Kingdom of Woodstock


The Kingdom of Woodstock spends their time safe guarding the Enchanted forest from the outside world. For the Wood Elves, the land is the Eden of this planet. Animals and plants that have never been seen found in the depths of this forest and every animal and plant known outside the forest can be found in it's depths. Many believe the Enchanted forest has a way of making and maintaining these animals and plants but none have claimed what this source is.
The Enchanted forest is also home to many races like the Eladrin elves that live in this forest and are almost considered sacred among the people of Woodstock. Their connection to the forest and ability to navigate the deadly mazes of trees and animals. Their connection to nature being the greatest that race has achieved. Closely followed by the Firbolgs. The Firbolg tribes gather in the Enchanted Forest as being there provides the greatest connection to Nature unseen anywhere else. Many druid circles harbor a sacred location among the maze of trees and wildlife. Due to this sudden bloom of people wanting to live in the forest.
  Once a year, the world tree at the center of the forests bears pollen. This pollen is needed for Wood and Eladrin Elves to become fertile. Their desire and need to become close to nature had caused their gentics to rely on it. World trees grow in places of rich magic and strong fertile land. But can become easily poisoned if toxicity flows. In order for their people to thrive they needed to build their homes and cities under these trees. But live such lives that they could not with the land itself. Becoming gaurdians of these forests and protectors of nature. Causing this change in attutude they turned against the other races that didn't share their ideals.
  Many elves of other races for the most part banned from the Kingdom of Woodstock due to disagreements about how the Enchanted Forest was used. The Drow wanted it distroyed, High Elves wanted it striped and studied, and the Wood and Eladrin wanted it protected and untouched. The dependancy on the world tree's pollen made them even more protective of the forest. Without it now the two races would die out eventually being unable to bare children.

Public Agenda

The Kingdom is known for it's guardianship of the Enchanted Forest. Due to there being a lot of want and greed towards the forest, the Kingdom closed it's borders to the outside world. Having strong prejudice against outsiders. Outsiders bring danger to the tree and their lives. Very few people outside the Kingdoms know of their significant weakness due to the threat of being wiped out. In order to enter the Kingdom one must go through an extensive screening and willingly give in to and Elixir of Truth interview to make sure there is no ill intent towards the Kingdom or it's people. Afterwards you gain a Watcher. A magical wooden golem made to supervise and enforce the rules of the visit. Most small towns or villages don't have the luxury to afford golems so guards are usually made to watch groups of travelers. Most big city's have traveling residence for foreigners. A small place that usually house an inn and a few small shops. Made for keeping guard of larger groups easier. Entry into the enchanted forest is forbidden to all of those not members of the guild or royal party.



In order to live by the land but never taking from it, has given them the knowledge in growing their homes and furniture. They have never cut down any of the natural trees that have grown in the forest. Instead they grow their trees by cutting the trunks and weaving it as it grows and thickens into walls and bridges. Using the same kind of trees they make their furniture by weaving the branches then removing them when they would dry out in the winter. Their woodworking is known across the world as being unnaturally strong and long lasting. Many noble households bought their furniture from Woodstock as a show of wealth and connection. Druids are considered highly valuable in each village and usually take a seat in office of some kind.

Exotic Food

They own a monopoly on exotic foods as well. Many of the things only found in the Enchanted Forest can only be sold by the Kingdom of Woodstock. Whether it is rare fruits and veg or animals that have never been seen anywhere else. If it can be found in the world the Kingdom of Woodstoke has it in spades. Having what is considered an endless source of food has raised aggression with other countries. Especially those banned from lands and those that suffered from famine.


Taught by the People

The Kingdom of Woodstock never built a place of learning or knowledge. More of a system that one would teach another their knowledge to allow a better life for all. Meathods of care taught through tradition and training. Each task and job as important as the other. And the children where raised knowing this. Each person takes a spot in a job that needs to be done without complaining and with gratitude. Most of the races tend to live long lives so most people rotate and do every job for at least one year.

Picking a Job

When a child comes of age they take on trainings. They spend a year apprenticing under masters in diffent crafts and jobs. After five years they reflect on the training they have done and gets to chose what the next five years of training they want to do. Something that they can focus towards or more random jobs to find their interest. Many like taking on multiple jobs and rotate between them to keep interest in their work. Masters of a trade have been doing that job for over 50 years consecutivly. By reaching this rank they can take on apprentices and teach the next generation.

The Keepers of Tradition

The Keepers of Tradition are scholars that focus on logging the events and traditions of the Kingdom of Woodstock. They also keep track of all the countries documents. From production records to court files, they keep track of everything. Such an incredibly invasive job can only be given to those with the most trust among the people. In order to join the Keepers, one must have a signed letter of recommendation from ten other Keepers of Tradition. They must recieve a majority vote from the people to be granted full access to the records. One can not become a Keeper without the people trust.

The land provides what we return to it.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Enchanted Kingdom, Woodlock,
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
  • Exotic Fruits and Vegtables
  • Rare Animal Hide
  • Unique Colors for Dyes
  • Masterwork Woodwork
  • Building Houses Out of Trees
  • Magical Weapons and Rare Components
Official State Religion
Related Species


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