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Aya Sasaki (Ah-yah Sah-sah-kee)

猟師の余炎 (ryoushi no yoen) - Ember Huntress

Aya Sasaki (赤夜 笹鬼) is a young woman living in the village of Hinamizawa. Outgoing, curious, and sociable, she is known by everyone in the village as a friendly sort who is especially eager to deal with travelers that happen through the area en-route along the Touge no Orochi. Despite her good standing within the village, not much is known of her past as she rarely speaks of it. Aya arrived as a young girl alone, without any parents to speak of, and spent the succeeding years doing odd jobs for the villagers and staying at the local inn until she could afford her own dwelling. Despite a history of misfortune, Aya is rarely seen with a frown upon her face. Below her happy-go-lucky exterior however, a dark desire for vengeance consumes her, like a gnawing hunger.  

Name Meaning

  The reading of her name comes from the Kyokan characters 赤夜 (a - crimson/red, ya - night/evening), and 笹鬼 (sasa - bamboo grass, ki - demon/devil). The overall translation of Aya's full name would be Crimson Night, Demon amongst the Bamboo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aya is fit and agile, with a slender physique that befits a woman known to often take physically demanding odd jobs in addition to regularly hunting in the mountains and rough terrain of Terawa.

Body Features

Aya is a woman who isn't afraid to get physical--whether it's toiling all day in a farmer's field, or hunting in the steep terrain of the Naga Mountains. Slender but shapely, Aya appears mostly average until one notices her toned physique. All of this remains mostly the same when in her Ascendant Form, with some obvious exceptions encompassing her more abyssal traits. Despite a large increase in overall strength--to the point of being 'superhuman'--her physique does not visibly change.

Facial Features

Aya has a narrow face with soft features, lending toward a naturally friendly appearance. Her eyes are a striking shade of deep blue, contrasted against a head of dark raven locks, typically kept around shoulder length or into a ponytail when grown out. When in Ascendant Form, Aya's eyes change color to a vivid copper-gold with narrowed pupil, her canines grow into sharp fangs, and her hair turns from raven black to ashen white. Her tongue also becomes forked--similar to a serpent's--and a pair of long slightly curved horns grow above her ears at her temples, tips facing upward.

Identifying Characteristics

When in her Mortal Visage as a human, Aya blends in among her fellow villagers perfectly. It is only through a partial or full Ascendant transformation where her features truly change. Beyond her changed facial features, and the obvious abyssal traits she gains (such as a long tail), she also gains emissive veins of burning light around her neck that climb up to her lower face, as well as upon her arms, hands, and upper thighs.

Special abilities

Due to her abyssal heritage as an Oni, Aya has access to explosive strength while in Ascendant Form, extrasensory enhancements in sight (Darkvision) and acute hearing, and a small pool of inherent magic she is able to cast without material requirement. Aya would also swear she is able to hold her drink better than most, in her mortal visage and especially in Ascendant form.

Apparel & Accessories

Aya is often seen around Hinamizawa wearing a set of tacky, worn robes of muted color similar to that of any other peasant you might find toiling away in a field, in addition to an equally worn pair of straw sandals. When she goes out to hunt, or travel along the Touge no Orochi, she wears a finely-made set of black robes with red, white, and gold accents and ornamentation--these robes had been tailored by her mother in preparation for Aya coming of age one day as a gift. When Aya left Kanamura behind, she took these as a memento to remember her mother by. Although a bit showy, the attire does not appear ostentatious or gaudy. Worn around her red obi sash is often a thick bow of braided gold thread.   If expecting a fight or while on the hunt in dangerous territory, Aya will don a set of lacquered bracers, knee-high greaves, and beneath her outer robes, a leather guard that protects her abdomen up to her chest. In effect, she is geared to be able to move with as much agility as possible, while still bearing some amount of armor protection.

