Tiptown Settlement in Argentii | World Anvil


Despite the barren, natural beauty of the penninsula, Tiptown has not cultivated much in the way of a thriving tourist trade. This is due primarily to the fact that it has maintained its independence from the Ploui and his cronies by virtue of simply executing anyone suspected of spying for the Shadow of the Wing. Thus, the uninvited are not warmly embraced.
— Shiv Moonsong

Home of the Tiptown LTL, the scientists, researchers, and support staff who make their home in Tiptown are resourceful and fiercely determined to fight against the Shadow's domineering presence at every opportunity.


Half of the town is made up of the scientists and bureauctrats of the Tiptown LTL. The other half are their families and support staff (the cafe owner, the bar tender, the workers who maintain the limited entertainment and extensive infrastructure, etc.)


The nature of Theeksfur production and research calls for a great deal of blood, the storage and preservation of which is critical to the health and safety of the population of any LTL facility. The maintainence and repair of all such storage -- as well as everything else at the facilicy -- falls squarely upon the LTL Director's shoulders.

Guilds and Factions

The only faction worth mentioning is the Inter-island Theeksfur Council, which is in charge of every aspect of Tiptown's administration and oversight, through the appointment of a LTL Director who oversees all lab and production operations as well as the infrastructure, education, and overall well-being of the people of the settlement.

Recently, they have brought in Satyan Windblown to aid in a special research project, as well as to aid in his own research on behalf of the United Guild of Scribes, Calligraphers, Illuminators, and Engravers and Shiv Moonsong herself.


Once a thriving port town, it was devastated during the Last Landbound War and left ruined and abandoned for generations. It was not until the Inter-island Theeksfur Council claimed the place and began constructing their continental headquarters and primary research and production facilities amidst the ruins that life returned to the picturesque penninsula.


...is not recommended.


Like the rest of Tilth, Tiptown is an arid desert. Unlike the rest of Tilth, it is mostly barren rock as opposed to dust and sand.

Inhabitant Demonym
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Author's Notes

The images of ruins on this page were generated with help from Bing/DALL-E AI features.

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