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Renfri du Foux (Rehn-free doo Foh)

Intelligence is Power

  Renfri du Foux, the ever-enigmatic leader of the Information Brokers, has never been easy to totally figure out. Even those who have known her for many years cannot claim to ever truly know the woman, as she has the habit of keeping her own cards quite close to the chest. Perhaps one of the few people in Arethel that could claim to know Renfri for who she really is (besides her family), is the humble barkeep of Haven, Bartholomew Mason.   Sarcastic, implacable in her ambitions and goals, and with a seemingly strong desire to do as much good as she can--regardless of what end of the law she may find herself--Renfri and her Information Brokers are a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Renfri is physically quite fit due to her consistent training regimen. While she may outwardly maintain a womanly physique, she is slender and toned.

Identifying Characteristics

Beyond her characteristic blue-gray eyes and dark auburn hair held into a single braid, Renfri also has a few notable scars. Each seem to tell a different tale from her past, especially when she had been a feared pirate prowling the waters of the North and South Umbrial Ocean. This includes a light slash across her left cheek, just below the eye, as well as another long slash from right collarbone to her left waist.

Apparel & Accessories

When not in her trademark leather breastplate, pauldrons and bracers, Renfri is often in more comfortable clothing--a simple tunic or blouse, usually held at the waist by a red sash, and trousers. By her own word, she has never owned (nor never will own) a dress, as she prefers clothing that will not "get in her way".   In addition to clothing or armor, Renfri is almost never seen with at least a dagger sheathed behind her, or a long graceful saber at her hip. Her saber in particular, of damascus steel craftsmanship with silver ornamented guard and pommel, seems to have been with her since the very beginning as a pirate. Though she claims not to be very sentimental, it was only after selling off her old ship, The Shadow Whisper, that she used that title for her blade's new namesake.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Childhood

  Renfri was born and grew up in Flamelle, though never quite knew her biological parents. As an infant, she had been cast aside, left to die in the winter's chill swaddled in a single ratty blanket. As fate would have it however, death would not find her, but instead a widowed peasant man who happened by where the infant lay along the roadside took her in that day, becoming her father. Despite having very little himself, he tried to bring the young child up as best he could, even giving her the name of Renfri (Old Flamellen for 'Winter Child'). Though she was far too young to know it, he was a kind old man who simply wanted to do right. He raised her until early childhood, where at 6 years old she watched him slowly grow more ill until death would eventually take him. Unable to stay in Fell's End, which had been her home, she ended up at an orphanage in the nearby city of Androix where she would spend the next year until she was nearly 8 years old.   After multiple failed foster attempts, one young couple finally arrived at the orphanage's doorstep. They had traveled far, from the affluent town of Foux, and were apparently quite well-to-do. Unable to bear another child of their own, Raenys and Damian du Foux immediately set forward to adopt Renfri as their own. Opting to keep her surname as she had known it since birth, the couple instead bestowed upon her a family name--something only the noble class could have. The rest of her upbringing was typical though privileged, however she always found herself feeling like something of an outcast in high-society.   Renfri nevertheless grew close to her new family, especially her elder sister Arienne du Foux who had much the same proclivities as she--always out adventuring, watching craftsmen ply their trade, running about the market square. Atypical from most parents however, Raenys and Damian did very little to discourage them from their interests or markedly 'tomboyish' behavior.  

Growing Up

  As fate would have it, the two sisters would, after receiving a thorough and high-class education, go into trades or careers very much unlike the typical well-to-do lady of Flamelle. Arienne always had a fascination with smithing from a young age, and so she became a journeywoman in the trade almost as soon as she left their academics behind. Renfri, on the other hand, found herself floundering trying to decide what she could do. In many ways, she felt like a square peg trying to fit into a triangular hole. For several years as a young adult, she would take on various odd jobs, nothing ever lasting any more than a few months. That is, until she met Bartholomew Mason.   At the age of 15, having finished her primary schooling and failing to find interest or passion in any of the odd jobs she tried out, she found herself signing onto the Bone Pact, setting in stone the next six years of her life as a pirate. She told her sister and parents at the time that she was to sail as navigator for an affluent merchant. Though they worried for her, they blessed her voyage and allowed her to leave.   Between 16 and 22 years old, she would make a name for herself aboard Bart's Siren's Wail, earning her keep as a pirate. So much so that after 3 years she would buy her own ship and her notoriety would only climb, positioning her as a pirate to be feared--practically dominating vast swaths of the Umbrial Ocean in both the northern and southern hemispheres at different points in time. After 6 years of piracy, and watching her life and values begin to slip after one fateful night, she made the decision to retire from the life as well.   It would be during her final voyage, in which she would make a long stop in the Broken Kingdoms to deliver the last of her cargo. As she departed and headed out into deep waters, Renfri found a stow-away aboard her ship, The Shadow Whisper. Her normal reaction would be to simply throw the wretch overboard, however with her life taking a different turn, and her heart set on trying to redeem herself for all the evils she had done, she stayed her hand in that moment, sparing the stow-away's life. If she herself so deeply desired another chance at doing the right thing and living a better life, why should she deny the same for another? After learning that her new guest's name was Mel O'Die, she would make sail first for Saelgard to sell her ship, which had long since become a legend among pirates. Acquiring a great fortune for the ship, she paid her and Melody's way back home to Flamelle aboard a passenger ship, only after striking her name from the Bone Pact.  

