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Geulah - The Advocate

"My belief that the corrupt can be redeemed led to a betrayal most foul by one I considered a dear friend. Even so, every soul in Creation should be granted a second chance. Every single one."
  Geulah is the Ancient of Redemption, Temperance and the Sunset. While she was not an Ancient biologically, her power has come to rival that of some of the other Prime Ancients. After Selune was stripped of her aspect by Nex during The Kindling, both Uriel and Geulah were chosen by the denizens of Serenia to take up her mantle in her absence.   Despite both Geulah and Uriel co-adopting the role of Prime Ancient, and a large number of mortals already flocking to their call, the two were somewhat in-experienced and had very different methods and ideals in their roles. During the insane Lightsworn Janus' attack on Serenia in 1007 3A, Uriel was destroyed by Janus, and Geulah held prisoner. Eventually freed by the adventuring group known as the Sanctioned, Geulah was given the chance to become a true Ancient alongside the newly ascended Selune.   Geulah believes that every soul can be redeemed and should be given the chance to do so, and is willing to forgive and redeem the transgressions of her followers. She is not naive, however. She knows first hand that many who are given the chance to redeem themselves will not take it. Perhaps Geulah believes that through her follower's efforts, the Ancients themselves can be redeemed in the eyes of mortals.   Geulah sports a unique injury in the form of a shadowy scar that manifests across different parts of her body. A final parting gift from Janus, who she once was comrades in arms with.  

Divine Domains

Light, Temperance, Redemption, Atonement

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A golden compass against a shining star.

Tenets of Faith

  • Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship.
  • Extend grace, offer second chances. Even to those who do not deserve it.
  • Those who forsake redemption, who revel in slaughter and remorseless evil, must be destroyed.
Lawful Good
Current Location


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