

The Founders Council

The Founders Council is made up of the first five Warforged to set their stakes down and started making a city revolving around the development and improvement of science and technology. Each one takes care and control over one of the cities main districts.


Helical is the richest city in Arus. With their technilogical advancements thier isn't a recouse that isn't under their thumb in one way or another. Such a city would need access to countless recourses to keep it running. Their advancement led them to creating wonderous vechiles of transportation. Allowing them the ability to transport the resourse needed for their ever growing city. It also one of the leading cities in magical item development. Second only to the high elven captial. But what the high elven captial has in magical items, Helical makes up in quality. Some of the best items that can be crafted, is crafted in Helical. From Ethersteel forged in the Ley Lines to arcane thread weaved from the magic in the air.


How It Started

The city was first just a small settlement where five Warforged left their grueling lives of servitude to make a home for themselves. A place where they can build what they want and take as long as they needed to. After a little while others came to their town looking for the same freedom that they provided. Mostly other Warforged that were looking to break out of the molds that they were made for. As more and more people joined their establishment rules had to be made and someone had to be chosen to make those rules and decide the punishments for those who broke them. No really decision had to be made as the people had long decided to follow the five elders. Together they ruled over the city as whole, while each one worked to dedicate their focus over one district.

The Districts Form

The districts became made to lighten the load for each of the Elders. The first district was given rule to Stricken. The first Warforged the encouraged the others to leave and settle. His district sits in the middle of the city and is known as the Generator District. Stricken always had a strength in controlling the weather and his seed gave him the ability to call stronger storms than others. The Generator District is known for always having a thundering storm hanging over it and a white pillar of dancing electricity striking down to the hundreds of lightning rods that covers every building top. Because of this the whole city is able to be powered and is what lead it to masterful technological advancements.
  The second district was the Craftsman District lead by Stricken's right hand friend Hammerstrike. Forges and crafting areas started to form around each other as similar minded people began working on task together in the same area. After a while guilds of their own began to form as people focused of certain technologies that peaked their interest. Eventually some dwarfs would call this place their home and build an artificial volcano for the forges and metal work areas. This district sits on the east side of the city
  The third district was the Researchers District. Ran by Thought, a Warforged that had spent his time once organizing the libraries of other countries. Having read the books from all over the world led to him writing one of the worlds largest libraries. Taking up most of the northern district. Each building dedicated to some kind of information. Thought is still working to this day writing down the knowledge he gained in the hundred of years of working being one of the oldest of the elders. Ever expanding the Research district. All knowledge is open to their citizens. Thought, being the one to ban the obstruction of knowledge in Helical.
  The fourth district was the Enchanting District. For a while this district was a part of the Craftsman District until the demand for enchantments for day to day needs become a high request of the towns people. With the help of both the Craftsman and Research Districts, enchantments became a powerful tool used in all day to day life. The warforged that took the seat of leadership here was the youngest of the Elders. Her name was Alice and had a delicate shell of china. The southern district became a place of automatons and homunculus that run on runescripts instead of their creators magic and energy. Following the discovery on a ley line near the Craftsman's Volcano, the enchantment district wrote the runes that would enable them to tap into that pure energy line and harness it in the kingdom creating a dome of regenerable magic. Spells that would normally have a limit became fueled by the magic rich air and would last till the caster stopped it. Becoming the main area for the control of the Ley lines many scholars of magic came flooding to their city looking for a way to tap into this power themselves.
  The final district was the Housing District. Ran by H.O.M.E. A warforged know for her organization skills and her ability to deal with disputes among others. The peacekeeper among her people helps with her leadership over the homes of her citizens. Having so much going on in this insane city made it hard for those who needed sleep in the Never Silent City. With the help of the Enchanting District a dome of silence was erected over this district. The dome allowing sound inside but blocking sound from passing through the dome. A finally quiet place led for shops and homes to feel comfortable once again. Travelers spent most of their time here so it also then became places where inn opened and provided for wherry customers.

A Booming Metropolis.

Over a hundred years pass and the small town it had once started as exploded into a massive city that harbored the worlds greatest minds. Their willingness to welcome all those who searched for knowledge formed great political ties with the other counties of the world. Quickly becoming independent and gaining support from all countries caused it's wealth to rocket into the richest city in Arus. With all this income Helical became a very comfortable place to live. Having the money to bring resources to themselves lead to another explosion technological advancements. Harnessing the power from the Generator District led to advancements in the power of electricity. Combine that with the power of steam and magma launched the city from one of fantasy to one of steampunk. Machines where made to work metal and turn massive gears.

A World Changing Creation

After about another 100 years of well funding and technological advancements lead to the creation of the Ley Line Bullet. A massive project undertook by all of the districts. A train the had the power to plunge itself into the roaring stream of the Ley Lines that wrapped around the world. Traveling a large number of miles in a single second it became the fastest mode of large scale transportation. From goods to hundreds of people the Ley Line Bullet knocked the transportation industry on it's side. Each country wanted a station as close to their capital as the Ley Lines would provide. No matter where the station was though it would remain in the power of Helical. So the transporting of armies using this system was illegal. Helical refused to let their technology fall into the hands of war knowing that the damage it could cause would be irreparable. Becoming a neutral power. Due to this all counties formed treaties that would exclude Helical from any future war knowing that dragging a place like this into a war would end in all of their downfall.

Present Day

In the present day of Helical, it still remains a neutral power. Further advancements have pulled the fantasy/steampunk aesthetic of the city to more of a retro/steampunk. Cleaner robotics and advanced magic items cover every inch. Fancy clothes covers their citizens as the make their way to finish their work. The streets filled with self moving carts and vehicles. The air spotted with airships moving items and people between the districts. The Elders are still the founders of Helical and watch over their city with diligence. Except for Thought and Stricken, they can be seen walking the roads of their districts checking on their citizen and keeping the peace.


Helical does not have a state religion but many believers harbor themselves here. Those who follow gods/goddesses of knowledge, magic, engineering, and forging flock to Helical considering it a promised land.

Agriculture & Industry

Dwarfven Magma Forge
Ley Line Forge
Massive electical plant
One of Arus's largest library
Echantment Halls
Craftsman Guilds

Trade & Transport

Open trade with all counties


Ley Line Bullet
Self-driving Carts
Teleportation Circles


Helical has an open education system that allows any of those who persue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Contract formed by Thought, magically binds those that read his texts from using this information against either Helical or towards mass voilence. Thought believed that knowledge should be free for all and that the hiding of knowledge is what led to wars. He believed that open knowledge has tendincies to better those around them rather than harm. It is the obstruction of knowledge that leads to envy and greed, and that is what leads to wars. After taking command over the Research District he open a school in the center of it for those to gain access to his knowledge and work towards bettering Helical.

Where metal excels

Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Ugly Duckling City, The City that Never Sleeps
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Rules are written by The Founders Council. Except for a few needed changes with it's expansion it has had the same rules since it's founding.
Judicial Body
Unless the problem is larger than one district. Ruling and punishment are to be determined by the District Representative. If the problem is larger than can be dealt with by a singular representative, then the council is called to declare their ruling.
Executive Body
The is no real need for an excutive body due to the fact that the people of Helical keep each other in check. There are basic guards but for the most part peace is well kept in Helical.
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