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Oreion Civil War

"That's the last of the soldiers, your Grace. We'll be calling up the farmers next.   "When this war began, I thought we were fighting for people's freedom. But we're just...fighting."
  Beginning in 1003 3A, the Oreion Inquisition has been embroiled in a brutal civil war for over four years, which has claimed the lives of thousands of the nation's citizens (though no official numbers can be reported, most estimate the overall death toll is approximately 4,000).    The war began with House Darkcorht of Northern Oreion declaring their intention to secede from the greater Inquisition in an open act of rebellion. To send a clear message of their intent to the Oreion crown, the personal Darkcorht army laid siege to the southern town of Carrofield near Oreion's capital of Victorum, burning half of it to the ground. The act has become widely known as the Torching of Carrofield.   Mortified at this attack, House Dawngrasp and House Verdway quickly joined the efforts of the ruling House Mengsk in order to crush Darkcorht's uprising, though some believe their loyalty was born out of fear or wanting to garner favour rather than out of a concern for national stability.   In the north, Darkcohrt was able to secure the support of House Romalla and House Pyke for the northern side, promising to bring about an end to the Inquisition's practice of Indenturement, and a more even distribution of power amongst the great houses.   Since then, Oreion has been locked in conflict between north and south, with thousands of citizens caught in the middle, either having to quickly choose a side or be swept up in the ensuing crossfire. While the south preaches security and stability and the north echoes cries of freedom for all, some in Oreion believe the Civil War is nothing more than another attempt by Oreion nobles to grasp more power and fill their already brimming pockets.   In the south, House Mengsk has provided most of the tactics and strategies for the southern army, with Marshal General Von Kriger having command of the south's forces. House Verdway supplies most of the provisions for the army, while House Dawngrasp contributes the majority of the armies battle ready troops and calvary.   In the north, House Darkcorht serves as the primary tacticians, utilizing their history of political subterfuge and spying to attempt gaining advantages over the enemy. House Romalla has provided much of the manpower and training the northern army requires, with House Pyke attempting to establish naval supremacy with their impressive fleet. Lady Olena Romalla commands the majority of the northern army, though there are concerns that her older age may be affecting her ability to compentently lead on the field.   A year after it began, the war went well for the northern army, with the north garnering much sympathy from outside nations due to their stated goals. Warriors from the northern tundra of Frigus even joined the northern army, dreaming of an Oreion that would be changed to be more accepting of other races.   Presently, the war has taken a dramatic turn. After a failed invasion of the south through the Kingdom of Velant, the northern army has lost most of the Pyke navy, leaving the northern army isolated and severly diminished in terms of manpower and supplies. With southern troops pushing further north every day, most believe it is only a matter of time before the north is forced to surrender, and face the consequences of their rebellion.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
1003 3A


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