Specialized Equipment

Aya's basic equipment that she tends to carry about the village only consists of her worn tanto dagger and occasionally a wakizashi shortsword (both blades previously owned by her father). When hunting however, or travelling away from Hinamizawa, she will bring a pack with anything an adventurer might require while away from home. Additionally, when travelling she often carries her main weapon, a nodachi (greatsword) she has named "Mumei" (無名 - nameless/unknown), as well as a modified shortened yumi bow which she commonly uses while hunting in dense forestation and along the mountainsides.   Aya, while in both forms, always wears a pair of special orb-shaped earrings that respond to her arcane ability. While in her mortal visage the orbs glow faintly with orange light. When in Ascendant Form they smolder brightly, as though a live ember. For those who know of Aya and her prowess as a hunter, these earrings are part of what gave her the title of Ember Huntress.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing Up

  Aya was born to her mother Yuki and father Aoki in the tiny mountainside village of Kanamura, located in northwestern Terawa. Her parents named her after the lunar eclipse (blood moon) that had been casting its dull crimson light over the land the evening that she was born. Her mother was a skilled seamstress, plying her trade for the village and local area as a clothier and tailor. Most seemed to agree that Aya inherited much of her mother's physical beauty and grace, while her eyes and carefree nature seemed to instead come from her father. Aoki had been a ronin, cast away after his master was caught as a criminal and relinquished of his lands, titles, and samurai. Since he found Kanamura and settled down with Yuki however, he took up the quiet life as a peasant, never looking back.   As Aya grew up in the village, by the age of nine or ten she had become quite an adventurous child, often going on treks with her father whenever he would hunt in the forests or mountainsides. She picked up her talent for archery from him, and although he was apprehensive to teach her the blade, she had at least started to understand the ways of the sword and dagger from Aoki as well. From a young age, she was taught to appreciate nature, take only what is necessary for survival, and to give back whenever possible. These values, Aya has carried her entire life, becoming one of her 'charms' that other people seem to look up to.    

The Massacre at Kanamura

  In her eleventh year, Aya's entire life was turned upside down in a single night. Abyssal creatures descended from the mountain path, and arrived in the village. Aya, who had been sleeping at the time, was awoken by screams in the distance as the massacre began. Her parents armed themselves with whatever they could, and forced Aya to enter a cramped root cellar, commanding her not to come out under and circumstances. She did as she was told, though she watched through a crack in the floorboards, keeping her eyes on her parents who barred the way into their home. Tragically, she would witness her father slain at the door, and then soon after--despite the pleading of her mother for mercy--she would watch her mother fall as well. The figure that stood at the door was obscured by shadow, but to her terrified eyes it didn't look like an ordinary abyssal she had seen depicted in folktales and stories. It was in the shape of a man, but it had the eyes of a monster.   The next moments would become a blur, as her screams of terror and sadness would tell the beast her location, despite her promise to remain quiet and hidden. The monster would enter the home, walking over the bodies of her fallen parents, and hoist the latched door to the root cellar up, nearly off its hinges. Aya was cowering on the dirt floor of the cellar, her hands clutching at her head as though attempting to rip the memory of what she just witnessed from her mind. Tears streamed from her eyes as she clamped them closed out of fright. She could feel the beasts hand come down toward her head, grasping her hair and yanking her out from the cellar with force. Her eyes opened and she beheld a strangely human face with curved horns, and a pair of vivid red eyes peering directly into hers. A grin slowly crept across the man's face, revealing four horrible fangs in place of normal canine teeth, and a forked tongue.   And then all went black. She felt his teeth gnaw into the flesh of her neck for only a brief moment before she must have passed out from shock.   Aya awoke several times, each time screaming and wracked with pain. Her mind came in and out of consciousness as her entire body burned furiously with fever. She convulsed, woke up again to uncontrollable shaking as though standing in the midst of a blizzard, and finally after what seemed like weeks of torture, everything subsided. When she woke, her vision was bathed in darkness - she wondered if she had finally been given the gift of death, and awoke in the underworld. When her vision adjusted however, she found herself lying face-up at the bottom of the root cellar of her home.   When she finally climbed out, she found the body of her father, still on the floor where he had fallen. Flies already had gathered about his corpse, but he hadn't yet started to waste away--perhaps due to the colder climate there. Aya grief-stricken, searched for her mother's body as well, but found no traces. Only a pool of blood where it had likely been. When she left her home to search, she found the bodies of her fellow villagers in much the same state as her father's. It dawned on her that by some miracle - or perhaps ill fate - she was the sole survivor there.   Though she wanted to weep, after a long while she found her tears had all dried up within her. A broken child though she was, she did the only thing she knew she ought to do. She burned the dead. All of the villagers she had known for the past eleven years, she placed onto a hastily made pyre she prepared in one of the crop fields, and lit the flame. She burned her father separately, doing whatever she could to try and ensure his soul found peace according to Kyokan funeral tradition. Aya watched the pyre in silence, her eyes reflecting the dancing flames until it all burned out to a thin wisp of smoke.   Upon returning to her home, she caught herself in a small mirror that lay at the edge of the musty futons that sat in the main room. With a fright, Aya recoiled, colliding with the back wall of the house and sinking to her knees. She stared dumbly into the mirror's glass, transfixed on what she saw before her. Aya saw herself, but not as she had been--a pair of golden-copper eyes with narrowed pupils, two slender pointed horns, a forked tongue and pronounced fang-like canine teeth. She noticed she now had a tail as well. A vision of the beastlike man that murdered her parents and the entire village flashed through her mind like a searing pain. She threw her small fist into the mirror, breaking it into shards of glass. After a long moment, with a shaking hand, she picked up the largest piece, blood trickling down her fingers from where she grasped it, and slowly raised it to her neck.   Her tears came back in that moment as she prepared to send herself to the afterlife to hopefully join her parents. But something stayed her hand. The glass shard fell to the floor, and the girl simply wept until she could muster tears no longer.    


