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"Some may question your right to destroy those who recklessly practice magic. Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live." - Inquisitor Hightower   Operating as an elite branch of The Veiled Hand, the Inquisitors of Oreion have existed since its beginning, as decreed by Alexandros Mengsk. While the Inquisition strictly regulates and controls the use of magic within its borders (and sometimes beyond), those chosen as Inquisitors are directly responsible for maintaining this standard, tasked with hunting down any individual who violates Oreion magical law. The Inquisitors have their headquarters in Victorum's Sanctum Inquisitorus.   Ironically, most Inquisitors boast impressive magical capabilties of their own, often conjuring spiritual weapons and using powerful abjuration magic to counteract the arcane prowess of their quarry. This has led to some rumors that many join the ranks of the Inquisitors simply as a means of using magic freely, though these rumors are not often vocalized loudly.   Inquisitors have great authority over many ranks of both The Veiled Hand and The Idyll Keepers, superseding orders and directives when necessary. Besides a vast array of physical tools such as anti-magic collars and transportation necklaces, Inquisitors also enjoy diplomatic immunity in many of the foreign nations their missions may bring them to. As a last resort, many believe that high-ranking Inquisitors also have the means to render a magic-user Tranquil, severing their connection to the Arcane weave of creation permanently. Of course, if this information were true, it would mean such methods would only be used in cases of severe punishment or as a last resort.
Military, Inquisitorial
Ruling Organization


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