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The Ravagers

"That's how our world has always worked. If you want something bad enough, you take it. And if it's something worth keeping, you can be damned sure you'll have to fight for it." - Alec Riker   A mercenary guild for hire operating out of the Crescent Empire , the Ravagers are comprised of sellswords who pride themselves on getting a job done, no questions asked. They are renowned across Western Arkos for both their skill in battle and ruthlessness in business.   On the Broken Coast, BattleMaster Riker gathered many unhappy sailors, smugglers, and mercenaries together to form his own mercenary company. Their name, customs, and motto written in dwarfish (for blood and glory) stem from one of the earliest nations of the second age. The early ravagers were made up of a conglomerate of races from continent coasts that sailed across Arkos pillaging and battling those they deemed weaker than them, which was usually most people. Oftentimes, instead of outright killing their victims, the ravagers would take a limb from an individual, as a reminder of their defeat. As self proclaimed BattleMaster, Riker uses this same practice on his own mercs, taking a limb as recompense for a botched job.   Another practice Riker implemented was the act known as Monomachia. It was used by the early ravagers and tribes of Frigus to confront another member, demanding their position, wealth, and honor in single combat. What followed was usually a fight to the death, with no magic involved. Initially, there were many individuals both in and outside the Ravagers that challenged Riker for the position of BattleMaster, but none succeeded (officially). Stemming from these Monomachias are many rumors that Riker does not even bleed, implying he cannot be killed. Currently, the Cove which the Ravagers operate out of in the Crescent Bay holds a fair amount of autonomy within the Empire. Occasional free services to the crown and steady payments towards the capital keeps the Empire and Ravagers on reasonable terms.   Ever since Riker's mysterious dissapearance and supposed sighting during the Battle of the New Dawn in 1006 3A, the Ravagers have been under the leadership of Battlemaster Sonya, an Orcs lieutanent previously under Alec. While still taking mecernary contracts, the Ravagers have spent the majority of their time and manpower assisting with the relief and rebuilding efforts taking place across the Crescent Empire.

For blood and glory

Founding Date
989 3A
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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