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Bridgerton is an architectually unique town located on a small, elevated bridge of land in the center of Lake Cygnus in the Oreion Inquisition. Situated on Oreion's main trade route, the Gold Road, Bridgerton acts a halfway point between the nation's capital of Victorum and its main port city of Berth. Due to this fact, the town has steadily grown in population and wealth over the years, evolving from a simple roadstop into a bustling residential area.
Physically, the town exists all along an elevated bridge of land, with the eastern portion of Lake Cygnus flowing through it in large, cascading waterfalls into the lower, western portion. Expansion, therefore, requires the residents to build downward, carving abodes in wooden structures and the stone of the land itself. Dirty slums make up the bottom portion of the town, where the sick and unwanted of both Bridgerton and Victorum are sent to live out their days in the damp darkness.
The citizens of the town used to be under the jurisdiction of House Cygnus from Olor Castle, though with the House defunct, the people of Bridgerton answer to Victorum directly.
As the Oreion Civil War was raged on, Bridgerton has unfortunately been caught directly in the middle of the two opposing sides, though express their loyalty for the southern army.
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