidence or lack of foresight as his weakness, potentially also long ranged attacks. Another difficult opponent, in terms of close combat is Yuki, since his skill with a naginata makes any close combat with him very risky, yet his lack of range weaponry makes him very venerable to long ranged attacks.   Finally we have Zhi, who seems like the weakest member of the squad. Granted she could have other skills outside of her "Bolt of Light" thingy or she merely seems weak in comparison to the rest of the squad. Regardless I should most likely keep an eye on her, as those who appear weak can be the most dangerous.   The second match worries me a bit, as I almost sacrifice Jerry in my attempt to win.

Thank you sis
16th of Cizek, 532

I'm gonna have to thank Quetz the next time I'm home, since all her "lessons" about enlightenment most likely helped me pass the Void Ring test. I also find her mediation techniques useful for calming myself and thereby calmly reflect upon events.   I didn't expect Sasaki-sama tea been this good, granted adding some coconut milk would greatly improve it and yet I can understand why the soldier prefer it over the kitchen tea.   Zhi plan of using the portal to quickly travel to the "ring shrines" is clever and allowed us to quickly acquire the Fire Ring but, sound like party isn't considering the risk of invaders on the other side of the portal. Granted we have been lucky so far, considering Zhi apperently can only purify Food and Water :P.   Why did Aunty allow the party to grave robe the sword? I mean the Aunty I knew always said: NEVER steal anything from a grave, and yet Seto makes it sound like Aunty knew about the theft, yet did nothing to prevent it why? Guess I better ask Aunty once we free her.   Until then I better enjoy this festivity and prepare for this fight club, as not to bring shame upon the Coatl tribe.

Friends over Duty?
16th of Cizek, 532

I should most likely found time in my busy schedule tomorrow to visit the library and inquire about those giant mosquito, so they won't get a jump on me next time. At less I can relax knowing that the party is capable of dispatching enemies, while still protecting their team mates.   It also sound like I may have misjudge Jerry, who seemly still blame himself for the events in the Forge or was his frustration caused by the stress of almost losing another team mate? Also where did his mount go?   Now to more important questions like: Who amongst the group understood the importance of keeping me safe? As my death would surely be a great lose, not only for the party, but also the world I can already based on Seto reaction rule him out and yet I must admit finding his remark about me being Yuki pet funny.   Speaking of Yuki, did he for moment stop to consider that, the Blue Dragon could be deceiving him and was luring him/others into a trap? Regardless I still had the foresight to lend Yuki one of my coins, so the remaining party could inform Toto about a possible trap and potentially rescue the others.   I would be remised if, I didn't mention the fact that, the instructor ability to detect me wasn't his skill, but merely as I already surmise a fluke from my side.

Peasant work
15th of Cizek, 532

The day began very well considering no one finding my sleeping courter and I therefor wouldn't have to fear been assassinated in my sleep. I also feels that my walking on hands and getting on the chair stunt showed Yuki, Zhi and the bodyguards that, I'm not just some helpless princess who require their protection all time. Else my disposing of the creature currently attacking Sakura will most like convince them of my greatness.   Speaking of the bathhouse, what was Yuki thinking by ordering a princess to do peasant work? Yet being the generous person I am, didn't complain about it and did instead go ahead with the work, while still finding time to maintain my gorgeous body.   I will granted the Shinobu school instructor the honor of teaching me, as his detection of my present most likely comes down to either me getting excited (revealing my present to him) or unintentionally making a sound and not him actually been skilled enough to detect someone as great as I.

Arriving in Toto
14th of Cizek, 532

I arrived outside Toto today with Yuki and his escort. Here, we would eventually meet the people who would later be assigned to be mine and Yuki's bodyguards by Daichi, who surely knew just by looking at me that I was a person of importance. I should ask Debiru Kai later about how a foreign princess compares to a Daimyo of Kiga and try to find someone who can explain what union could lead to a human fathering a Dragonborn.   Speaking of those bodyguards, it seems the young Sasaki Sakura understands the greatness of the Yuan-ti race and our snakes, as she calls me Snake lady :). She may one day prove herself worthy of feeding Nitla. The little Jerry also shows promise, as despite failing his bodyguard duty by allowing my Aunty to be petrified, he understood the importance of bringing her home with him instead of leaving her "corpse" to potentially be consumed by Basilisk survivors.   Finally, we have Seto -who has so far shown no sign of being a good bodyguard, granted I can't blame him for not protecting Yuki properly in the White Dragon room as Daichi still hadn't assigned him the bodyguard duty.   Now that I think about it, what relationship does Aunty and- I think they address her as Lady Sumehime- have? And why did she slap me? She couldn't be blaming me for the failure of the mechanism in the White Dragon room. Does she fail to understand what an honor even receiving a drop of my blood is? And how would a lowly White Dragon ever be more noble than a princess of Coatl tribe?   And what about the former commander Zhi? Sounds like she was an important person to Aunty and yet she failed to prevent her "death." Then again, she is only Human and shouldn't be blamed for being born into a lesser race.   Yet even a superior Yuan-ti like myself fails sometimes, like when I... explained to Yuki why he shouldn't blame me for the events in the White Dragon room and even... showed weakness in front of those tattoo monks. Though I am elsewise smart enough to not sleep in a room full of people who would- at the first opportunity- stab me in back or worse...
This article has no secrets.