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Yukijima (Yoo-kee-jee-mah)

One of two cities located on the Island of Terawa, situated along its southern most coastline. Yukijima, while far smaller compared to its sister cities of the southern islands of Kyokai, serves as one of the few bastions of civilization on Terawa, a location that is otherwise known for its harsh winters, rugged landscapes, and sparse populations of dominantly peasant-class citizens.


Yukijima is comprised of a surprising mix of races and socio-economic classes, despite being in such a cold and partially inhospitable location. Although still dominantly human, there are large pockets of Elven, Dwarven, and Orcish populations in the city, significant enough to earn their own quarters or cultural districts. Additionally, 'exotic' races such as Tiefling, Aasimar, Genasi, Gnome, and Kobold have even found their way to the far northern city.   While not a rich city, Yukijima does function as a gateway into Terawa, and thus many goods travel through its ports. A large merchant class dominates the city, while peasantry and tradesmen make up the bulk of the rest. A notable but minor noble class does also exist in the city, typically serving in government positions as they must interact directly with the Bakufu.


Yukijima serves as the governmental center of Terawa, and the prefectural capital for the island. From the small government building in Yukijima, the Bakufu's envoy and Mayor of the city, Sena Uehara, represents the region's people and their desires or needs. Bi-monthly, the Yukijima Government Office sends out officials to collect taxes for the Shogunate, a large portion of which is sent south to the Capital of Eidou. In return, much-needed trade with the main islands, and hard-to-find resources are continually shipped north through the city's port.


While the environment does provide a fair amount of natural defense against invasion, the city does have constructed stone defenses, either as towers or wall emplacements. Much of this guards the southern port district, the eastern plains, and the northern road. Only a small garrison of men-at-arms and a few Samurai lead the defense of the city, despite its relative importance.

Industry & Trade

Major industries include copper and iron mining and export, blacksmithing, runesmithing, multiple handicrafts (such as jewelry making), ship building and maintenance, and especially agriculture.


Yukijima has a full port along the southern coastline of Terawa, allowing access to the Senketsugawa Strait that runs between the north island and Joushu. Thus, shipyards, blast furnaces, maintenance facilities, and warehouses are all included amongst the infrastructure necessary to keep up a bustling sea-trade network.   Additionally, with its position next to the Kuromizu River's tributaries and basin, much of that fresh mountain-fed water is used to vitalize a vastly important network of arable farmland that sits in the plains along both sides of the river. Windmills, waterwheels, and other such pieces of infrastructure help keep both the city, and most villages to the north fed.   With Yukijima's proximity to the Cliffs of Izu, vast tunnel systems have been mined out beyond the Minamimori Forest to reach valuable deposits of copper and iron ores. Much of this goes into the shipbuilding and blacksmithing industry on the island, however a large potion is sent south as well.


With a population of only 2500 or so, it isn't that large of a city to require too many differing districts, however with such a surprising racial diversity, some cultural quarters have become prominent over the years. The Dwarven Quarter sits along the west end of the city, nearest the Cliffs as many inhabit trades such as mining, smelting, runesmithing, and jewelry-making. Similarly, the Elves of Yukijima have created their own district closest to the Kuromizu, surrounding the Eastern Bridge that crosses its waters. Many Elves work alongside humans and other races as farmers, scholars, merchants, tradesmen, or fishermen.   The main thoroughfare that cuts directly through the heart of the city is The North Road, which as its name implies, leads travelers and pilgrims north toward the village of Izu, and the beginning of the Touge no Orochi. Along this main road, catering to any who may be travelling north or south, are many shops, restaurants, and services.

Guilds and Factions

  • Smithing Guild
  • Fighter's Guild
  • Shipwright's Guild
  • Merchant's Guild



Points of interest



While the majority of travelers that enter Yukijima are there for trade, a not-insignificant number of pilgrims arrive every year as part of the Holy Rites that bring them to many of the divine temples and wayshrines that dot the landscape of Kyokai. Terawa's sacred temple, the Sanctuary of Terawa, is the final stop for many pilgrims, and the ultimate destination to pay homage to their gods. Although not considered part of the path to the temple, Yukijima is a necessary entry-point for most who wish to travel the Touge no Orochi, which begins just up the North Road at Izu.   Any tourists, travelers, or pilgrims have a selection of several traditional inns and ryoukan that sit atop hot springs, making them famous for their luxurious accommodations and baths. Of course, such accommodations come at a price. The most famous of these spots is called Fuyuzoraya, the "Winter Sky Inn", an establishment that has been entreprenerd by the same family since before the Shogunate even existed. Its reputation for premiere service, luxurious hot springs, and incredible seasonal food has even been felt in the Capital of Eidou and further abroad.


The architecture of Yukijima is a mix between very old and quite new. As the population slowly grows, nearly styles of building are inherited by the lower islands, however an effort is being made to keep things as traditional as possible so as not to lessen the 'charming aesthetic' of the city's older buildings. Many homes have a stone base or foundation, while the rest of their construction is of timber with whitewashed or gray walls. Gracefully sloping curved rooflines are common, just as with most Kyokan cities and town, which are tiled in mainly grays or blues.   Some of the oldest buildings in Yukijima have thick hay-thatched rooves, matching those of the villages higher in the mountains, harkening back to a time long past.


Yukijima sits along the river basin of the Kuromizu which separates the city in half between east and western portions. To the north sit the dense trees of the Minamimori Forest, to the west the high Cliffs of Izu which form an insurmountable wall in front of the distant Naga Mountain Range, and to the east is open plain until it hits the coastline. South of the city is the Senketsugawa Strait, the body of water dividing Terawa from Joushu, the main island of Kyokai.


Being a part of the North Island, and not so distant from the Northern Reaches, Yukijima (and the rest of Terawa) is used to harsh winters. The weather is frigid for long periods of the year, and temperately cool for the rest. Only around Solsheight and Stormsfall does the weather become mild or warm. When not in winter, most of society east of the Naga Mountains experience routine rainfall, making the land lush and perfect for planting. When winter arrives however, these mountain air-currents bring many feet of snow every year.
by Evan Liu
Founding Date
200 BTC
Location under
Included Locations
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Cover image: by Qiming Kuang


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