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William's Rest

William's Rest is a bustling and vibrant town and the seat of the Council of the Magicea Clavis. As the principal settlement of the region, it is home to a population of roughly 10,000 residents, the majority of whom are magically talented. The town is situated on several hills overlooking the shimmering waters of Lake Dulcis, and is surrounded by rolling hills, vineyards and tobacco plantations. Many of the buildings here are crafted of stone or wood, with intricate carvings and delicate embellishments, reflecting the town's rich history and deep connection to the magical arts. At the heart of the town lies the North Ward, home to the most powerful spell masters and nobles, as well as the renowned magical a, where the most gifted students of the art hone their skills and develop their talents. Beyond the North Ward lies the Crests, a bustling neighbourhood where most of the population resides, with multiple taverns and inns catering to visitors from all over the realm. Other districts include East Harbor, the commercial hub of the town and the centre of trade and commerce, and Copper Hill, the bustling artisan quarter and principal market. Outside the town walls lie Shortstair, where the tobacco farmers reside, and the Ridges, a rocky neighbourhood where wine farmers produce some of the finest wines in the region. With its rich history, diverse population, and deep connection to the magical arts, William's Rest is a town unlike any other, offering visitors and residents alike a unique and enchanting experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression.


The Magicea Clavis is ruled by an elder council of three mages. Experts in particular topics may be employed where the council member does not feel comfortable in decision-making. The council is elected from the Spell Masters, or those who have risen to the top of their craft within each school of magic. Elections are only held on the passing of the retirement of a council member, and only those citizens of Magicea Clavis that are of formal rank may cast a vote in this regard.   The Magicea Clavis signed the Pact of Aglos and as such, William's rest enforces Arion Common Law to the letter.


The Ridges: The Ridges is a rugged and rocky neighbourhood situated outside the walls of William’s Rest, overlooking the rolling hills and vineyards that stretch out to the horizon. The homes here are made of rough stone and timber, built into the rocky cliffs and hillsides that define the landscape. Narrow paths and winding roads lead through the neighbourhood, twisting and turning past ancient grape vines and towering oaks. The wine farmers who call this place home are hardworking and proud, with weathered faces and rough hands from years spent tending the vineyards and harvesting the grapes that grow in abundance in the fertile soil. Despite their rough and tumble exterior, however, the people of The Ridges are warm and hospitable, welcoming travellers and visitors alike with open arms and a glass of their finest vintage.   North Ward: The North Ward exudes an air of exclusivity and refinement. Situated atop the hill that overlooks the shimmering Lake Dulcis, this neighbourhood is home to the most powerful and wealthy individuals in the city, including The Spell Masters and nobles. The streets are lined with grand mansions and estates, each more opulent than the last, featuring ornate architecture and lavish gardens. Mages’ homes are decorated with magical lights and enhancements indicating their status. Guards patrol the area, ensuring the safety of its residents and their property. The North Ward is a place where the elite come to socialize, network, and engage in the highest levels of magical discourse. Despite its luxurious reputation, the North Ward is also a place of power struggles and intrigue, where rival factions vie for influence and control. The North Ward hosts both the Headquarters of the Pact of Balance and the Fulcrum Academy, a prestigious school of magic.   The Crests – The Crests is a charming neighbourhood nestled between two rolling hills in the heart of William's Rest, bustling with life and energy. The homes here are built of sturdy stone and timber, with thatched roofs and brightly painted shutters that lend a rustic charm to the surroundings. The streets are cobbled and winding. In the evenings, the neighborhood comes alive with the sound of music and laughter, as visitors and residents alike flock to the numerous taverns and inns that dot the area. Despite the bustling activity and lively nightlife, however, The Crests remains a warm and welcoming community, with friendly locals and a strong sense of community spirit.   East Harbour – East Harbour is a bustling district located on the eastern edge of William's Rest, where the sprawling commercial harbour serves as the trade hub for the city. The streets here are wide and teeming with activity, with wagons and carts constantly moving back and forth, carrying goods of all kinds to and from the harbour. The harbour itself is a bustling hive of activity, with ships of all shapes and sizes bobbing at their moorings. The smells of fish mingle with the aromas of spices, teas, and exotic fruits, creating a heady mix that fills the air. The district is home to a wide array of businesses, ranging from fishmongers and sailmakers to blacksmiths and apothecaries, all catering to the needs of the sailors and traders who pass through the harbour.   Copper Hill – Copper Hill is the vibrant and colourful artisan's quarter where artisans and merchants come together to sell their wares and showcase their skills. The district is named after the copper roofs that adorn many of the buildings, lending the area a warm and inviting glow. The streets are narrow and winding, lined with shops and stalls selling everything from handcrafted jewellery and clothing to pottery and magical supplies. At the centre of Copper Hill lies the market square, a bustling hub of activity where traders from all over the city and beyond come to do business. Here, vendors hawk their wares, musicians play lively tunes, and street performers entertain the crowds.   Shortstair – A humble farmer's settlement located just outside the walls of William's Rest, where the tobacco farmers live and work. The settlement is named for the steep, narrow stairway that leads up the rocky hillside. The homes here are simple, built of wood and stone, with thatched roofs and sturdy shutters to keep out the elements. The air is rich with the earthy scent of the tobacco leaves, as farmers tend to their crops and prepare them for sale in the city markets.   Green Harbour - A picturesque port on the shores of Lake Dulcis, designed exclusively for personal watercraft and leisure activities. The harbour is named for the lush greenery that surrounds it, with tall trees and fragrant flowers lining the shore and casting dappled shadows across the crystal-clear water. The harbour itself is a tranquil oasis, with quiet coves and secluded beaches perfect for swimming, sunbathing, or simply relaxing in the shade of a tree. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or simply looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Green Harbor offers a serene and welcoming retreat.

Points of interest

The Melodic Hollows: A series of underground caverns where the echoes of sounds create a beautiful melody. Many bards and musicians travel to the Melodic Hollows to draw inspiration from the natural music, but some claim that there are strange creatures lurking in the darkness.   Fulcrum Academy - The magical academy in the North Ward is a hub of intellectual activity, where students and professors alike work to advance the study of magic. However, with so much knowledge and power concentrated in one place, the University can also be a breeding ground for jealousy, rivalry, and even dangerous experimentation. The Elemental Fountain can also be found on the Acamedy grounds, said to draw its water from the elemental planes themselves.   The Verdant Emporium - This stunning greenhouse, located in The Crests, is a marvel of magical engineering. Its crystal walls allow sunlight to filter through and nourish the exotic plants within, some of which possess unique and potent magical properties. The Emporium is tended to by a dedicated team of skilled botanists and mages who work tirelessly to cultivate new specimens and unlock the secrets of the natural world.   The Watchers: Flanking the main gate into William’s stand two massive golems. The golems are each over 30 feet tall and resemble fearsome warriors with massive stone shields and swords. They never move from their post and seem impervious to damage, making them formidable protectors of the city. The Watchers have been known to interact with visitors from time to time, asking them interesting questions as they pass through the gates.
Founding Date
75 AVF
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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