  Aya would eventually make the decision to leave Kanamura behind. The joy she had felt for her village had withered away, and she knew there was nothing there for her anymore. She would instead head into the mountains bound eastward, carrying the memories she had of her parents with her. She packed whatever belongings she had to her, including a set of robes that her mother had tailored for her when she grew into an adult. In a chest that belonged to her father, she found a short wakizashi, tanto knife, and a few other trinkets. Taking those two, she slid the blades into her belt and left her home, hoisting a rucksack behind her as she went. The last items she would retrieve were her yumi bow and quiver of arrows.   She decided she had to survive now. Not only in the hopes of keeping the memory of her parents and village alive, but now she had another goal in mind. One day, she would find the man that took her mother and father from her, and she would destroy him the way he destroyed everything she knew. A fire of vengeance ignited in her heart, and for a long time, it was all consuming. It was everything she cared about; her sole reason for staying alive.   And no matter how long it took to get her vengeance, she would continue to live on for that sake alone.   After a couple months of living alone, Aya would make her way beyond the Western Naga Mountains into the narrow valley separating it from the Eastern range. Alone on the road, she would find an entrance to the Touge no Orochi, a sacred mountain pass that many pilgrims and travelers normally took in their spiritual journey. She approached at the extreme end, toward the top of the mountains, where it was said an ancient temple and sanctuary stood. As her feet brought her onto the path however, something stopped her cold in her tracks. A sense of foreboding wrapped around her heart, one she didn't quite understand. Something prompted her to turn around and head away from the sanctuary, and so instead she found her way onto the mountain pass taking the long route around the Eastern Naga Mountains.   While camping in the woods one evening, along the banks of the Kuromizu River, she found she had the ability to turn her appearance back to what it had been, before that final night in Kanamura. She peered at her reflection in the calmer waters of the Kuromizu, watching as she shapeshifted with a dull sense of wonder. Looking at her previous appearance--her Mortal Visage--she felt a hollowness she hadn't felt before. She knew what she was on the inside, and it was horrific. Aya found it hard to accept, but she knew the truth--she was a beast, a monster, a demon. The same kind of demon that killed her family. The same kind of beast that nearly killed her. Recalling her time learning Kyokan folklore in the tiny Kanamura school she had once attended, she recalled learning briefly of Oni. Supposedly mythical abominations born of abyssal magic and violence. Her insides grew cold as she thought about it. Is that what she was now? An Oni? Villagers also spoke of demonfolk once and a great while, typically as unholy abominations that should be wiped out. Is that a future that awaited her?    

