Elemental Lords Myth in Argus | World Anvil
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Elemental Lords

Elemental Lords

A brief history

As Elemental Lords, the five beings each had control over a different element and, by extension, various parts of the world. The Fire Elemental, for instance, held sway over volcanoes, deserts, and other hot, dry places. The Ice Elemental had command over oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water, as well as the frigid regions of the world, such as the polar ice caps and tundras. The Air Elemental ruled over the winds and the skies, while the Earth Elemental dominated mountains, forests, and other lands. The Ice Elemental, as the most powerful of the five, controlled the frigid regions of the world, including the polar ice caps and tundras.   Each of the Elemental Lords had their own followers, both mortal and elemental, who pledged allegiance to their respective masters. These followers often engaged in skirmishes and battles with one another, each seeking to expand their lord's power and influence. While there was some degree of cooperation between the lords, especially in matters that threatened the balance of the world, there was also a great deal of tension and competition between them. The Earth and Fire Lords were the ones holding the most territorry, second only to the Ice Lord. But after hundreds of years, the Ice Lord soon took over and eleminated his rivals, or rather sent them back to be reformed in their respective planes as Elemental Lords could never truely die, but would reform a certain amount of years after their defeat.

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