Making Changes

  For the next 15 years, Renfri would dedicate her expertise and passion toward creating a brand new organization from the ground up. The Information Brokers, as they would come to be known, would maintain as much secrecy as possible, rarely if ever getting directly involved in dirty politics or government so as to keep danger away from her doorstep. She would often recruit Melody, who she learned was a skilled mercenary, to fulfil certain contracts for her, and otherwise focus entirely on expanding her influence in secret, right from her hometown of Foux. Much of the information gathered, however, would inadvertently be used to help do good; whether that be to bring corrupt officials or criminals to justice, or to expose evil wherever it may be. She now had eyes and ears all over the country, and Renfri was content to use this for the betterment of the place she called home.   It would only be once The Great Plague began to spread across Flamelle, and knowledge that a terrible cult like organization might be behind the plague's spread, that Renfri's objectives began to change drastically. Teaming up with a party of adventurers hurriedly sent to her by Bart, they would begin to uncover a massive conspiracy that could shake the very foundations of the country itself. Surrounded by allies old and new alike, Renfri would lend her talents and resources to the Heroes of Romaire, enabling them to tackle every challenge the Circle of Aima Axio sent their way, becoming the one team of individuals truly able to throw a wrench into their sinister plans.


Early childhood education until she was around 6 was entirely home schooling from her father. The next year, spent in an orphanage was much the same, though likely to an even lesser degree in quality. Upon being adopted by Raenys and Damian du Foux, Renfri received her formal education at the Women's Academy of Foux, a private school almost entirely attended by the children of nobility in the town. Notably, many of her favorite courses seemed elective, and all focused around nautical themes, navigation, and cartography.


Upon leaving the academy, Renfri took up multiple odd jobs over the next few years:  
  • Barmaid, server
  • Seamstress
  • Nurse's Aide
  • Town Guardswoman
  • Blacksmith's Aide (lasted only a day, despite working with her sister)
  It was only once Bartholomew Mason approached her in a bar Renfri frequented on the lower end of town, that her employment troubles ended and she found a path in life. She told her family that she was to join a merchant vessel and sail the seas, putting her passions for navigation to use. Though her parents especially were worried and perhaps a bit critical, they allowed her to leave with their blessing. Unbeknownst to them, Renfri had already signed the Bone Pact, articles of agreement that she would serve upon Bart's ship as a pirate henceforth.   From 16 until the age of 22, she would sail aboard only two vessels:
  • First as navigator and later as first-mate to Bartholomew Mason aboard his ship The Siren's Wail.
  • Next as captain of her own ship, The Shadow Whisper.
Sailing home and giving up her life as a pirate, for the next 15 years she would work to establish and create a vast information network that spanned across most of Flamelle. Eventually she would call this new clandestine organization the Information Brokers. Poetically, she would recruit many of her own crewmates as agents, saving them from a likely tragic end as a pirate. Bart himself, her previous captain, would eventually join as well, though under certain conditions.

Morality & Philosophy

Renfri is unapologetically pragmatic in many ways, while at the same time sentimental and prone toward rash decisions when it comes to those she emotionally cares for.   Having played both ends of the moral spectrum, Renfri is a complicated individual. Though she has done evil deeds, she strictly abided by a code of ethics instilled in her by Bart. For example, when attacking and capturing a merchant vessel, she would never continue to harm the merchant crew once they had surrendered. She would recruit from the enemy, or give ample chances for them to flee, before resorting to violence. Nevertheless, as a pirate, Renfri stole what didn't rightly belong to her, killed innocents, and plundered for her and her crew's own gain.   Inversely, she has only used the intelligence she has gathered with the Brokers for good, and means well with its business. Her goals are for a more just Flamelle, and to bring corruption to justice one way or another. Her agents resort to violence only if their own lives are at stake, as is part of their contractual agreement. And now, in the present, she is expending every effort toward destroying the Circle of Aima Axio, and bringing The Great Plague to an end, going so far as to aid The Heroes of Romaire every step of the way toward that goal.

Personality Characteristics


Beyond the desire to see her family and comrades safe and successful, Renfri's motivations and desires are typically kept close to her chest. With the creation of the Information Brokers however, and especially once it's main goal shifted from normal intelligence gathering around the time The Great Plague took hold of Flamelle, Renfri's interests shifted as well.   Her two main goals now, toward which Renfri now exhausts every resource she has at her disposal, are:
  • To track down and topple every member of the Circle of Aima Axio; destruction of the cult at all costs.
  • To discover a way to treat or stop the plague in its tracks.