A New Life

  With the fear of being hunted down like an animal in mind, Aya proceeded with caution along her journey. She would maintain her mortal visage at all times, not that she relished the idea of seeing herself as an Oni either. Eventually, she would make it to the quiet riverside village of Hinamizawa. As she stood along the outskirts of the village, memories of her childhood in Kanamura flooded into her. She stood by the river, tears welling in her eyes as she debated continuing on down the path, or staying for a while. Something prompted her to stay there--initially only for a few days she thought, but then weeks started to pass by, and then months, and she was still there in Hinamizawa. When the villagers discovered she had no parents (telling them she was orphaned) nor a home to speak of, she was allowed to stay in the tiny inn, provided she could do some work to pay her rent. Gladly, she started taking on odd jobs. Then eventually she began to hunt in the forests and mountains, just like she had mere months before her with father.   She put on a smile, becoming known as the friendly new face in the village. And over time, she became one of them. Years passed her by, and she grew up into a young adult. She bought her own tiny little home there in Hinamizawa, and socialized with the locals. Everyone there knew who she was; she became a daughter to the entire village. And for a time, she allowed herself to enjoy a normal life, maybe even forget her past a little bit. But she would never really forget.   By the age of 20, tragedy nearly struck Hinamizawa. Fiends from the dense woods--monsters with ties to the Abyss--attacked the village. With few samurai making routine patrols so far into the countryside, the village stood nearly defenseless aside from the few locals able to brandish clubs or other farming implements turned weapons. Ayu joined them, drawing her father's wakizashi. When all seemed lost, and already several villagers found themselves killed by the Fiends, Aya did the only thing she could--she let loose, entering her Ascendant Oni form--slaying the Fiend in front of her, and then leaping in to save another villager from being slaughtered in front of her. When the battle was miraculously won, she found herself confronted by the village. Though she expected them to immediately attack her, she was surprised to see they stayed their hands. Aya explained what she was to them, and the fact that she had changed after being attacked by a demon. She begged their forgiveness and mercy, and to her great surprise and relief, they gave it and more.   Hinamizawa accepted her despite her connection to the abyss. It seemed that over those past years, and especially with her jumping in to rescue the village, it didn't matter what she was. Oni or not, she was a precious member of the village now.    

Present Day

  Aya spends much of her days around the region of the village, hunting and foraging, or otherwise helping the locals in a variety of different odd jobs. Six more years have passed since the Fiend attack on Hinamizawa, and nearly fifteen since the massacre at Kanamura. Her work to keep her village safe has been successful until now, though recent troubling events have caught her concern. The murder of the priests and shrine maidens at Terawa Sanctuary have the stink of abyssal all over it, and Aya cannot help but think that Oni from so long ago may have something to do with it. News of adventurers being summoned to Yukijima to investigate has also piqued her interest as she keeps her ears and eyes open for any interesting newcomers in the following weeks.   Perhaps with their help, she might finally reach her goal.


While still living in Kanamura, Aya attended a small local school meant for the children of the village. Although a "formal" education, it was taught by other villagers, and very likely wouldn't have met the education standards in more metropolitan Kyokai. It did however have a mix of many topics, especially in hands-on subjects such as weaving, planting and farming, hunting basics, fishing, etc.


Until Aya arrived in Hinamizawa, she had only been an eleven year old child, and thus not old enough to have taken any real form of employment. Living in her new village however, and with the need to pay rent--even if it was made lower due to her age--she was afforded many opportunities to take on different odd jobs around the village. To help pay her rent, she would help farm the land, hunt game, fish, mend fences or clothing, or run errands for others. Regardless of the job, she would take it. By early adulthood, she eventually was able to save up enough money to purchase her own small plot of land within the village, erecting a modest home there.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Beyond fulfilling odd jobs for villagers, Aya doesn't really have any achievements she would feel are worth mentioning. Hinamizawa, on the other hand, would cite her defense of their village against all dangers (including the Fiend attack), and have since then given her a title as Ember Huntress.

