Kingdom of Aprya Organization in Arus | World Anvil

Kingdom of Aprya


The main power in the Kingdom is the Legendhood Guild. A powerful faction of strong individuals and elite parties. The capital city of Aprya serves as the Headquarters for the Guild and the central hub of logistics. The Guild Master rests at the top of the Guild's hierarchy and has the final say of all the guild's decisions.
  Under them is the Council of Eight. Made up of the top Guild leaders from the different Guild Halls, they serve the guild master by bringing information and advice while ruling over the guilds outside of Aprya's lands. Each Council Member is from each country that signed the Legendhood Peace Treaty being, Algorim, Woodstock, Shadowsilk, Fenrirsia, Ironhold, UON, The Holy Kingdom, and Helical.
  Aprya also has a few Guild leaders in some of the other branches of the Kingdom. They are the Guild Leaders of Amberhold, and Crestwatch. They report directly to the Guild Master and defend the country's borders. The only other ones with power equal to them are the Council of Eight.


The Kingdom of Aprya have a strong belief in those that are able to achieve Legendhood. Almost to the point of faith. The countries hold those that are able to awaken Legendhood Seeds in high regard, and grants those that do special privileges and citizenship should they want it. These are granted for life and will never be revoked. Those that show the want to walk down the path to Legendhood are given the chance to try for the Legendhood Guild. If one succeeds in joining the Guild, they gain basically the same rights and respect as nobility in the Kingdom of Aprya.
  Guild Members have a responsibility to respond to any call of action that the Guild requires. Since the Guild is also the country's army, many other countries avoid war due to the fact that their best warriors will most likely join the side of the enemy if they did. So Aprya has had peace since it's founding, the only war they participated in leading to its founding. Many leaving countries that are fighting wars to the safety of Aprya turning it into a massive mixing pot.
  With many fleeing their homes for the safety of Aprya, the Kingdom's culture becomes a blind blend of tradition and practices. Between temples and schools, Aprya started to develop faster than any country before. As the Kingdom of Aprya developed further and further, interest in living there also increased as more and more people came to Aprya to settle and increase their strength as the Guild goal and reputation became common knowledge.
  Now the Kingdom is one of the most inhabited and developed kingdoms in all of Arus. Each town and city full of talent as more and more of the Legendhood gave birth to a stronger and more knowledgeable generation.


The Kingdom of Aprya was founded by a Legendhood known as Hercules. A mighty barbarian of a man known to hold a greatsword in each hand. One coated in flame and the other dripping fog of ice. After he found others like himself, he taught them how to advance their seed. Those people chose to join him and follow in his guidance. After a little while a small city began to form.
  The problem with that was, the city known as Hercules after its founder, was stuck between four kingdoms. The Kingdoms of Woodstock, Fenrisia, Shadowsilk, Ironhold. As the city grew in power, it became a possible threat to these powers. Being caught in the middle of a turf war and surrounded on all edges they were landlocked and supplies had stopped being sent to them.
  This is when Hercules took on a more aggressive role in taking back land and demanding respect for him and his people. It was shortly after this that the world was turned on its side from the might of an army of Legendhoods. For each Legendhood alone could take on 10 men. Let alone the damages caused by Hercules and his generals. Those people had become monsters. Able to take on whole platoons by themselves and their names were only spoken in the nightmares of their enemies. A few of their battles won by their presence being there alone.
  After ten years of wars and winning by landslides the Counties surrounding Hercules gave up and each gave some of their land as a sign of peace and future alliances. The Treaty being called The Legendhood Peace Treaty. Having seen the might of Aprya other Kingdoms joined in the signing hoping to earn favor with the new budding Kingdom. Thus the Kingdom of Aprya was formed. Hercules named his new kingdom after his wife and unlike other kingdoms let the borders be open to all with good intent. He formed the guild to help let all the new citizens and refugees have a place to feel safe so that their seeds could grow and flourish.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Land of Legends
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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