Contacts & Relations

  • Information Broker agents and informants spread throughout the country
  • Most major and influential Guilds throughout the country (including the Thieves Guild)
  • Connections with several Senate officials
  • Newly formed connection to the Lord of Romaire (through actions of the Heroes)

Family Ties

Renfri never knew whoever her biological parents may have been as she was abandoned shortly after birth. Since becoming an adult, she has made no attempt to find out who they were.   Upon being adopted by Raenys and Damian du Foux, she stuck close to her adoptive family for most of her life, up until making the decision at the age of 15 to set sail around the known world for the next 6 years. In many ways, her 'family' expanded to include many of the pirates she sailed with aboard Bartholomew Mason's ship, and her own. Those who left the life and signed off of the Bone Pact would eventually join the Information Brokers to continue serving Renfri as her agents around the country.   As long as she continues to work out of Flamelle, she has kept her adoptive family close by. When Foux was sacked and destroyed by Circle of Aima Axio, she managed to escape the flames alongside her elder sister Arienne. Having lost track of their parents in the mad dash out of the city, they awaited them at Pinewatch. As fate would have it, the two of them also managed to escape among the mass exodus of citizens. The family would become short-time refugees until they arrived in Haven to begin a new life there.


Renfri, despite her noble upbringing, tends to be short and to the point when speaking with others. Unless addressing important contacts or VIPs of some kind, politeness and niceties tend to be cast aside. She often comes off as cold or harsh to those that don't know her, not realizing that her personality is simply more direct and lacks a certain grace or etiquette that many expect from her appearance.    With those she would consider comrades or close friends, she is warm, sarcastic, and considerably more lighthearted. She also tends to use a lot of hand gestures when speaking emotionally or with more emphasis.


Renfri du Foux

Younger sister (Important)

Towards Arienne du Foux



Arienne du Foux

Elder sister (Important)

Towards Renfri du Foux




Renfri and Arienne became siblings when Renfri was 8 years old, adopted from an orphanage in Androix. Though the first month or two was shaky, especially with the two girls as young as they were, they quickly became quite close. Renfri, having never known any possibly biological siblings, regards Arienne as close to blood-kin as possible, and would do anything for her elder sister. The same can be said for Arienne as well, as more than once she has supported and lifted younger sister up during her more turbulent years of adolescence.

Nicknames & Petnames

Most often the two siblings simply call each other by their first names, however once and a while Renfri will call Arienne "Ari" for short, and Arienne will call Renfri "Ren".

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Though the two have walked very different paths in life, the du Foux siblings have many shared interests, including:

  • Fishing and sailing
  • Wilderness trekking
  • Sparring / Fighting
  • Reading
  • Craftsmanship

Shared Secrets

Though Renfri has never spoken of her time as a pirate to her parents, she has shared this secret with her sister. Perhaps as a bit of atonement for the wrongs she has done, Arienne has served as her confidant in this respect, and has encouraged her to do right moving forward.

Bartholomew Mason

Former Captain / Comrade (Important)

Towards Renfri du Foux



Renfri du Foux

Former First-Mate / Comrade (Important)

Towards Bartholomew Mason




Bart and Renfri's relationship goes back at least 22 years. She had met him in a bar at the lower end of Foux as he was recruiting new prospective members for his fleet. Though he rarely would venture away from the coastline towns, Bart figured lakeside might have the right kind of people as well. Their first encounter was mostly transactional--Bart offered her work, which she desperately wanted, and Renfri accepted the proposition, finding that sailing out at see could be an exciting adventure.   As the years continued on, and she served on his ship--first as navigator, then as First-Mate--their relationship slowly changed from superior and subordinate, to comrades and like-minded peers. When Renfri eventually, after years of sailing with Bart, chose to purchase her own ship and start a new crew, he blessed her new voyage and admitted he was ready for retirement anyway.   Since returning to civilization, the two have maintained their close friendship, which Bart actively collaborating with Renfri and her Information Brokers on several occaisions. When the adventuring party that would become The Heroes of Romaire made their mad escape from Haven while under lockdown and quarantine, it was Renfri that Bart suggested the party seek out.   The two of them trust each other to the utmost degree, and hold the other at a very high regard.

Shared Secrets

Renfri knew of Bart's hidden treasure, as well as its rough location within the Gray Veil. She held the secret close to herself until the information had to be revealed to the Heroes of Romaire so that they might rebuild Haven using the vast fortune Bart had amassed.

Chaotic Good
Current Status
Running the Information Brokers in Haven
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Renfri "The Relentless" (during her pirating days)
Date of Birth
14th of Frosttide, 1170 ATC
Year of Birth
1170 ATC 36 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unwanted; cast aside
Fell's End, Flamelle
Parents (Adopting)
Arienne du Foux (Elder sister)
Current Residence
Gray-blue, with hints of hazel
Long dark auburn hair, straight; often tied into a simple braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned; light freckles over her cheeks
5' 7"
130 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Flamellen, Common, Pirates' Cant, Thieves' Cant, Elven

First Appearance

Mark of the Hunt, Session 10  

Campaign Appearances

Mark of the Hunt


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