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Bartholomew Mason (baar · thaa · luh · myoo)

The Unassuming Barkeep

  Bartholomew Mason, often nicknamed "Bart" for short, is the inn and barkeep of The Weathered Sail, an old thatched-roof establishment in the port town of Haven. Though most wouldn't know it from his humble demeanor and lax attitude, Bart had at one point been one of the most feared pirates on the open seas--at least until he officially retired from that life, crossing his name off the Bone Pact and settling down in Flamelle. Since becoming a resident of Haven, he has grown quite close to the town, becoming a known enough citizen to eventually become its de facto mayor. He is now credited as one of the two individuals (the other being Renfri du Foux) responsible for helping form the adventuring party that would become known as The Heroes of Romaire, who would go on to fight back against the Circle of Aima Axio.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a younger lad, Bartholomew had always been large and brawny, which made him a fierce adversary during his days of piracy. These days however, age and less physical labor has begun to catch up with him. He is still large, though more heavier-set than well-built. Still powerful, though not at the same level of fitness as he had been.

Apparel & Accessories

Bart typically always wears a simple tunic and trousers, preferring less opulent or showy aesthetic despite in actuality being quite a wealthy individual. He lives below his means, and it tends to show in his outfit choices--though he never looks unkempt or slovenly. While tending to his inn and bar, he often will wear a burnt-orange or dark gray apron over his clothes.   At his side, he always has a long dagger sheathed for self-defense, though he admits he has never had to use it as his fists usually suffice enough in the tavern brawls that have occasionally taken place at his tavern. Otherwise, his next 'weapon' of choice is a simple rag, which he's hardly ever caught without, as he regularly wipes down glasses or mugs behind the bar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history






Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments


Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics




Contacts & Relations


Family Ties





Bartholomew Mason

Former Captain / Comrade (Important)

Towards Renfri du Foux



Renfri du Foux

Former First-Mate / Comrade (Important)

Towards Bartholomew Mason




Bart and Renfri's relationship goes back at least 22 years. She had met him in a bar at the lower end of Foux as he was recruiting new prospective members for his fleet. Though he rarely would venture away from the coastline towns, Bart figured lakeside might have the right kind of people as well. Their first encounter was mostly transactional--Bart offered her work, which she desperately wanted, and Renfri accepted the proposition, finding that sailing out at see could be an exciting adventure.   As the years continued on, and she served on his ship--first as navigator, then as First-Mate--their relationship slowly changed from superior and subordinate, to comrades and like-minded peers. When Renfri eventually, after years of sailing with Bart, chose to purchase her own ship and start a new crew, he blessed her new voyage and admitted he was ready for retirement anyway.   Since returning to civilization, the two have maintained their close friendship, which Bart actively collaborating with Renfri and her Information Brokers on several occaisions. When the adventuring party that would become The Heroes of Romaire made their mad escape from Haven while under lockdown and quarantine, it was Renfri that Bart suggested the party seek out.   The two of them trust each other to the utmost degree, and hold the other at a very high regard.

Shared Secrets

Renfri knew of Bart's hidden treasure, as well as its rough location within the Gray Veil. She held the secret close to herself until the information had to be revealed to the Heroes of Romaire so that they might rebuild Haven using the vast fortune Bart had amassed.

Neutral Good
Current Status
Tending to The Weathered Sail Inn & Tavern
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
23rd of Seedsown, 1152 ATC
Year of Birth
1152 ATC 54 Years old
Current Residence
Light brown, kind
Bald head, but a bushy red beard with hints of gray starting to appear
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skinned with hints of age and years of manual work
6' 2"
230 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Pirates' Cant, Flamellen, Common
Ruled Locations


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