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The Hand of Nex

“There is no darkness that my fire cannot pierce, no distance that my hand cannot reach! They will not be able to hide from me!" - Nex    During the final battle of the Eclipse War atop The Dreadspire, Torrin Firragon managed to sever the right hand of the Screaming Tyrant himself. What should have been a victory turned to disaster, as the severed hand gained control of Torrin and slowly turned him into the imposing Lord Remnant  The hand itself serves as an extention of Nex's will, carrying out his goals and ideals even when he and it are realms apart. Able to channel Darkfire on a whim, the hand also greatly enhances the strength and magical ability of the one wielding it, while boasting an impressive magical repertoire of its own. Of course, the hand will inevitably corrupt whoever possess it, making them aligned with whatever machinations the Screaming Tyrant has planned.    Its current location is somewhat unknown, as Eclipse took it into her custody once Nex had been banished by The Companions at the close of the Battle of the New Dawn.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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