Failures & Embarrassments

Aya tends to be quite hard on herself when thinking back on her childhood in Kanamura and the massacre of its people. Although it's foolish, she considers her inability to do anything but cower as her parents were butchered, the greatest failure of her life. She considers is a mark of shame that will only be erased when she achieves of her goal hunting down the demons that destroyed her village--and especially the Oni that killed her parents and changed her into the very thing she despises most. Her bitterness has only festered in the last 15 years, though she has gotten quite skilled at keeping such emotions deep within her.

Mental Trauma

The trauma of what she went through as a child in Kanamura still haunts Aya. Her sleep is often beset by nightmares bringing her back to that fateful day--if she finds sleep at all some nights. Due to her shame and survivor's guilt, she has turned the trauma itself into anger, which serves as the fuel for her goal of vengeance. Although it no longer consumes her mind, she will never let it go.   Prior to being accepted by Hinamizawa she spent much time alone, isolating herself and her thoughts to an unhealthy degree. Once she was part of the village, she has since warmed back up to people but will still undergo periods of time where she will leave the village to be alone for several days at a time until she feels mentally ready to go back.   On some rare occasions she finds herself tensing up and flashing back to her past. These moments may come at random, even at times when Aya is totally relaxed.   Even despite living among many people she seems to care about, Aya has trouble letting people back into her life in any meaningful capacity. Despite having been among the villagers of Hinamizawa for 15 years already, she has told no one about the events of Kanamura, nor the fact that she is its sole survivor. Although she has tried to open up to others, even attempting to date men her age, she finds she's unable to make it work and commit to a relationship. She tends to keep people at arms reach, and thus has no close relationships to speak of.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite her overall lack of education beyond childhood, Aya is sharp-witted and has the talent to pick up and learn many skills, regardless of the challenge it may be to acquire them. Much of her intellect truly comes out in her hunting ability, self-taught swordsmanship, adaptability to difficult situations, and emotional maturity. Rather than being "book smart", she is most certainly "street smart".

Morality & Philosophy

Aya has a strong sense of personal justice, though it may not necessarily match up with society's moral standards. Due to her ongoing quest for vengeance, she would likely do whatever it takes to reach that goal, including perhaps using other people as stepping stones. That all said, it's highly unlikely she would harm an innocent person, as she cares deeply for those who have been victims much like she had been. Despite everything, she would raise her sword against anyone (monster or man) that may seek to harm her village or those she cares about.

Personality Characteristics


She has two major desires in life currently:
  • Protect Hinamizawa - they are her new family, whether she would ever admit that or not. The village has become precious to her, and one of the few places she feels she belongs.
  • Get revenge for her mother, father, and village of Kanamura - The Oni that slew them and turned her into an Oni is her primary target. Nothing will get in her way when it comes to this goal.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Consumed with her goal of revenge
  • Headstrong at times, stubborn, doesn't give into things very easily
  • Hatred of the Oni, despite being one herself; moreso out of a distinct sense of shame and regret than ignorance
  • Unable to form lasting bonds with people; keeps everyone at arm's length, though not without a pleasant smile


Family Ties

No family left as they were murdered during the Massacre at Kanamura.

Religious Views

Prior to the attack at Kanamura, Aya paid homage to the same deities as her parents--namely Eldath, the Goddess of Peace, and Helm, the God of Protection. Since the massacre there, Aya has cast away what beliefs she may have had for the gods due to their inaction in helping her village against the demons. Additionally, as an Oni, whatever relationship she might have had with the divine was very likely severed the moment she gained her abyssal heritage.

