Amberhold Settlement in Arus | World Anvil


Amberhold is a large fortified city on the edge of Aprya's borders. Gaurding the boundry between it's Kingdom and the Kingdom of Shadowsilk. Pulling it's stones from a reddish sandstone quarry nearby gave the city it's distinct color and name. The walls and most of the buildings. The crest of the city being a resting bull in the colors of red and gold. The colors coming from the red of the stone and the gold from the golden symbols of the Guild of Legendhood.


Amberhold is run by the guild and the Guild Leader, Titus Lement. Like most major cities in Aprya, the Guild of Legendhood runs the country with it's multiple guild halls. Each guild hall has a guild leader, that answers to the Guild Master in the Capital. They monitor a lot of the city's military by filling them with their guild members. Amberhold's military is made up of 80% Guild Members and 20% citizens of the city.
  There is no tax in the city due to the fact that the Guild received continuous donations from the people. The Guild provides a lot of benefits to the city and the people are more than happy to offer whatever they have to spare. Citizens also are the main suppliers of jobs in the city. From escorts to tutors, many Guild members can find work other than the usual defense and attack jobs are filled throughout Arus. This brings many Guild members work though out the city, since the trust in the Guild is so large that many employers have come to understand that the "best" work comes from Guild hands. So you'll find that a lot of general shops have at least a guild member or two helping among the staff.
  Many shops in the area are also funded by the Guild to boost the economy. Items brought back by adventures are sold in shops which are then usually bought by other adventures or directly bought from the guild to be exchanged elsewhere. Many shops also offer discounts to adventures that are also Guild members for this reason. Shops that hire Guild members also do this for security. Shoplifting is almost nonexistent due to this fact since most are too threatened to go toe to toe with a seasoned adventurer, let alone more than one.


Amberhold is known for having some of the thickest and tallest walls in the Kingdom of Aprya. Made of a super dense sandstone that comes from deep in the ground that Amberhold stands on. In order to build the city, a lot of the geography had to be changed. Geomancers helped turn all the stone that was found into buildings, roads, waterways, and most importantly the walls that surround the city.
The walls are thick enough to pull small carriages across and march soldiers across with ease. Heavy artillery marks each section of the wall. Most being ballista for picking off big targets. Most of these weapons are used for fending off monsters not armies but if the time calls for it, the walls can be fitted for trebuchets.
Most of the cities guards stroll the walls since there is no real need for them on the streets in an adventuring town. A lot of guild members take up residence in Amberhold due to the resourses around the city. And adventures come for better items and good work. Most take on security work for that's where their skills rest. In not dying.

Industry & Trade

Stores Workshop Library Leyline Bullet Resources

Guilds and Factions

Legendhood Guild

The Legendhood Guild is World wide and each major city has at least a Guild Hall. They help keep a balance and peace amoung the major countries of the world. The main goal of the Legendhood Guild, like the name applies, is to achieve Legendhood. A state of maturity in your Legendhood Seed that unlocks a boon of intense power. The Guild was founded in Aprya by a man called Hercules. The same man who founded the country of Aprya.
Many adventures join the Legendhood Guild due to the fact that it is so Global. Many benefits are provided to those that join like free lodging and food in most taverns and all Guild Halls. The guild also provides regular work to their members, that usually helps the communities needs. Due to this the guild holds a lot of positive reputations to the simple townsfolk around them. The Guild can also provide passage into restricted sections that most other adventurers are not allowed to enter, based off of only the reputation of being a Guild Member. Many who join the Guild don't reach the heights of Legendhood cause the job gets too dangerous and either call it quits or die on the job. Those that do, become in high demand. The fact that so little achieve the title is a high insentive for others to try and reach that lofty point.

Monster Slayers Guild

The Moster Slayers Guild is the next in line when it comes to employing Adventures. It's core tennant is killing monsters and bringing back the proof. Many of the adventurers that have been unable to awaken their seeds are taken in by this guild. Many trying to find the point that defines their character. Some do and some don't. While their jobs are more weighted towards killing things, it is unlikely that any other job will be displayed on it's job board.

Thieves Guild




Craftsmen Guild


Merchents Guild


Researchers Guild

Alternative Name(s)
The Amber Walled City
Large city
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)


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