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Magnum Concilium

A council of nations formed during a momentous celebration held in William's Rest in 102 AVF. The purpose of the Council is to address matters that concern the health and safety of all of Arion’s people.   The Council receives petitions from the people where requested and will address those that concern continental safety with grave dedication.  

The Constitution

  All members of the Magnum Concilium subscribe to the following:   We, the representatives of the diverse nations of Arion, in pursuit of unity, collaboration, and shared prosperity, establish this Constitution to guide the Magnum Concilium—a symbol of our collective vision for a harmonious and prosperous future. By joining our strengths, wisdom, and aspirations, we pledge to foster a realm of mutual respect, cooperation, and information sharing that transcends borders and uplifts the spirit of Arion.  

Article I: Purpose and Objectives

  Section 1: Purpose The Magnum Concilium is formed to promote diplomatic relations, cooperation, and information exchange among the nations of Arion, working together for safety and betterment of all.   Section 2: Objectives The objectives of the Magnum Concilium include:  
  • Fostering peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding among member nations.
  • Encouraging collaboration in matters of trade, culture, education, and magic.
  • Facilitating the sharing of knowledge, resources, and expertise for the advancement of Arion.
  • Developing frameworks for addressing common challenges and conflicts.
  • Celebrating and respecting the diverse cultures and traditions of member nations.
  • Gathering information and Coordinating responses to continental threats.

Article II: Membership

  Section 1: Eligibility Any sovereign nation of Arion may apply for membership in the Magnum Concilium, subject to meeting the established criteria and adhering to the principles of this Constitution.   Section 2: Admission Membership admission requires a two-thirds majority vote of the existing member nations. New members shall abide by the principles and obligations outlined in this Constitution.  

Article III: Structure

  Section 1: Assembly The Magnum Concilium shall consist of representatives from each member nation, headed by an elected Chairperson who shall preside over the meetings.   Section 2: Executive Committee An Executive Committee shall be formed, composed of representatives from member nations. This committee shall coordinate and implement the decisions of the Magnum Concilium.  

Article IV: Decision-Making

  Section 1: Voting Decisions within the Magnum Concilium shall be made by consensus whenever possible. In cases of disagreement, a two-thirds majority vote shall be required.   Section 2: Amendments Amendments to this Constitution require a consensus vote of the member nations.  

Article V: Obligations

  Section 1: Collaborative Efforts Member nations shall actively engage in cooperative projects, knowledge-sharing, and initiatives aimed at the advancement of Arion's well-being.  

Article VI: Magic and Environment

  Section 1: Preservation of Magic Member nations shall collaborate to ensure the responsible and ethical use of magic, and martial power, guarding against misuse that may disrupt the balance of Arion.  

Article VII: Ratification

This Constitution shall be ratified by a unanimous vote of the member nations during the inaugural meeting of the Magnum Concilium.  


  Current active member states include:   Individual Members Include:
  • Amihu Varlu
  • Vai Marik
  • Paxton Christanti


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