Social Aptitude

Although Aya wouldn't consider herself charismatic, her outwardly positive attitude and humility has nonetheless drawn others to her. Ambiverted, though with a proclivity toward introversion, Aya is known to keep much of her true feelings or opinions to herself, preferring to show the outside world a far more outgoing and happy-go-lucky personality instead. Regardless of what she shows to others, Aya is well-mannered and exudes a sense of confidence in the way she carries herself.


While among her fellow villagers of Hinamizawa, Aya has adopted a far more 'bubbly' personality, complete with a deep-country accent that manages to hide her true self. Amicable and well-mannered, Aya feels easy to approach. Once joining up with The Hunting Party and revealing bits and pieces of her past, however, she lets the façade fall, showing her true nature to her comrades. Shrewd, well-spoken, and far more serious Aya comes across as a bit more worldly or cautious than her previous persona of 'country girl innocence' would suggest.
by Z.W. Gu (GUWEIZ)
True Neutral
Current Status
Hunting around the Naga Mountains
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Evenfall, 1177 ATC
Year of Birth
1177 ATC 29 Years old
Current Residence
Blue, sharp, lively
Raven black, shoulder-length, straight but slightly messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair-skinned, red makeup around the eyes and lips
5' 7"
128 lbs
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluency in Kyokan, Common Tongue, and Abyssal

Ascendant Form

by Z.W. Gu (GUWEIZ)

Physical Characteristics

  Ayu maintains much of her physical look from her mortal visage, however her hair turns a pale white, two long horns protrude from the top of her head above her ears, her eyes turn a deep copper with a narrowed pupil, and she bears a long slender tail with a forked tip.   Although her body physique and stature does not change with her transformation, she gains great strength and several passive abilities that are granted through her abyssal heritage.    

First Appearance

Shadow of the Abyss, Session 1  

Campaign Appearances

Shadow of the Abyss
TBD Untitled One-shot
The Slime Incident Returns (non-Arethel)

Aya Sasaki

7 Level (0/34000 XP for level-up) Hunter Background Oni (Ascendant) Race / Species / Heritage True Neutral Alignment
Level 7
Hit Dice: 7/7
1d10+1 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
Spellcasting ...
+3 Attack mod
WIS Ability
+0 Abi Mod
11 Save DC
+6 Expertise Bonus
+3 Proficiency Bonus
+6 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
-1 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+2 Charisma
saving throws
+2 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
-1 Arcana INT
+6 Athletics STR
+5 Deception CHA
-1 History INT
+0 Insight WIS
+2 Intimidation CHA
-1 Investigation INT
+0 Medicine WIS
-1 Nature INT
+3 Perception WIS
+2 Performance CHA
+2 Persuasion CHA
-1 Religion INT
+2 Sleight of Hand DEX
+2 Stealth DEX
+3 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Wakizashi +6 STR 1d6+3 slashing
 Finesse, light, melee
Longbow +5 DEX 1d8+2 piercing
 Ammunition, heavy, two-handed (range 150-600 ft)
Nodachi +7 STR 2d6+3 slashing
 Heavy, two-handed, magical, melee

Spell Book

Level 1 Spells 4 slots

Protection from Evil and Good +3 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 10 minutes VSM
Searing Smite +5 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute 1d6 fire V
 Notes:Acquired by racial traits
Hunter's Mark +3 1 Bonus Action 90 ft Concentration, up to 1 hour 1d6 V
Zephyr Strike +3 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V

Level 2 Spells 3 slots

Searing Smite +5 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute 1d6 fire + V
 Notes:Acquired by racial traits
Hunter's Mark +3 1 Bonus Action 90 ft Concentration, up to 1 hour 1d6 + V
Misty Step +3 1 Bonus Action Self Instantaneous V
Spike Growth +3 1 Action 150 ft Concentration, up to 10 minutes 2d4 VSM
Wakizashi, Longbow w/ quiver of arrows, Nodachi, Scale Mail, Adventurer's Pack

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money
Common, Abyssal, Infernal

Languages & Proficiencies

™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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Cover image: by Z.W. Gu (GUWEIZ)


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