The Holy Kingdom


The Golden Knights

The Golden Knights are the Military force of The Holy Kingdom. They are made up of mainly Paladins, Fighters, and the like. The Captain of The Golden Knights holds a seat within the Guardian Council. Their ranks have a few nobility among their ranks but a large amount of their numbers are orphaned children that have been taken in by the order. Many of the Knights grow up with the feeling that The Golden Knights are a family. To the point that they call each other brothers and sisters not from a holy prospective but as true sibling bonds. Most of the leaders are Noblemen as Orphans usually are not placed in positions of power. Unless they have completed achievements that were so impressive it raised their rank among the Order.
Their Order holds the divine duty of blessing the world and keeping the evils of other planes from ruining the natural balance. Many knights receive prophetic visions of duties they need to complete from the Gods, and leave the Kingdom to go on missions to complete them. Many times a team is taken out with them although solo crusades were not unheard of.

The Celestial Scholars

The Celestial Scholars are the Kingdom's studiers of magic. Mainly the study of Divination and Angelic Scribing are the studies that most of the wizards partake in. But all the scholars study the Celestial Bodies in the sky. Many use them to write prophecies that are stored within the Vault of Foretold Knowledge. The Diviner is the leader of the Celestial Scholars and holds a seat on The Guardian Council. Her prophecies have all come with 100% accuracy. Many take tutorage under when looking for the ability to view the tapestry. The Diviner is also the only one who knows how to open the Vault of Foretold Knowledge. Many divine sorcerers make their way to The Holy Kingdom for training in their unknown powers.
The Halls of Celestial Divining is the school that is run by the Celestial Scholars. They house the largest telescope in all of Arus with one of the most advanced observatory. They gather all the information they can on the celestial bodies and store it hear. They have the most extensive star map due to all this knowledge. They work closely with the clergy to make potions and healing salves. Their alchemist are know for celestial potions that have different effect based on what celestial configuration was in the sky the night it was made. These potions don't leave the grounds of The Holy Kingdom unless it is on the belts of a Citizen. The secrets of brewing the potions never leave the Halls and can't be made anywhere else.

The Divine Clergy

The Divine Clergy are a holy order of Cleric, Druids, Monks and Warlocks. They work in the study of divine text and scripture. Giving reverence and devotion to the Gods that watch over their homeland. They hold an entire district of the Kingdom called The Temple District. Covering every inch are temples circling around a park with a pagoda in the center. Gods being known for coming down and making visits to those visiting the temple district. Many gods with similar dominion share temples instead of making multiple similar structures and taking up more land. The Head Priest of the Solstice Church is the leader of the Clergy and has a seat on the Guardian Council.
The Clergy takes in any orphan that poses magical talent or a strong connection to a god or goddess. They teach them the basic of the doctorine where their power comes from. Many chose to stay with the churches that raise them but others head over to the Halls to finish their studies. When the children come to age of 16 they pledge themselves to a god or principle. It's not unheard of for when a child truely turns 16 years old a god or goddess would decend into the pagoda and ask for the child by name. On rare occasions more than one will decend with offers in exchange for the childs devotion. These children usually end up in important seats later in their lives.


Many of the citizen believe that the Holy Kingdom is the closest place to the gods. So they built a city around it to be closer to those they followed. A city that stood above a sea of clouds. Eventually so many believers started to gather to this place that it eventually did become a home to the gods. Divine magic so strong that the gods would have no issue crossing the planes to meet their subjects. Due to this close relationship with divine entities the people of The Holy Kingdom became divinely touched. This has lead to the people believing that they were chosen by the gods and given strong faith to their leaders. Blasphemy against the gods is punishable with a quick death.

Public Agenda

The Holy Kingdom has only a few simple goals. Spreading the words of the gods and bringing the devoted back to the land of the gods. The study of the celestial bodies and their effects on Arus. Finally keeping the balance of the world from extra planar threats. These are the only goals of The Holy Kingdom.


The Holy Kingdom holds all the Divine Religions within it's walls.


Many of The Holy Kingdom's laws follow the rules of the World Wide Treaty. Crimes like Murder, Rape, Theft and the like are considered illegal. But with their divine beliefs add rules to their kingdom.
1. Raising the dead into Undead is strictly forbidden.
2. Enchantment magic is direct opposition to free will and is illegal on innocent people and heavily fined if used in general.
3. Blasphemy against the Gods is punishable by death.
4. The Knowledge of The Holy Kingdom does not leave it's walls. Sharing information to non-citizens about The Holy Kingdom is an act of treason and can be punished with death.


Everyone in The Holy Kingdom has a form of worship in one way or another. But they are all similar in practice. Everyone takes time out of their day to make their way to the temple district to give thanks to any number of gods that they feel like thanking. How they show their thanks is different for everyone. Some chose to bring the god or goddess's favorite food, while others offer a portion of their magic each day for their god. A common practice is to leave money. While the gods have no need for such things, it helps pay the staff and cleric of the temples they serve. In this the gods find pleasure with money.

The Gods guidance has lead all to here.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
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